Controversial Books for mikewell12

This page shows the most "controversial" books in this library, as measured by the highest standard deviation of members' star ratings.

Standard Deviation Avaliação média Your Rating Título
1.301 3.71 A Revolta de Atlas de Ayn Rand
1.196 3.07 O Livro Dos Sonhos de Jack Kerouac
1.195 3.71 The Discourses of Epictetus de Epictetus
1.182 3.84 The Fountainhead de Ayn Rand
1.167 2.93 Orpheus Emerged de Jack Kerouac
1.114 3.63 Pé na Estrada de Jack Kerouac
1.093 3.67 Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals de Immanuel Kant
1.083 3.88 Critique of Pure Reason de Immanuel Kant
1.075 3.83 Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson de Mitch Albom
1.047 3.36 On Bullshit de Harry G. Frankfurt
1.037 3.58 Segundo Tratado Sobre o Governo Civil de John Locke
1.019 3.53 The Subterraneans de Jack Kerouac
1.015 4.07 On the Road: O Manuscrito Original de Jack Kerouac
1.005 3.86 Thus Spoke Zarathustra de Friedrich Nietzsche
1.003 3.31 Visions of Cody de Jack Kerouac
1.001 3.87 The Republic de Plato
1 3.84 Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future de Friedrich Nietzsche
1 3.55 Leviathan de Thomas Hobbes
0.999 3.17 Satori in Paris / Pic de Jack Kerouac
0.998 3.94 A Treatise of Human Nature de David Hume
0.998 3.78 The Education of Henry Adams de Henry Adams
0.997 3.67 Política de Aristotle
0.983 3.65 Philosophy for Dummies de Tom Morris
0.98 3.59 Discourse on Method / Meditations on First Philosophy de René Descartes
0.977 3.87 Ética a Nicômaco de Aristotle
0.977 3.51 On Truth de Harry G. Frankfurt
0.971 3.4 Mexico City Blues: 242 Choruses de Jack Kerouac
0.969 3.56 Tristessa de Jack Kerouac
0.965 3.71 Visions of Gerard de Jack Kerouac
0.964 3.87 A Theory of Justice de John Rawls
0.954 3.87 Os Vagabundos Iluminados de Jack Kerouac
0.954 3.71 Big Sur de Jack Kerouac
0.952 3.79 The Prince (Bantam Classics) de Niccolò Machiavelli
0.95 3.54 Heaven and Other Poems de Jack Kerouac
0.943 3.81 The Antichrist de Friedrich Nietzsche
0.943 3.79 Book of Sketches (Poets, Penguin) de Jack Kerouac
0.933 4.15 Basic Writings of Nietzsche de Friedrich Nietzsche
0.931 3.78 The Problems of Philosophy de Bertrand Russell
0.929 4.2 The Basic Works of Aristotle de Aristotle
0.922 3.52 Maggie Cassidy de Jack Kerouac
0.917 3.74 Crimes Against Logic: Exposing the Bogus Arguments of Politicians, Priests, Journalists, and Other Serial Offenders de Jamie Whyte
0.91 3.61 Lonesome Traveler de Jack Kerouac
0.9 4.08 Justice as Fairness: A Restatement de John Rawls
0.898 3.86 A Rulebook for Arguments de Anthony Weston
0.897 3.76 Desolation Angels de Jack Kerouac
0.896 3.95 The Plague de Albert Camus
0.894 4.34 Philosophical Investigations de Ludwig Wittgenstein
0.889 4.01 The Art of Memory de Frances A. Yates
0.884 3.61 Scattered Poems (City Lights Pocket Poets Series) de Jack Kerouac
0.871 4.17 Sonnets from the Portuguese de Elizabeth Barrett Browning
0.87 3.78 The Town and the City de Jack Kerouac
0.865 4.41 Plato: Complete Works de Plato
0.838 4 Windblown World: The Journals of Jack Kerouac 1947-1954 de Jack Kerouac
0.838 3.53 Vanity of Duluoz: An Adventurous Education, 1935-46 de Jack Kerouac
0.765 3.72 Go de John Clellon Holmes
0.687 4.02 The Scripture of the Golden Eternity (City Lights Pocket Poets Series) de Jack Kerouac