What are we reading in June?

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What are we reading in June?

Jun 1, 5:37 pm

Happy June, everyone! What are you reading this month? I've begun The Secret Service of Tea and Treason by India Holton, the final book in her Dangerous Damsels trilogy. Please share what you're reading or planning to read in June below!

Jun 1, 5:50 pm

I’m reading River East, River West.

Jun 2, 1:39 am

I just started The Bittlemores by Jann Arden - different, not what I expected.

And I'm also reading Crow Folk by Mark Stay, which is fantastic.

Jun 2, 1:02 pm

I am reading Kitchens of the Great Midwest by J Ryan Stradal and Fever by Deon Meyer. Both are holding my attention.

Jun 2, 1:17 pm

I am currently reading Shards of Earth, the first in The Final Architecture series. My first Adrian Tchaikovsky. I've heard good things, and the series is nominated to this years Hugo. We'll see if I manage to finish it before the library wants it back.

Jun 2, 1:25 pm

I am starting a reread of The Hobbit.
On audio, I am listening to All Creatures Great And Small by James Herriot.

Jun 2, 6:20 pm

I've just finished Natalia Ginzburg's All Our Yesterdays for the CalendarCAT and am reading Under the Net by Iris Murdoch for the PrizeCAT.

Jun 2, 9:31 pm

I've gotten a great start this month and already finished 2 - Any Other Name by Craig Johnson and Walk the Blue Fields by Claire Keegan. I'm currently reading Open house by Elizabeth Berg, Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, and listening to An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good by Helene Tursten.

Jun 3, 9:58 am

I'm starting Death Comes to the Rectory by Catherine Lloyd, the final book in her Kurland St. Mary series. Very excited to be actually finishing a series for once! :)

Jun 3, 10:20 am

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Jun 5, 5:11 am

Read Desolation Island (Aubrey/Maturin #5; by Patrick O’Brian) while on vacation last week and now close to finishing the sixth book in the series, The Fortune Of War.
While away, took a break from listening to my audiobook, but have picked it back up: Wizard and Glass (The Dark Tower #4; by Stephen King; narrated by Frank Muller).

Jun 5, 6:13 am

I've started The Berry Pickers, and I'm also reading the last Maisie Dobbs The Comfort of Ghosts.

Jun 5, 11:52 am

I'm working on Labyrinth, one of my planned May reads, and I'm enjoying it! Also dipping in and out of The Secrets of Art.

Jun 5, 12:07 pm

I am reading The Fabulous Mrs. V, a collection of short stories by H. E. Bates and just starting a historical romance by Sasha Cottman called Two of a Kind.

Jun 5, 3:33 pm

I've finished listening to An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good by Helene Tursten and started listening to Dear Mrs Bird by AJ Pearce. And I've started reading Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese

Jun 6, 9:51 am

I've begun The Soul Mirror by Carol Berg, book #2 in her Collegia Magica trilogy.

Jun 6, 3:25 pm

I am reading The Bordeaux Book Club which I am enjoying as well as Ill-Fated Fortune Cookie which is also a fun and light read so far.

Jun 8, 3:42 am

>3 VivienneR: yay! I love that book.

I finished The Witch's Heart and Ithaca. Both good retellings of different myths, but the former edges it.
Next up on audio is We and on paper it's Skelton's Guide to Domestic Poisons. Started this morning, having woken up silly early, and I like the protagonist so far.

Jun 8, 8:06 pm

I read (in one day!) Classified as Murder last Saturday. Quite the fun cozy mystery. I'm also reading After the Conquest for the HistoryCAT Challenge and am almost finished with The Once and Future King. Those two latter ones make an interesting pair, timeline-wise.

Jun 9, 5:38 am

I am rereading Naomi Noviks Scholomance as a palate cleancer after having made it through Touch of Frost - which was readable, but extremely predictable and cloying in its formulaicness.

Jun 9, 1:18 pm

I’m still plugging away at Bean Counters. I started A Most Remarkable Creature by Jonathan Meiburg last month, but it was rudely snatched away from me by the next person on the wait list in Libby. One advantage of paper books is that I can keep them as overdue at the library as I like.

I finished I Am Alive by Kettly Mars and The Down Days by Ilze Hugo, which I started last month. I started and finished Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin this month, and I’m currently reading Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova, Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu, and the audiobook of The History of Love by Nicole Krauss.

Jun 10, 6:11 am

I've started The Rose Code and am enjoying it so far.

Jun 11, 9:47 am

I'm starting Lia Louis's latest novel, Better Left Unsent.

Jun 11, 10:38 am

I'm seem to be in some sort of reading slump. I haven't been able to settle down and focus for the past week-and-a-half; but I did finally finish The Fortune of War (Aubrey/Maturin #6; by Patrick O'Brian) this morning! I read the first seven chapters a week ago last Saturday and the last chapters when I woke at dark o-clock and couldn't back to sleep. I'm going to hold off on starting another print book until the weekend and then see what I'm in thr mood for.
In the meantime, I'll inch my way forward with Wizard and Glass (The Dark Tower #4; by Stephen King; narrated by Frank Muller). The great thing about King is that I can set a book/audiobook aside for however long and it's still easy to pick it back up and continue on without missing a beat. :-)

Editado: Jun 11, 12:43 pm

I am reading The Great Witches Baking Show which is a boxed set of three on Kindle Unlimited. I am enjoying it so far, although I do not usually read books about witches. I do like to read mystery novels with a culinary aspect.

Jun 11, 10:20 pm

I am currently reading Day Zero by C. Robert Cargill. This science fiction thriller is all about AI taking over the world. I am just starting The Devil Take the Blue-Tail Fly by John Franklin Bardin, from H. R. Keating's list of the Best Crime Stories.

Jun 14, 10:01 am

Currently reading Benjamin Stevenson's new one, Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect.

Jun 14, 10:27 am

Just finished The Aeronauts windlass, the first in The Cinder Spires series. Good enough entertainment that I ordered the second book at the library. But too long, with too many air battles. And too calculated - the talking cat, the eccentric magicians, the gruff but kindhearted captain. Reminds me of why I gave up on The Dresden files at some point.

Jun 15, 6:50 am

Finished reading Skelton's Guide to Domestic Poisons on paper and am about to start Travels with Herodotus.
Still listening to We on audio.

Jun 15, 2:09 pm

I have finished The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien and am now reading Ariadne by Jennifer Saint.

Jun 15, 6:14 pm

I finished The Once and Future King and came across *the* passage that explained why I love this book. I'll post it in my review. Still reading After the Conquest by Teresa Cole and started reading The Shattered World by Michael Reaves for the June SFFKit Challenge. And Birds of a Feather by Jacqueline Winspear.

Jun 16, 8:25 am

I've been away in Denmark and Sweden for two weeks, and I plan to recover from jet lag by revisiting one of the places we went to: Menace in Malmö, by Torquil MacLeod.

Editado: Jun 17, 12:24 pm

I am reading a fantasy called Race the Sands by Sarah Beth Durst and a family epic by Alan Brennert entitled Palisades Park both, although long, are really good reads.

Jun 18, 1:41 pm

Currently reading A Clock Stopped Dead for NetGalley. I had some trouble with the start, which seemed confusing, but now is smoothing out. I also have some difficulty figuring out the British English terms. I read the other two in this series and I like that the main characters are retired teachers. That makes sense, because the author just retired from his years as an educator.

I just finished Ill-Fated Fortune which I liked but the storyline had some flaws in discussing asthma inhalers (with which I am familiar), which impacted the means of the murder that occurred.

Jun 18, 2:32 pm

I am currently reading the Saint of steel series all jumbled up due to the vagaries of library holds. Fortunately the books are sufficiently independent that it hasn’t been too annoying so far.

Jun 18, 4:34 pm

I finally finished Labyrinth by Kate Mosse; I'm still working on The Secrets of Art: Uncovering the Mysteries and Messages of Great Works of Art and have started The Killer Inside Me.

Editado: Jun 18, 4:48 pm

I’m off work for two weeks, which will hopefully help with all of the library holds that came in today. Sandwich, Farewell Amethystine. and Same As it Ever Was. I’ll have to do some juggling in order to return everything on time.

Jun 18, 10:29 pm

Currently reading Beach Read (by Emily Henry), and just not on the mood for listening to any audiobook right now— though that didn’t stop me from stocking up at Audible’s sale last week!

Jun 19, 2:52 am

Finished We by Yevgeny Zamyatin on audio. Not sure what's up next, will see what catches my eye.
Still reading Travels with Herodotus by Ryszard Kapuściński on paper.

Editado: Jun 19, 2:29 pm

I've begun A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvie Cathrall, and so far I'm not as charmed by it as I'd hoped to be.

Jun 20, 9:02 am

I started listening to The Cat who caught a Killer on audio. Contains a talking cat, I probably about to be charmed into submission...

Jun 21, 9:57 am

Currently reading Love, Lies, and Cherry Pie by Jackie Lau.

Jun 22, 11:39 pm

I raced through the excellent Green for Danger by Christianna Brand and am now starting The Summer Job by Lizzy Dent.

Editado: Jun 23, 8:23 am

Finished The White Queen by Philippa Gregory. I took
Murder at an Irish Wedding by Carlene O'Connor off my bookshelf. I may have bought this in England as it has 2 for 5 pounds or 2.00 pounds sticker on the cover. We went to a number of thrift stores when we were on our British Isles cruise.

Ontem, 2:49 pm

I am currently reading Exit Pursued by a Bear by E. K. Johnson but unfortunately I am having a few issues with this one. I am planning on starting The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax by Dorothy Gilman later today, this is the second book of the series and I am hoping it is much like the first one.

Ontem, 3:06 pm

Just finished The Queer Principles of Kit Webb, and continues with the second book in The Cinder Spire series, The Olympian Affair. Already I am reminded why I stopped reading Jim Butchers The Dresden Files series. I don't think I will continue this series when the next book comes out.

Ontem, 5:22 pm

This morning I started Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop, by Hwang Bo-reum (translated by Shanna Tan), and I'm already on page 237, so clearly this is the right book at the right time :)

Ontem, 5:24 pm

I blazed through The Killer Inside Me which was excellent but disturbing. Continuing with The Secrets of Art: Uncovering the Mysteries and Messages of Great Works of Art, which is a beautiful and interesting book, but I'm just not driven to read it quickly, if you know what I mean! Planning on starting A Little Love, A Little Learning by Nina Bawden, my Virago Modern Classic read for the month.

And need to figure out what I'm going to read on vacation, starting Thursday!

Ontem, 6:31 pm

I've started Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons which is our book club book for July and our meeting is next week so I'm glad it's not very big. Also reading Thunder and Rain by Charles Martin.

Ontem, 9:40 pm

In anticipation of the upcoming release (July 2) of The Undermining of Twyla and Frank (by Megan Bannen), I just re-read The Undertaking of Heart and Mercy (set in the same world), and I still love this story. ❤️

Hoje, 9:43 am

>50 Tanya-dogearedcopy: I'm so excited for The Undermining of Twyla and Frank! Hoping my local bookstores might start stocking it before the official release date...