Controversial Books for KaraCecil

This page shows the most "controversial" books in this library, as measured by the highest standard deviation of members' star ratings.

Standard Deviation Avaliação média Your Rating Título
1.029 4.18 Outlander de Diana Gabaldon
0.933 4.09 Into the Wilderness de Sara Donati
0.897 4.11 The Fiery Cross de Diana Gabaldon
0.852 4 Dawn on a Distant Shore de Sara Donati
0.85 4.2 Dragonfly in Amber de Diana Gabaldon
0.85 3.96 Silent in the Grave de Deanna Raybourn
0.828 3.84 The Rose Garden de Susanna Kearsley
0.826 4.21 Drums of Autumn de Diana Gabaldon
0.825 4.27 A Breath of Snow and Ashes de Diana Gabaldon
0.825 3.75 Dark Road to Darjeeling de Deanna Raybourn
0.813 4.28 Voyager de Diana Gabaldon
0.809 3.92 Silent on the Moor de Deanna Raybourn
0.802 4.15 Fire Along the Sky de Sara Donati
0.786 4.08 The Scottish Prisoner de Diana Gabaldon
0.775 4.2 The Endless Forest de Sara Donati
0.769 3.89 The Dark Enquiry de Deanna Raybourn
0.756 4.12 Queen of Swords de Sara Donati
0.747 4 Silent in the Sanctuary de Deanna Raybourn