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Shutter Island (2003)

de Dennis Lehane

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7,5413011,231 (3.91)421
Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:

The basis for the blockbuster motion picture directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Shutter Island by New York Times bestselling author Dennis Lehane is a gripping and atmospheric psychological thriller where nothing is quite what it seems. The New York Times calls Shutter Island, "Startlingly original." The Washington Post raves, "Brilliantly conceived and executed." A masterwork of suspense and surprise from the author of Mystic River and Gone, Baby, Gone, Shutter Island carries the reader into a nightmare world of madness, mind control, and CIA Cold War paranoia and is unlike anything you've ever read before.

.… (mais)
Adicionado recentemente porJoeB1934, wsmith201, Sinuhe1, Nerena, ib4, grinham, BookGuy1701, sgfulton
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Shutter Island is a very well placed suspense novel. The tone, atmosphere and characters created by Lehane bristle with a familiarity which immediately causes the spine to tingle and the mind to wander. Made into a well driven film by Martin Scorsese, which is almost to the letter recreated from the novel, it moves with good pacing and is a rapid read. It is highly suggested though, that the book be read before watching the film. As good as the novel is it is slightly out of place among Lehane’s catalogue.
A young man fresh from the horrors of the Western Theater of WWII and the liberation of the concentration camps is haunted by the death of his wife and children. In place of that vacuum he turns to diligence and the importance of his job as he investigates a missing person on a island housing the criminally insane. All is not as it seems or as it the young Federal Marshall would have it be. As he questions the methods of the facility and a possible link to Hitleresque methods of treatment he finds they may be directly linked to his own sanity. ( )
  JHemlock | Jul 8, 2024 |
I feel bad writing this- but I found the book to be meh.

I read it because my friend recommended it to me. She loved it. Yet for me, it just kind of left me feeling empty and a little sad. Maybe the twist could have been better? I wonder if this was an instance of the movie being better than the book. ( )
  annahuber13 | May 7, 2024 |
VERY MILD SPOILERS CONTAINED INSIDE (you'll have read the same in the book's blurbs, anyway):

I love a good page-turner every now and then, and this novel -- locked-room mystery, ghost story, haunted-house flick, cop thriller, in various amounts -- definitely didn't disappoint. (Especially when you're on a plane.) But the success of the story is wholly dependent on some sleight-of-hand on Lehane's part -- nothing wrong with this, really, except that skillful construction doesn't quite conceal the fact that Shutter Island is missing what Lehane does best. In [b:Mystic River|21671|Mystic River|Dennis Lehane|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/512vgYKeKFL._SL75_.jpg|1234249], with its Shakespearean dramatic arc, or almost any of the Kenzie/Gennaro books (except maybe for the weak [b:Sacred|425124|Sacred (Kenzie & Gennaro, #3)|Dennis Lehane|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1174627469s/425124.jpg|1352373]), one had the sense that Boston and its people were living, breathing, essential characters in the story. (Other than the performances, this rootedness in place is what made Clint Eastwood's Mystic River, and Ben Affleck's vastly underrated 2007 directorial debut, Gone Baby Gone, so powerful.)

Would it be remiss to say that Dennis Lehane's Boston is, albeit in a more limited fashion, as fleshed out as David Simon's Baltimore? (Or Richard Price's "Dempsey"?) It's that sense of vibrant reality that's missing from Shutter Island, the idea that a city and its residents had lived there long before our characters step on the stage. ( )
  thewilyf | Dec 25, 2023 |
Excellent, excellent book. The writing is great, the story's tight and fast-paced. I inhaled this one in a couple of days. ( )
  GordCampbell | Dec 20, 2023 |
I saw the movie when it first came out in 2010, and I remember loving it and being blown away by the twist. Twelve years have passed since then, and while my memory was fuzzy on the details, I knew what to expect from the book. And yet, despite anticipating the big reveal, I was just as awe-struck and surprised as I had been while I watched the film.

At times, Lehane's writing is so fast-paced to be nearly breathlessly frantic. Add to that a dose of noir style, and I was turning pages quicker and quicker as I neared the ending. I flew through the last hundred pages in record time because I HAD to know how everything would wrap up. I'm a devoted Lehane fan, and I can't wait to see what he has in store for us next. ( )
  Elizabeth_Cooper | Oct 27, 2023 |
Mostrando 1-5 de 299 (seguinte | mostrar todas)
Moving out from the working-class Boston neighborhoods where his hard-boiled private eyes and blue-collar cops normally conduct their realistic business, Dennis Lehane takes a leap into unknown genre territory in SHUTTER ISLAND (Morrow, $25.95). But whichever genre he's aiming for in this misguided effort -- psychological suspense, cold war thriller or Grand Guignol melodrama -- he misses it by a nautical mile.
adicionado por eromsted | editarNew York Times, Marilyn Stasio (Apr 20, 2003)
The primary force of this book comes from Teddy's grief and his anguished memories of World War II, when he helped liberate inmates at Dachau. ... But its hidden power has a different source: Mr. Lehane's insight into his book's most disturbed figures. Suffice it to say that this is a deft, suspenseful thriller that unfolds with increasing urgency until it delivers a visceral shock in its final moments. When it comes to keeping readers exactly where he wants them, Mr. Lehane offers a bravura demonstration of how it's done.
adicionado por eromsted | editarNew York Times, Janet Maslin (Apr 17, 2003)
Verano de 1954. El agente federal Teddy Daniels llega a Shutter Island, isla en la que está ubicado el hospital Ashecliffe, un centro penitenciario para enfermos mentales. Junto con su compañero, Chuck Aule, se propone encontrar a una paciente desaparecida, una asesina llamada Rachel Solando, a medida que un huracán azota la isla. No obstante, nada es lo que parece en el hospital Ashecliffe. Y Teddy Daniels tampoco.¿Ha ido hasta allí para encontrar a una paciente desaparecida? ¿O le han enviado para investigar los rumores acerca de los radicales métodos psiquiátricos que se utilizan en esa institución? Unos métodos que posiblemente incluyan la experimentación con drogas, pruebas quirúrgicas terribles, contraataques mortales en la guerra encubierta en contra de los lavados de cerebro soviéticos...
adicionado por Pakoniet | editarLecturalia
Lehane takes a departure form his regular series and takes us to Shutter Island. This is a book that stretched both the author and the reader.

Lehane called his book, homage to gothic, but also homage to B Movies and Pulp!" Teddy is on Shutter Island to find a missing mental patient. As you travel with Teddy the story becomes more and more about Teddy than about the missing mental patient. The job of the reader is to decide what is real and what is make-believe as you travel with the main character Teddy. You hear the whispering echoes of the past as you find more and more clues. All illusions of control and all surefooted terrain ware away as you get deeper and deeper into the twists of the story.

The context of the book has been written once, and then written completely anew, and then twisted once again the third go around of writing this twisted tale. The story line however stays constant and helps one misunderstand the novel. You will read yourself to a knotted rope, for the author has left enough chords to twist around your neck and hang yourself by. Breathing becomes something you need to remind yourself to do as you get caught up in the current of Shutter Island.

The story looks at mental health treatments of the past compared to what methods are used today. Lehane asks his readers, "What is the fine line between treatment and sterilization of the mind?

Enjoy the twisted mind of Dennis Lehane in his book Shutter Island, A definite cluck cluck cluck.
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. . . must we dream our dreams
       and have them, too?

--Elizabeth Bishop,
"Questions of Travel"
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For Chris Gleason and Mike Eigen.
Who listened. And heard.
And sometimes carried.
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May 3, 1993

I haven't laid eyes on the island in several years.
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Teddy said, "Who's "she"? Where did "she" come from, Chuck?" - "There's always a she, isn't there?"
Waking, after all, was an almost natal state. You surfaced without a history, then spent the blinks and yawns reassembling your past, shuffling the shards into chronological order before fortifying yourself for the present.
"How many psychiatrists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" - "I don't know. How many?" - "Eight." - "Why?" - "Oh, stop overanalyzing it."
Charm was the luxury of those who still believed in the essential rightness of thing. In purity and picket fences.
He struck Teddy as the kind of guy who needed watching, too secure in his own fulfillment of his parents' wildest dreams.
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One of the editions has the ISBN and cover for Mystic River, not Shutter Island.
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Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:

The basis for the blockbuster motion picture directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Shutter Island by New York Times bestselling author Dennis Lehane is a gripping and atmospheric psychological thriller where nothing is quite what it seems. The New York Times calls Shutter Island, "Startlingly original." The Washington Post raves, "Brilliantly conceived and executed." A masterwork of suspense and surprise from the author of Mystic River and Gone, Baby, Gone, Shutter Island carries the reader into a nightmare world of madness, mind control, and CIA Cold War paranoia and is unlike anything you've ever read before.


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