Locus All-Time Best

Given by Locus Magazine

Outros Nomes: Locus 1975 Poll, All-Time Best Novel (Inglês), Locus 1987 Poll, All-Time Best Fantasy Novel (Inglês), Locus 1987 Poll, All-Time Best SF Novel (Inglês), Locus 1998 Poll, All-Time Best Fantasy Novel Before 1990 (Inglês), , Locus 1998 Poll, All-Time Best SF Novel Before 1990 (Inglês)
122 Works / 222 Items 1,204,046 Books 22,055 Reviews 4.1
Locus Magazine's annual poll periodically includes 'all-time best' categories for novel or author. The Best SF Novel of All-Time poll was last held in 1998 and was restricted to books published mostrar mais before 1990. mostrar menos
Todos, All-Time Best Novel (42), Fantasy Novel (78), Science Fiction Novel (102)
Todos, 1998 (100), 1987 (80), 1975 (42)
O Senhor dos Anéis de J. R. R. Tolkien
Fantasy Novel11998
Duna de Frank Herbert
Science Fiction Novel11998
O Senhor dos Anéis de J. R. R. Tolkien
Fantasy Novel11987
Duna de Frank Herbert
Science Fiction Novel11987
Duna de Frank Herbert
All-Time Best Novel11975
O Hobbit de J. R. R. Tolkien
Fantasy Novel21998
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel21998
O Hobbit de J. R. R. Tolkien
Fantasy Novel21987
The Left Hand of Darkness de Ursula K. Le Guin
Science Fiction Novel21987
Childhood's End de Arthur C. Clarke
All-Time Best Novel21975
The Book of the New Sun de Gene Wolfe
Fantasy Novel31998
The Left Hand of Darkness de Ursula K. Le Guin
Science Fiction Novel31998
A Wizard of Earthsea de Ursula K. Le Guin
Fantasy Novel31987
Childhood's End de Arthur C. Clarke
Science Fiction Novel31987
The Left Hand of Darkness de Ursula K. Le Guin
All-Time Best Novel31975
The Earthsea Trilogy de Ursula K. Le Guin
Fantasy Novel41998
The Foundation Trilogy de Isaac Asimov
Science Fiction Novel41998
The Shadow of the Torturer de Gene Wolfe
Fantasy Novel41987
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel41987
Stranger in a Strange Land de Robert A. Heinlein
All-Time Best Novel41975
Alice no País das Maravilhas de Lewis Carroll
Fantasy Novel51998
Stranger in a Strange Land de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel51998
The Last Unicorn de Peter S. Beagle
Fantasy Novel51987
Stranger in a Strange Land de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel51987
A Canticle for Leibowitz de Walter M. Miller
All-Time Best Novel51975
The Gormenghast Trilogy de Mervyn Peake
Fantasy Novel61998
The Stars My Destination de Alfred Bester
Science Fiction Novel61998
The Once and Future King de T. H. White
Fantasy Novel61987
The Foundation Trilogy de Isaac Asimov
Science Fiction Novel61987
The Foundation Trilogy de Isaac Asimov
All-Time Best Novel61975
The Once and Future King de T. H. White
Fantasy Novel71998
A Canticle for Leibowitz de Walter M. Miller
Science Fiction Novel71998
Nine Princes in Amber de Roger Zelazny
Fantasy Novel71987
A Canticle for Leibowitz de Walter M. Miller
Science Fiction Novel71987
The Stars My Destination de Alfred Bester
All-Time Best Novel71975
Little, Big de John Crowley
Fantasy Novel81998
Childhood's End de Arthur C. Clarke
Science Fiction Novel81998
The Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever de Stephen Donaldson
Fantasy Novel81987
Gateway de Frederik Pohl
Science Fiction Novel81987
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress de Robert A. Heinlein
All-Time Best Novel81975
Nine Princes in Amber de Roger Zelazny
Fantasy Novel91998
Ender's Game de Orson Scott Card
Science Fiction Novel91998
Dragonflight de Anne McCaffrey
Fantasy Novel91987
Ringworld de Larry Niven
Science Fiction Novel91987
More Than Human de Theodore Sturgeon
All-Time Best Novel91975
The Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever de Stephen Donaldson
Fantasy Novel101998
Hyperion de Dan Simmons
Science Fiction Novel101998
Little, Big de John Crowley
Fantasy Novel101987
The Stars My Destination de Alfred Bester
Science Fiction Novel101987
Lord of Light de Roger Zelazny
All-Time Best Novel101975
Dragonflight de Anne McCaffrey
Fantasy Novel111998
Gateway de Frederik Pohl
Science Fiction Novel111998
Alice no País das Maravilhas de Lewis Carroll
Fantasy Novel111987
Lord of Light de Roger Zelazny
Science Fiction Novel111987
Stand on Zanzibar de John Brunner
All-Time Best Novel111975
The Belgariad de David Eddings
Fantasy Novel121998
The Forever War de Joe Haldeman
Science Fiction Novel121998
More Than Human de Theodore Sturgeon
Science Fiction Novel121987
Ringworld de Larry Niven
All-Time Best Novel121975
Titus Groan de Mervyn Peake
Fantasy Novel12.11987
Gormenghast de Mervyn Peake
Fantasy Novel12.21987
Titus Alone de Mervyn Peake
Fantasy Novel12.31987
As Crônicas de Nárnia de C. S. Lewis
Fantasy Novel131998
More Than Human de Theodore Sturgeon
Science Fiction Novel131998
The Riddle-Master of Hed de Patricia A. McKillip
Fantasy Novel131987
The Mote in God's Eye de Larry Niven
Science Fiction Novel131987
The Dispossessed de Ursula K. Le Guin
All-Time Best Novel131975
The Anubis Gates de Tim Powers
Fantasy Novel141998
Lord of Light de Roger Zelazny
Science Fiction Novel141998
The Incomplete Enchanter de L. Sprague de Camp
Fantasy Novel141987
O Homem Do Castelo Alto de Philip K. Dick
Science Fiction Novel141987
The Demolished Man de Alfred Bester
All-Time Best Novel141975
Neuromancer de William Gibson
Science Fiction Novel151998
Watership Down de Richard Adams
Fantasy Novel151987
The Time Machine de H. G. Wells
Science Fiction Novel151987
O Senhor dos Anéis de J. R. R. Tolkien
All-Time Best Novel151975
The Dying Earth de Jack Vance
Fantasy Novel15.11998
The Eyes of the Overworld de Jack Vance
Fantasy Novel15.21998
Cugel's Saga de Jack Vance
Fantasy Novel15.31998
Rhialto the Marvellous de Jack Vance
Fantasy Novel15.41998
O Mágico de Oz de L. Frank Baum
Fantasy Novel161998
Startide Rising de David Brin
Science Fiction Novel161998
The Dying Earth de Jack Vance
Fantasy Novel161987
Stand on Zanzibar de John Brunner
Science Fiction Novel161987
Mission of Gravity de Hal Clement
All-Time Best Novel161975
Drácula de Bram Stoker
Fantasy Novel171998
The Time Machine de H. G. Wells
Science Fiction Novel171998
Glory Road de Robert A. Heinlein
Fantasy Novel171987
The Dispossessed de Ursula K. Le Guin
Science Fiction Novel171987
The City and the Stars de Arthur C. Clarke
All-Time Best Novel171975
To Your Scattered Bodies Go de Philip José Farmer
All-Time Best Novel171975
The Last Unicorn de Peter S. Beagle
Fantasy Novel181998
The Mists of Avalon de Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy Novel181998
O Homem Do Castelo Alto de Philip K. Dick
Science Fiction Novel181998
A Spell for Chameleon de Piers Anthony
Fantasy Novel181987
The Demolished Man de Alfred Bester
Science Fiction Novel181987
The Forever War de Joe Haldeman
Science Fiction Novel181987
The Dispossessed de Ursula K. Le Guin
Science Fiction Novel191998
Drácula de Bram Stoker
Fantasy Novel191987
Dying Inside de Robert Silverberg
All-Time Best Novel191975
The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition de Stephen King
Fantasy Novel201998
Stand on Zanzibar de John Brunner
Science Fiction Novel201998
O Mágico de Oz de L. Frank Baum
Fantasy Novel201987
The Martian Chronicles de Ray Bradbury
Science Fiction Novel201987
Rendezvous With Rama de Arthur C. Clarke
All-Time Best Novel201975
The Time Machine de H. G. Wells
All-Time Best Novel201975
Watership Down de Richard Adams
Fantasy Novel211998
1984 de George Orwell
Science Fiction Novel211998
Silverlock de John Myers Myers
Fantasy Novel211987
Starship Troopers de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel211987
The Riddle-Master of Hed de Patricia A. McKillip
Fantasy Novel221998
The Demolished Man de Alfred Bester
Science Fiction Novel221998
Something Wicked This Way Comes de Ray Bradbury
Fantasy Novel221987
Dying Inside de Robert Silverberg
Science Fiction Novel221987
O Homem Do Castelo Alto de Philip K. Dick
All-Time Best Novel221975
Starship Troopers de Robert A. Heinlein
All-Time Best Novel221975
The Worm Ouroboros de E. R. Eddison
Fantasy Novel231998
The Martian Chronicles de Ray Bradbury
Science Fiction Novel231998
The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition de Stephen King
Fantasy Novel231987
The White Dragon de Anne McCaffrey
Fantasy Novel231987
Dhalgren de Samuel R. Delany
Science Fiction Novel231987
Glory Road de Robert A. Heinlein
Fantasy Novel241998
Starship Troopers de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel241998
Time Enough for Love de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel241987
The Martian Chronicles de Ray Bradbury
All-Time Best Novel241975
The Space Merchants de Frederik Pohl
All-Time Best Novel241975
The War of the Worlds de H. G. Wells
All-Time Best Novel241975
Mythago Wood de Robert Holdstock
Fantasy Novel251998
Downbelow Station de C. J. Cherryh
Science Fiction Novel251998
Ringworld de Larry Niven
Science Fiction Novel251998
Lord Valentine's Castle de Robert Silverberg
Fantasy Novel251987
Rendezvous With Rama de Arthur C. Clarke
Science Fiction Novel251987
Way Station de Clifford D. Simak
Science Fiction Novel251987
As Crônicas de Nárnia de C. S. Lewis
Fantasy Novel261987
A Wrinkle in Time de Madeleine L'Engle
Fantasy Novel271998
2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço de Arthur C. Clarke
Science Fiction Novel271998
The Shining de Stephen King
Fantasy Novel271987
To Your Scattered Bodies Go de Philip José Farmer
Science Fiction Novel271987
Cities in Flight de James Blish
All-Time Best Novel271975
Witch World de Andre Norton
Fantasy Novel281998
The War of the Worlds de H. G. Wells
Science Fiction Novel281998
Conjure Wife de Fritz Leiber
Fantasy Novel281987
Earth Abides de George R. Stewart
Science Fiction Novel281987
A Case of Conscience de James Blish
All-Time Best Novel281975
2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço de Arthur C. Clarke
All-Time Best Novel281975
The Fionavar Tapestry 1. The Summer Tree 2. The Wandering Fire 3. The Darkest Road de Guy Gavriel Kay
Fantasy Novel291998
Fahrenheit 451 de Ray Bradbury
Science Fiction Novel291998
The Worm Ouroboros de E. R. Eddison
Fantasy Novel291987
Deryni Rising de Katherine Kurtz
Fantasy Novel291987
The Door into Summer de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel291987
Deryni Rising de Katherine Kurtz
Fantasy Novel301998
The Mote in God's Eye de Larry Niven
Science Fiction Novel301998
City de Clifford D. Simak
Science Fiction Novel301987
The Caves of Steel de Isaac Asimov
All-Time Best Novel301975
Time Enough for Love de Robert A. Heinlein
All-Time Best Novel301975
Last and First Men de Olaf Stapledon
All-Time Best Novel301975
Star Maker de Olaf Stapledon
All-Time Best Novel301975
Way Station de Clifford D. Simak
Science Fiction Novel311998
Witch World de Andre Norton
Fantasy Novel311987
The Witches of Karres de James H. Schmitz
Science Fiction Novel311987
Something Wicked This Way Comes de Ray Bradbury
Fantasy Novel321998
Replay de Ken Grimwood
Fantasy Novel321998
Star Maker de Olaf Stapledon
Science Fiction Novel321998
Wizard and Glass de Stephen King
Fantasy Novel321987
The City and the Stars de Arthur C. Clarke
Science Fiction Novel321987
Elric of Melniboné de Michael Moorcock
Fantasy Novel32.11998
Dying Inside de Robert Silverberg
Science Fiction Novel331998
A Wrinkle in Time de Madeleine L'Engle
Fantasy Novel331987
The Caves of Steel de Isaac Asimov
Science Fiction Novel331987
The City and the Stars de Arthur C. Clarke
Science Fiction Novel341998
1984 de George Orwell
Science Fiction Novel341987
The Dragon in the Sea de Frank Herbert
All-Time Best Novel341975
Davy de Edgar Pangborn
All-Time Best Novel341975
The Incomplete Enchanter de L. Sprague de Camp
Fantasy Novel351998
Dhalgren de Samuel R. Delany
Science Fiction Novel351998
Norstrilia de Cordwainer Smith
Science Fiction Novel351987
Swords and Deviltry de Fritz Leiber
Fantasy Novel35.11998
Swords Against Death de Fritz Leiber
Fantasy Novel35.21998
Swords in the Mist de Fritz Leiber
Fantasy Novel35.31998
Swords Against Wizardry de Fritz Leiber
Fantasy Novel35.41998
The Swords of Lankhmar de Fritz Leiber
Fantasy Novel35.51998
Swords and Ice Magic de Fritz Leiber
Fantasy Novel35.61998
The Knight and Knave of Swords de Fritz Leiber
Fantasy Novel35.71998
Rendezvous With Rama de Arthur C. Clarke
Science Fiction Novel361998
Mission of Gravity de Hal Clement
Science Fiction Novel361987
Babel-17 de Samuel R. Delany
All-Time Best Novel361975
The Door into Summer de Robert A. Heinlein
All-Time Best Novel361975
Flowers for Algernon de Daniel Keyes
All-Time Best Novel361975
A Mirror for Observers de Edgar Pangborn
All-Time Best Novel361975
The Witches of Karres de James H. Schmitz
All-Time Best Novel361975
Mission of Gravity de Hal Clement
Science Fiction Novel371998
Ubik de Philip K. Dick
Science Fiction Novel371987
Cyteen de C. J. Cherryh
Science Fiction Novel381998
City de Clifford D. Simak
Science Fiction Novel381998
Timescape de Gregory Benford
Science Fiction Novel381987
2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço de Arthur C. Clarke
Science Fiction Novel381987
Flowers for Algernon de Daniel Keyes
Science Fiction Novel401998
Fahrenheit 451 de Ray Bradbury
Science Fiction Novel401987
Double Star de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel411998
Earth Abides de George R. Stewart
Science Fiction Novel411998
Downbelow Station de C. J. Cherryh
Science Fiction Novel411987
1984 de George Orwell
All-Time Best Novel411975
Rite of Passage de Alexei Panshin
All-Time Best Novel411975
The War of the Worlds de H. G. Wells
Science Fiction Novel421987
Ubik de Philip K. Dick
Science Fiction Novel431998
The Door into Summer de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel431998
Last and First Men de Olaf Stapledon
Science Fiction Novel431998
Last and First Men de Olaf Stapledon
Science Fiction Novel431987
Double Star de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel441987
Davy de Edgar Pangborn
Science Fiction Novel451987
The Witches of Karres de James H. Schmitz
Science Fiction Novel461998
Norstrilia de Cordwainer Smith
Science Fiction Novel461998
Have Spacesuit, Will Travel de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel481998
Time Enough for Love de Robert A. Heinlein
Science Fiction Novel481998
Frankenstein de Mary Shelley
Science Fiction Novel481998
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? de Philip K. Dick
Science Fiction Novel511998
The Gods Themselves de Isaac Asimov
Science Fiction Novel521998
To Your Scattered Bodies Go de Philip José Farmer
Science Fiction Novel52.11998
The Fabulous Riverboat de Philip José Farmer
Science Fiction Novel52.21998
The Dark Design de Philip José Farmer
Science Fiction Novel52.31998
The Magic Labyrinth de Philip José Farmer
Science Fiction Novel52.41998
Gods of Riverworld de Philip José Farmer
Science Fiction Novel52.51998


Locus Magazine's annual poll periodically includes 'all-time best' categories for novel or author. The Best SF Novel of All-Time poll was last held in 1998 and was restricted to books published before 1990.

(English, Unclassified)
Locus Magazine's annual poll periodically includes 'all-time best' categories for novel or author. (English, Member-written)


20th century(4,419) adventure(4,487) aliens(2,317) American(2,380) American literature(2,565) audiobook(2,301) British(2,382) British literature(2,503) children(2,423) children's(3,934) children's literature(2,402) classic(15,517) classics(13,949) cyberpunk(2,228) dragons(2,009) dystopia(7,956) dystopian(2,217) ebook(5,309) English(2,420) English literature(2,495) fantasy(64,685) favorites(3,257) fiction(89,947) goodreads(3,581) gothic(2,406) hardcover(2,176) horror(11,633) Kindle(3,357) literature(8,147) Lord of the Rings(2,073) magic(2,662) Middle Earth(2,769) novel(14,902) own(5,040) owned(3,059) paperback(4,566) read(15,600) science fiction(108,923) Science Fiction/Fantasy(3,939) series(3,876) sf(16,627) sff(6,605) speculative fiction(3,424) time travel(2,858) to-read(47,069) Tolkien(4,309) unread(4,488) vampires(2,264) ya(1,965) young adult(3,590)

Membros principais

bookstopshere (112 obras), Rtrace (112), jcm790 (111), randys_bookbuzz (108), ringman (107), geitebukkeskjegg (103), tootstorm (103), paulhurtley (102), chilperic (101), StormRaven (101), VenRandle (101), Echinopsis (98), jotoyo (98), Murphyslawyer (98), G_Riv (97), justifiedsinner (97), Kaethe (97), ScottLaz (97), SFF1928-1973 (97), Rynosseros (96), vicwong (96), divinenanny (95), EmScape (95), fitzwater (95), strangefate (95), AsYouKnow_Bob (94), iftyzaidi (94), steelprimate (94), anglemark (93), aulsmith (93), bertilak (93), M_L_Nagle (93), Natt90 (93), djewett (92), parasolofdoom (92), esther_a (91), Surtac (91), tredegartrafalgar (91), JaredMcLaine (90), malloyd (90), IntangiblesInc (89), bradleyhorner (88), FredKiesche (88), iluvvideo (88), Jussiv (88), naokoken (88), Anarchyvist (87), everdonbooks (87), PhileasHannay (87), WestBranch (87), CorwynM (86), goobertellii (86), Kat_Hooper (86), Leischen (86), murfman (86), tonkindigo (86), dean (85), joiedelivre (85), mick745 (85), mvuijlst (85), Oryphany (85), rtttt01 (85), Rynemonn (85), Sterling4589 (85), ChrisRiesbeck (84), oakes (84), stubooks (84), unapersson (84), WestmereNZ (84), wpisfs (84), Zaltys (84), gordon.krefting (83), MaryPieroCarey (83), Musereader (83), nwhyte (83), William_T_Goodall (83), Brazgo67 (82), dltucker (82), idanush (82), MartinWisse (82), RabidGerbil (82), douggeo (81), JVermillion (81), KCV (81), RedQueen (81), reecejones (81), TheoClarke (81), ashleytylerjohn (80), elenora (80), googoomuck (80), rosstrowbridge (80), cns1000 (79), dustydigger (79), ethorwitz (79), hegadornr (79), HoldenCarver (79), Jon_Hansen (79), scififan42 (79), simulacrum (79), Dureo (78), MikeKn (78), TadAD (78), BolstenDorder (77), cosmicdolphin (77), cusfs (77), daves0 (77), doubtfulpalace (77), DrPlokta (77), erohwedd (77), mgoddard (77), PRDurham2 (77), StigE (77), tglovell (77), LamSon (76), Markober (76), NickPetty (76), pipecad (76), Zehavit_Lamasu (76), drakeg (75), Eggpants (75), fjvidiella (75), gilraen74 (75), HanJie (75), JamesJ.Bond (75), mgiuntoni (75), NachoSeco (75), Patrick666 (75), pinax (75), ValLloyd (75), cannellfan (74), jennmaine (74), Jmustang1968 (74), lcd (74), mjscott (74), msmemory (74), odinblindeye (74), rexton (74), saulegriza (74), TerryWeyna (74), uscer (74), alatar224 (73), bibliopolitan (73), iansales (73), Maddz (73), mike.wallace (73), NerdyBookingham (73), nicholas (73), rpuchalsky (73), Shimo (73), skullduggery (73), venza (73), fernald (72), fugglestone (72), JasonBraun (72), jseger9000 (72), kenf (72), LSPopovich (72), mjfmjfmjf (72), SleepySheep (72), Snowstorm14 (72), weber93 (72), bmdenny (71), bragan (71), clong (71), JBarringer (71), JTandRobin (71), kamintra (71), marxones (71), ReginaBrown (71), SugarThief (71), absurdeist (70), cogitno (70), hoopmanjh (70), JSMEinstein (70), psybre (70), ScoLgo (70), sphericaltime (70), szarka (70)