Controversial Books for Leaky37

This page shows the most "controversial" books in this library, as measured by the highest standard deviation of members' star ratings.

Standard Deviation Avaliação média Your Rating Título
1.301 3.71 A Revolta de Atlas de Ayn Rand
1.266 3.47 The Virtue of Selfishness de Ayn Rand
1.237 3.26 Who Moved My Cheese? de Spencer Johnson
1.213 3.55 O Alquimista de Paulo Coelho
1.186 3.59 Jonathan Livingston Seagull de Richard Bach
1.177 3.56 Lord Foul's Bane de Stephen R. Donaldson
1.167 3.49 Vampire$ de John Steakley
1.152 3.59 Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide: Roleplaying Game Core Rules, 4th Edition de James Wyatt
1.145 3.21 Grunts! de Mary Gentle
1.14 3.99 A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose de Eckhart Tolle
1.139 3.91 The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment de Eckhart Tolle
1.137 3.66 Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta de Doris Lessing
1.123 3.53 The Women's War de Jenna Glass
1.123 3.8 Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life de Byron Katie
1.122 3.57 Anthem de Ayn Rand
1.113 3.29 The Bear de Claire Cameron
1.112 3.35 Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook (4th Edition) de Rob Heinsoo
1.11 3.81 Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives de Brian L. Weiss
1.108 3.75 The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom de Miguel Ruiz
1.106 4.17 How Children Fail de John Holt
1.099 3.84 The Stone Angel de Margaret Laurence
1.097 4.01 Little, Big de John Crowley
1.093 3.88 Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness 25th Anniversary Edition de Robert K. Greenleaf
1.086 3.53 Encounter with Tiber de Buzz Aldrin
1.084 4.26 The Book of the New Sun de Gene Wolfe
1.075 3.86 The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal de Jim Loehr
1.068 3.4 Pirates and Emperors, Old and New: International Terrorism in the Real World de Noam Chomsky
1.061 3.75 Gardens of the Moon de Steven Erikson
1.061 2.87 A Song of Stone de Iain Banks
1.054 3.82 She's Come Undone de Wally Lamb
1.044 3.68 A Cavern of Black Ice de J. V. Jones
1.044 3.63 The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time de Jeffrey D. Sachs
1.034 3.91 Fall on Your Knees de Ann-Marie MacDonald
1.033 3.54 Future Shock de Alvin Toffler
1.031 3.99 The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity de Julia Cameron
1.029 3.81 The Black Company de Glen Cook
1.029 3.47 Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual: Roleplaying Game Core Rules, 4th Edition de Mike Mearls
1.025 3.47 The Demon Awakens de R. A. Salvatore
1.019 3.9 Stand on Zanzibar de John Brunner
1.018 3.92 A Theory of Fun for Game Design de Raph Koster
1.018 3.91 Neuromancer de William Gibson
1.018 4 Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained de John Milton
1.01 3.95 Dragon Prince de Melanie Rawn
1.009 3.96 The Mageborn Traitor de Melanie Rawn
1.008 3.42 2312 de Kim Stanley Robinson
1.007 4.1 Catch-22 de Joseph Heller
1.007 3.78 The Ministry for the Future de Kim Stanley Robinson
1.006 3.89 City of Golden Shadow de Tad Williams
1.003 3.63 Brave New World Revisited de Aldous Huxley
0.999 3.74 To Your Scattered Bodies Go de Philip José Farmer
0.999 3.9 Life of Pi de Yann Martel
0.996 3.42 To the Vanishing Point de Alan Dean Foster
0.996 3.64 The Demon Apostle de R. A. Salvatore
0.995 3.68 The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing de Marie Kondo
0.995 3.96 Song in the Silence de Elizabeth Kerner
0.995 3.31 The Sword de Deborah Chester
0.994 3.73 Developing the Leader within You de John C. Maxwell
0.993 3.75 The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything de Stephen M. R. Covey
0.991 3.87 Como Chegar ao Sim: Como negociar acordos sem fazer concessões de Roger Fisher
0.991 3.58 The Cipher de Diana Pharaoh Francis
0.989 3.56 Bearing an Hourglass de Piers Anthony
0.983 3.58 Are You the One for Me?: Knowing Who's Right and Avoiding Who's Wrong de Barbara De Angelis
0.982 3.77 Creative Dreaming de Patricia Garfield
0.981 3.72 Exodus de Julie Bertagna
0.98 3.87 The Wreckage de Michael Crummey
0.98 3.83 On a Pale Horse de Piers Anthony
0.979 3.39 Orr: My Story de Bobby Orr
0.979 3.96 Legend de David Gemmell
0.977 4.23 The Fionavar Tapestry 1. The Summer Tree 2. The Wandering Fire 3. The Darkest Road de Guy Gavriel Kay
0.975 3.29 Forging the Darksword de Margaret Weis
0.975 3.74 White Teeth de Zadie Smith
0.973 4.13 Pedagogy of the Oppressed de Paulo Freire
0.972 3.74 The Windup Girl de Paolo Bacigalupi
0.972 3.92 Stronghold de Melanie Rawn
0.971 3.77 Passage de Connie Willis
0.971 3.19 Celestis de Paul Park
0.97 3.82 Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health de Laurie Garrett
0.967 3.56 Rainbows End de Vernor Vinge
0.963 3.97 Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't de Jim Collins
0.962 3.7 Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ de Daniel Goleman
0.962 3.68 Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self-Deception de Daniel Goleman
0.962 4.12 The Gormenghast Trilogy de Mervyn Peake
0.962 3.46 The Parsifal Mosaic de Robert Ludlum
0.962 3.32 Playing With Fire de Theoren Fleury
0.961 3.62 Iron Council de China Miéville
0.96 3.59 With a Tangled Skein de Piers Anthony
0.959 3.23 Picnic on Paradise de Joanna Russ
0.959 3.78 Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence de Daniel Goleman
0.959 3.67 Packaging Girlhood: Rescuing Our Daughters from Marketers' Schemes de Sharon Lamb
0.957 3.69 Aniquilação (Comando Sul Livro 1) de Jeff VanderMeer
0.957 3.83 The Five Love Languages of Children de Gary Chapman
0.957 3.8 The Eyes of the Dragon de Stephen King
0.955 3.98 To Have or to Be? de Erich Fromm
0.954 3.73 Us Conductors de Sean Michaels
0.953 3.93 A Canticle for Leibowitz de Walter M. Miller Jr.
0.951 3.85 This Perfect Day de Ira Levin
0.951 3.5 NW de Zadie Smith
0.951 4.04 Perdido Street Station de China Miéville
0.95 4.09 The Ruins of Ambrai de Melanie Rawn
0.95 3.67 Sahara de Clive Cussler
0.949 3.51 Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition de Paul Watson
0.949 3.6 The Constant Gardener de John le Carré
0.949 3.58 Kraken de China Miéville
0.949 4.14 The Sparrow de Mary Doria Russell
0.947 3.75 Dragon Wing de Margaret Weis
0.947 3.18 The Lost Swords: The First Triad de Fred Saberhagen
0.947 3.83 Tehanu de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.946 3.71 Consider Phlebas de Iain M. Banks
0.945 3.62 The Book of Lost Tales, Part One de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.944 4.06 Skybowl de Melanie Rawn
0.944 4.12 Swan Song de Robert R. McCammon
0.944 3.26 Bellevue Square de Michael Redhill
0.942 3.99 Foundation de Isaac Asimov
0.942 4.07 A Bussola De Ouro de Philip Pullman
0.94 3.86 The Poppy War de R. F. Kuang
0.939 3.81 The Three-Body Problem de Cixin Liu
0.938 3.93 Reilly's Luck de Louis L'Amour
0.938 4.1 Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling de John Taylor Gatto
0.938 3.43 Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences (Vintage) de Edward Tenner
0.937 4.08 O dia do juízo final de Connie Willis
0.937 3.67 Elric of Melniboné de Michael Moorcock
0.935 3.82 Blackout de Connie Willis
0.935 3.76 Tales of the South Pacific de James A. Michener
0.934 3.98 A Wizard of Earthsea de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.934 3.55 Jirel of Joiry de C. L. Moore
0.932 3.84 The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power de Joel Bakan
0.93 3.59 Voluntary Simplicity: Toward a Way of Life That Is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich (Revised edition) de Duane Elgin
0.928 3.73 Under the Skin de Michel Faber
0.924 3.88 In Persuasion Nation de George Saunders
0.923 3.89 Remnant Population de Elizabeth Moon
0.923 3.59 Airport de Arthur Hailey
0.922 3.94 Brave New World de Aldous Huxley
0.919 3.74 A Estrada da Noite de Joe Hill
0.918 3.96 Furies of Calderon de Jim Butcher
0.918 3.8 Area X: The Southern Reach Trilogy (Annihilation; Authority; Acceptance) de Jeff VanderMeer
0.917 4.11 American Gods: Author's Preferred Text de Neil Gaiman
0.916 4 Magician: Master de Raymond E. Feist
0.916 4.18 Hyperion de Dan Simmons
0.915 3.88 Into the Wild de Jon Krakauer
0.915 3.73 Babel-17 / Empire Star de Samuel R. Delany
0.915 4.01 Ancillary Justice de Ann Leckie
0.914 3.96 Nineteen Minutes de Jodi Picoult
0.914 3.85 Sword-Dancer de Jennifer Roberson
0.914 3.63 The Girl on the Train de Paula Hawkins
0.913 3.6 Lincoln's Dreams de Connie Willis
0.913 3.73 Player's Handbook 2 de Jeremy Crawford
0.912 3.96 Among Others de Jo Walton
0.912 4.14 Tigana de Guy Gavriel Kay
0.912 3.42 The Drowned World de J. G. Ballard
0.912 4.08 The Dragon Token de Melanie Rawn
0.912 3.9 Pathfinder de Orson Scott Card
0.912 3.92 The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships de Harriet Lerner
0.912 3.65 Ysabel de Guy Gavriel Kay
0.911 3.7 Shadowmarch de Tad Williams
0.911 3.68 The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play de Neil Fiore
0.91 3.84 Lord Valentine's Castle de Robert Silverberg
0.91 4.01 Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity de David Allen
0.909 3.81 The Bone Clocks de David Mitchell
0.909 4.18 The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism de Naomi Klein
0.908 3.84 Krampus: The Yule Lord de Brom
0.908 3.41 The Magic Labyrinth de Philip José Farmer
0.908 4.1 A Fire upon the Deep de Vernor Vinge
0.907 3.46 The Thief's Gamble de Juliet E. McKenna
0.907 4.02 The Star Scroll de Melanie Rawn
0.906 3.73 The Time Machine de H. G. Wells
0.906 3.79 Darkness Weaves de Karl Edward Wagner
0.906 3.79 A Livraria 24 Horas do Mr. Penumbra de Robin Sloan
0.905 3.86 More Than Human de Theodore Sturgeon
0.904 3.93 Enchantment de Orson Scott Card
0.904 3.93 Childhood's End de Arthur C. Clarke
0.904 4.02 Fahrenheit 451 de Ray Bradbury
0.902 4.26 The Power of One de Bryce Courtenay
0.902 3.44 The Animals at Lockwood Manor de Jane Healey
0.9 4.21 The Fault in Our Stars de John Green
0.9 3.59 The Fabulous Riverboat de Philip José Farmer
0.897 3.7 The Grand Design de Stephen Hawking
0.897 3.47 Don't Believe Everything You Think: The 6 Basic Mistakes We Make in Thinking de Thomas E. Kida
0.896 3.23 Gods of Riverworld de Philip José Farmer
0.896 4.05 The Left Hand of Darkness de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.896 3.95 A Whale for the Killing de Farley Mowat
0.896 4.14 The Dispossessed de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.895 3.96 The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable de Patrick Lencioni
0.895 3.49 Building Harlequin's Moon de Larry Niven
0.895 4.16 The Giver de Lois Lowry
0.894 4.09 Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting de Robert McKee
0.892 3.89 The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms de N. K. Jemisin
0.892 3.83 The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference de Malcolm Gladwell
0.892 4 The Great Hunt de Robert Jordan
0.891 4.01 Sunrunner's Fire de Melanie Rawn
0.89 3.77 Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life de Martin E. P. Seligman
0.89 3.79 Year 501 : The Conquest Continues de Noam Chomsky
0.888 3.94 Elric: Song of the Black Sword de Michael Moorcock
0.886 3.41 The Dark Design de Philip José Farmer
0.886 3.37 Riverworld and Other Stories de Philip José Farmer
0.886 4.11 Thinking, Fast and Slow de Daniel Kahneman
0.885 3.86 Sword-Singer de Jennifer Roberson
0.884 3.97 A Feast for Crows de George R. R. Martin
0.884 3.55 The I Inside de Alan Dean Foster
0.883 4.02 Use of Weapons de Iain M. Banks
0.88 3.67 The Sailor on the Seas of Fate de Michael Moorcock
0.88 4.19 The Kite Runner de Khaled Hosseini
0.88 3.98 Foundation and Empire de Isaac Asimov
0.879 4.2 The Fifth Season de N. K. Jemisin
0.878 3.83 Freakonomics de Steven D. Levitt
0.877 3.98 Altered Carbon de Richard K. Morgan
0.877 3.73 Bend Sinister de Vladimir Nabokov
0.876 4.03 The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert de John M. Gottman
0.876 4.18 The Great Book of Amber de Roger Zelazny
0.876 3.93 Fiasco de Stanisław Lem
0.875 4.09 Assassin's Quest de Robin Hobb
0.875 3.74 The Watchmaker of Filigree Street de Natasha Pulley
0.874 3.71 Brilliance de Marcus Sakey
0.873 3.78 Golden Witchbreed de Mary Gentle
0.873 3.97 The Speed of Dark de Elizabeth Moon
0.873 3.93 The Element of Fire de Martha Wells
0.873 4.13 Uprooted de Naomi Novik
0.871 4.04 A Dance With Dragons de George R. R. Martin
0.869 3.97 Imaro de Charles Saunders
0.867 4.27 O Hobbit de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.866 3.75 Fire and Blood: A History of the Targaryen Kings from Aegon the Conqueror to Aegon III de George R. R. Martin
0.866 4.07 All Clear de Connie Willis
0.866 3.4 The Mirror Prince de Violette Malan
0.865 3.45 The Children of the Sky de Vernor Vinge
0.864 4 NOS4A2 de Joe Hill
0.864 4.11 Assassin's Apprentice de Robin Hobb
0.863 4.08 The Mismeasure of Man de Stephen Jay Gould
0.863 3.96 The Other Wind de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.863 3.85 Lavinia de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.862 3.45 Ars Magica de Judith Tarr
0.862 3.96 Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors de Piers Paul Read
0.861 3.59 The Penultimate Truth de Philip K. Dick
0.86 4.13 Children of Time de Adrian Tchaikovsky
0.86 3.97 Zinn and the Art of Mountain Bike Maintenance de Lennard Zinn
0.859 3.92 Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal de Eric Schlosser
0.858 3.86 The Rogue de Trudi Canavan
0.858 3.67 The Kraken Wakes de John Wyndham
0.857 4.04 The Blade Itself de Joe Abercrombie
0.856 3.82 The Sleeping God de Violette Malan
0.855 4.31 Ender's Game de Orson Scott Card
0.855 3.74 Daily Rituals: How Great Minds Make Time, Find Inspiration, and Get to Work: How Artists Work de Mason Currey
0.855 3.83 Sand de Hugh Howey
0.855 3.79 Bleak Seasons de Glen Cook
0.854 3.95 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? de Philip K. Dick
0.853 4.02 The Tombs of Atuan de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.853 3.45 Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy, Vol. 1 (of 3) de Robert Silverberg
0.852 3.94 Gateway de Frederik Pohl
0.851 3.93 A Darker Shade of Magic de V. E. Schwab
0.851 4.15 Arctic Dreams de Barry Lopez
0.85 4.03 The Dragon Republic de R. F. Kuang
0.85 3.91 Seeking the Heart of Wisdom: The Path of Insight Meditation (Shambhala Classics) de Joseph Goldstein
0.849 3.95 Chesapeake de James A. Michener
0.848 3.63 2010: Odyssey Two de Arthur C. Clarke
0.848 4.08 Wool de Hugh Howey
0.847 3.82 Sword-Born de Jennifer Roberson
0.846 3.97 The City & The City de China Miéville
0.846 4.02 The Lathe of Heaven de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.845 4.03 Sailing to Sarantium de Guy Gavriel Kay
0.845 3.47 The First Book of Swords de Fred Saberhagen
0.844 3.99 An Echo Of Things To Come de James Islington
0.844 4.06 Parable of the Sower de Octavia E. Butler
0.844 3.94 20th Century Ghosts de Joe Hill
0.844 3.9 Soul Music de Terry Pratchett
0.843 3.88 The Shadow of What Was Lost de James Islington
0.843 4.07 Sword-Sworn de Jennifer Roberson
0.842 3.7 Gifts de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.842 4.08 The Heroes de Joe Abercrombie
0.842 3.89 The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business de Charles Duhigg
0.84 4.15 Chronicles of the Black Company de Glen Cook
0.84 3.9 The Chrysalids de John Wyndham
0.839 4.35 A guerra dos tronos de George R. R. Martin
0.839 4.23 Lilith's Brood de Octavia E. Butler
0.838 4.13 Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business de Neil Postman
0.838 3.59 Black God's Kiss de C. L. Moore
0.838 3.83 The Water Knife de Paolo Bacigalupi
0.837 4.14 Royal Assassin de Robin Hobb
0.837 4.02 The Farthest Shore de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.837 3.95 Criança 44 de Tom Rob Smith
0.836 4.11 The Scar de China Miéville
0.836 4 The Art of Communicating de Thich Nhat Hanh
0.835 3.7 Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six M.I.T. Students Who Took Vegas for Millions de Ben Mezrich
0.835 4.1 Dragonsong de Anne McCaffrey
0.834 3.95 Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed de Jared M. Diamond
0.834 3.72 The Weird of the White Wolf de Michael Moorcock
0.833 4.04 Locke & Key: Welcome to Lovecraft de Joe Hill
0.831 4.16 Death's End de Cixin Liu
0.831 4.06 A Memory Called Empire de Arkady Martine
0.83 4.17 Neverwhere: The Author's Preferred Text de Neil Gaiman
0.829 3.94 The Wind's Twelve Quarters: Stories de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.824 3.8 The Unspoken Name de A K Larkwood
0.824 3.8 Written in Fire de Marcus Sakey
0.823 4.12 The Dark Forest de Cixin Liu
0.822 3.91 Caine Black Knife de Matthew Stover
0.82 3.58 Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy, Vol. 3 (of 3) de Robert Silverberg
0.82 4.26 The Light of All That Falls de James Islington
0.816 3.98 Voices de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.815 4 The Spy Who Came in From the Cold de John le Carré
0.814 3.83 Outside the Lines de Amy Hatvany
0.813 3.95 Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love de Sue Johnson
0.811 4.13 The Goblin Emperor de Katherine Addison
0.809 4.07 Powers de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.8 4 Best Served Cold de Joe Abercrombie
0.799 4.03 Leviathan Wakes de James S. A. Corey
0.798 4.07 Edgedancer de Brandon Sanderson
0.797 4.09 Classic Indian Vegetarian and Grain Cooking de Julie Sahni
0.797 3.78 The Dragon's Path de Daniel Abraham
0.797 3.66 Zenith de Julie Bertagna
0.797 4.4 Oathbringer de Brandon Sanderson
0.795 4.18 What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions de Randall Munroe
0.795 3.18 The Holy Machine de Chris Beckett
0.793 4.41 A Song of Ice and Fire 1-4: A Game of Thrones / Clash of Kings / A Storm of Swords / A Feast for Crows de George R. R. Martin
0.793 3.99 The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump de Andrew G. McCabe
0.793 4.16 Last Argument of Kings de Joe Abercrombie
0.788 4.28 The Great Believers de Rebecca Makkai
0.787 4.28 The Stone Sky de N. K. Jemisin
0.786 4.18 The Collected Essex County de Jeff Lemire
0.786 4.25 A Deepness in the Sky de Vernor Vinge
0.782 4.16 Emotional Blackmail: When the People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation, and Guilt to Manipulate You de Susan Forward
0.782 4.23 Paladin of Souls de Lois McMaster Bujold
0.781 3.85 Half a King de Joe Abercrombie
0.78 3.54 Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy, Vol. 2 (of 3) de Robert Silverberg
0.778 4.13 Under Heaven de Guy Gavriel Kay
0.776 3.81 Rockbound de Frank Parker Day
0.773 4.03 Shadows Linger de Glen Cook
0.773 4.31 Fool's Fate de Robin Hobb
0.772 3.31 Searching for Bobby Orr de Stephen Brunt
0.772 4.26 Three Day Road de Joseph Boyden
0.772 4.15 The Player of Games de Iain M. Banks
0.771 4.45 The Way of Kings de Brandon Sanderson
0.77 4 Pump Six and Other Stories de Paolo Bacigalupi
0.77 3.88 The Myth of Freedom and the Way of Meditation de Chogyam Trungpa
0.769 4.1 As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride de Cary Elwes
0.768 4.29 The Body Keeps The Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma de Bessel van der Kolk
0.767 4.27 The Chronicles of Amber, Volume I: Nine Princes in Amber, The Guns of Avalon de Roger Zelazny
0.767 3.8 Kallocain de Karin Boye
0.762 4.12 Full Catastrophe Living de Jon Kabat-Zinn
0.761 3.55 Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature de Connie Zweig
0.759 4.15 In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex de Nathaniel Philbrick
0.759 3.73 River Thieves de Michael Crummey
0.758 4.21 The Obelisk Gate de N. K. Jemisin
0.756 3.44 Mercury de Hope Larson
0.753 3.31 Voyage to the City of the Dead de Alan Dean Foster
0.749 3.87 A Better World de Marcus Sakey
0.741 4.06 The Spider's War de Daniel Abraham
0.738 4.19 A Desolation Called Peace de Arkady Martine
0.737 4.14 The Return of the Black Company de Glen Cook
0.736 4.06 Half the World de Joe Abercrombie
0.735 3.82 Half a War de Joe Abercrombie
0.734 3.95 The Widow's House de Daniel Abraham
0.734 4.12 The Books of the South de Glen Cook
0.733 4.44 Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption de Laura Hillenbrand
0.728 4.16 Locke & Key: Head Games de Joe Hill
0.727 3.94 The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit de Michael Finkel
0.726 4.5 Saga - Deluxe Edition, Book One de Brian K. Vaughan
0.726 4.32 Indian Horse de Richard Wagamese
0.725 4.35 Rhythm of War de Brandon Sanderson
0.724 3.89 City of Bones de Martha Wells
0.723 4.26 Of Wolves and Men de Barry Holstun Lopez
0.722 4.16 Before They Are Hanged de Joe Abercrombie
0.72 4.12 Toxic Sludge Is Good for You! de John Stauber
0.713 3.98 The Bone Shard Daughter de Andrea Stewart
0.713 4.31 The Emperor's Soul de Brandon Sanderson
0.71 3.68 The Mark of Ran de Paul Kearney
0.706 4.12 Red Country de Joe Abercrombie
0.702 3.88 The King's Blood de Daniel Abraham
0.7 4.23 Locke & Key: Crown of Shadows de Joe Hill
0.695 3.5 Hellgoing: Stories de Lynn Coady
0.694 4.1 Sandkings de George R. R. Martin
0.694 3.91 LaGuardia de Nnedi Okorafor
0.683 4.23 Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom de Joe Hill
0.675 4.42 Memory de Lois McMaster Bujold
0.674 4.42 Locke & Key: Alpha & Omega de Joe Hill
0.672 4.61 Saga - Deluxe Edition, Book Two de Brian K. Vaughan
0.667 4.35 Locke & Key: Clockworks de Joe Hill
0.663 4.33 Tiamat's Wrath de James S. A. Corey
0.654 3.91 The Tyrant's Law de Daniel Abraham
0.648 4.6 Words of Radiance (The Stormlight Archive, 2) de Brandon Sanderson
0.645 4.49 Saga: Compendium One de Brian K. Vaughan
0.64 4.15 Where I Belong: Small Town to Great Big Sea de Alan Doyle
0.611 4.11 The Science of Interstellar de Kip Thorne
0.596 3.96 The Soldier King de Violette Malan
0.569 4.01 Kings of the North de Elizabeth Moon
0.562 4.61 Saga - Deluxe Edition, Book Three de Brian K. Vaughan