Controversial Books for ceruleantwist

This page shows the most "controversial" books in this library, as measured by the highest standard deviation of members' star ratings.

Standard Deviation Avaliação média Your Rating Título
1.301 3.71 A Revolta de Atlas de Ayn Rand
1.225 3.2 Scarlett de Alexandra Ripley
1.184 3.43 The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things de J. T. LeRoy
1.159 3 A Fable de William Faulkner
1.152 3.5 Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary de Merriam-Webster
1.136 3.42 Alguma Coisa Mudou de Joseph Heller
1.128 3.78 O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio de J. D. Salinger
1.122 3.31 The New Life de Orhan Pamuk
1.118 3.17 Hannibal Rising de Thomas Harris
1.112 3.38 Hannibal de Thomas Harris
1.102 3.71 American Psycho de Bret Easton Ellis
1.091 3.9 The Illuminatus! Trilogy de Robert Shea
1.087 3.33 Glamorama de Bret Easton Ellis
1.08 3.88 Wuthering Heights de Emily Brontë
1.077 3.88 As I Lay Dying de William Faulkner
1.067 3.69 London Fields de Martin Amis
1.049 3.89 Underworld de Don DeLillo
1.049 3.72 Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer de Joseph Conrad
1.048 4.13 The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve de G. Edward Griffin
1.047 3.69 Lord Jim de Joseph Conrad
1.045 3.94 Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell de Susanna Clarke
1.043 3.71 O Senhor das Moscas de William Golding
1.041 3.49 When I Stop Talking, You'll Know I'm Dead de Jerry Weintraub
1.03 3.85 O grande Gatsby de F. Scott Fitzgerald
1.02 3.47 The Tale of the Body Thief de Anne Rice
1.019 3.77 Fox's Earth de Anne Rivers Siddons
1.018 4 Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained de John Milton
1.014 3.78 White Noise de Don DeLillo
1.008 3.88 Great Expectations de Charles Dickens
1.007 4.1 Catch-22 de Joseph Heller
1.007 3.74 The Story of Psychology de Morton Hunt
1.005 3.99 The Yearling de Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
1.005 3.86 Thus Spoke Zarathustra de Friedrich Nietzsche
1 3.28 Leaving Cold Sassy de Olive Ann Burns
0.999 3.9 Life of Pi de Yann Martel
0.996 3.74 A Farewell to Arms de Ernest Hemingway
0.983 3.75 Sophia's War: A Tale of the Revolution de Avi
0.981 3.95 O Perfume - A História de um Assassino de Patrick Süskind
0.98 3.8 Marabou Stork Nightmares de Irvine Welsh
0.978 3.93 Atonement de Ian McEwan
0.978 3.96 Siddhartha de Hermann Hesse
0.974 3.82 Kim de Rudyard Kipling
0.973 3.97 Mélusine de Sarah Monette
0.971 3.68 The Sorrows of Young Werther and Selected Writings (Signet Classics) de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
0.97 3.65 Glory Road de Robert A. Heinlein
0.967 3.67 The Greatest Generation de Tom Brokaw
0.964 3.86 Henry IV, Part 1 de William Shakespeare
0.958 3.96 The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter de Carson McCullers
0.955 3.3 Sarah de J. T. LeRoy
0.949 3.87 Vanity Fair de William Makepeace Thackeray
0.948 4.06 King Lear de William Shakespeare
0.942 4.03 The Odyssey de Homer
0.94 3.97 Othello de William Shakespeare
0.94 4.01 O Processo de Franz Kafka
0.939 4.08 Civilisation: A Personal View de Kenneth Clark
0.936 4.27 Gone with the Wind de Margaret Mitchell
0.933 4.15 Basic Writings of Nietzsche de Friedrich Nietzsche
0.931 3.71 As Viangens de Gulliver de Jonathan Swift
0.93 4.08 Inferno de Dante Alighieri
0.93 3.37 Good as Gold de Joseph Heller
0.929 3.83 Oliver Twist de Charles Dickens
0.928 3.92 The Hunchback of Notre-Dame de Victor Hugo
0.927 4.08 David Copperfield de Charles Dickens
0.922 3.62 AMA Family Medical Guide de American M... Association
0.919 4.26 Don Quixote [Part 1 of 2] de Miguel de Cervantes
0.919 4.22 The Master and Margarita de Mikhail Bulgakov
0.919 3.98 The Gift of Fear de Gavin De Becker
0.918 4.07 Deuses Americanos de Neil Gaiman
0.915 4.15 The Waste Land and Other Poems de T. S. Eliot
0.915 4 Memoirs of a Geisha de Arthur Golden
0.913 4.11 All Quiet on the Western Front de Erich Maria Remarque
0.91 3.81 Napoleon's Buttons: How 17 Molecules Changed History de Penny Le Couteur
0.908 4.26 War and Peace de Leo Tolstoy
0.906 3.89 Goethe's Faust: Part One and Sections from Part Two de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
0.904 4.02 Fahrenheit 451 de Ray Bradbury
0.902 4.21 Watership Down de Richard Adams
0.902 4.18 The Things They Carried de Tim O'Brien
0.9 3.83 Red Dragon de Thomas Harris
0.898 4.06 Water for Elephants de Sara Gruen
0.895 3.99 The Oresteia: Agamemnon / The Libation Bearers / The Eumenides de Aeschylus
0.895 4.02 The Amulet of Samarkand de Jonathan Stroud
0.893 4.05 A Faca Sutil de Philip Pullman
0.892 3.75 Girl with a Pearl Earring de Tracy Chevalier
0.891 3.52 The Thirty-Nine Steps de John Buchan
0.889 4.06 Brave New World & Brave New World Revisited de Aldous Huxley
0.888 4.08 Fight Club de Chuck Palahniuk
0.887 4.12 O Idiota de Fyodor Dostoevsky
0.885 3.81 The Russians de Hedrick Smith
0.884 4.1 Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies de Jared Diamond
0.882 3.48 Crime de Irvine Welsh
0.881 4.27 Duna de Frank Herbert
0.88 4.13 Flowers for Algernon de Daniel Keyes
0.879 3.69 The White Rabbit de Bruce Marshall
0.874 3.85 The Real Life of Sebastian Knight de Vladimir Nabokov
0.874 3.71 Faith of My Fathers de John McCain
0.868 4.09 The Silence of the Lambs de Thomas Harris
0.866 4.18 Harry Potter e a Câmara Secreta de J. K. Rowling
0.866 3.9 Uma Breve Historia do Tempo de Stephen Hawking
0.865 3.38 The Queen in Winter (The Kiss of the Snow Queen / A Whisper of Spring / A Gift of Wings / When Winter Comes) de Lynn Kurland
0.863 4.18 The Virtu de Sarah Monette
0.862 4 The Devil in the White City de Erik Larson
0.862 3.8 The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible de A. J. Jacobs
0.86 3.98 The Complete Book of Small-Batch Preserving: Over 300 Recipes to Use Year-Round de Ellie Topp
0.859 3.92 Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal de Eric Schlosser
0.856 4.25 Belas Maldições de Terry Pratchett
0.853 4.23 1984 de George Orwell
0.852 4.37 Os Irmãos Karamazóv de Fyodor Dostoevsky
0.848 3.74 The Seven-Per-Cent Solution de Nicholas Meyer
0.848 4.28 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix de J. K. Rowling
0.847 4 An Incomplete Education, Revised Edition de Judy Jones
0.846 4.12 The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers de Margaret George
0.846 4.37 O Sol é para Todos de Harper Lee
0.842 3.76 A Brief History of the Human Race de Michael Cook
0.839 3.96 Coisas Frágeis de Neil Gaiman
0.836 3.86 Opening Skinner's Box: Great Psychological Experiments of the Twentieth Century de Lauren Slater
0.833 4.21 On Writing de Stephen King
0.832 3.98 No Exit / Dirty Hands / The Flies / The Respectful Prostitute de Jean-Paul Sartre
0.83 3.91 1066 de David Howarth
0.828 3.81 The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary de Simon Winchester
0.826 3.68 A Small Town in Germany de John le Carré
0.822 4.13 The Histories de Herodotus
0.814 4.03 The Mirador de Sarah Monette
0.809 4.04 Seductive Poison: A Jonestown Survivor's Story of Life and Death in the People's Temple de Deborah Layton
0.809 4.42 Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte de J. K. Rowling
0.794 4.1 A Life in Secrets: Vera Atkins and the Missing Agents of WWII de Sarah Helm
0.793 4.36 Harry Potter e o Enigma do Príncipe de J. K. Rowling
0.784 4.36 Harry Potter e o Cálice de Fogo de J. K. Rowling
0.783 4.22 Notes from Underground; White Nights; The Dream of a Ridiculous Man; and: White Nights Dream Ridiculous Man and selections from The House of the Dead (Signet classics) de Fyodor Dostoyevsky
0.773 4.36 The Chicago Manual of Style de University of Chicago Press Staff
0.76 4.17 The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography de Simon Singh
0.75 3.79 The Trail of the Fox de David Irving
0.741 4.38 The Vegetable Gardener's Bible: Discover Ed's High-Yield W-O-R-D System for All North American Gardening Regions de Edward C. Smith
0.725 4.14 The Bone Key de Sarah Monette
0.723 4.25 Corambis de Sarah Monette
0.703 3.62 Satan Wants Me de Robert Irwin
0.702 4.24 How Far From Austerlitz? Napoleon 1805-1815 de Alistair Horne
0.688 4.02 Beyond Beef: The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture de Jeremy Rifkin
0.674 3.99 Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus de Samuel Eliot Morison