Controversial Books for willmason60

This page shows the most "controversial" books in this library, as measured by the highest standard deviation of members' star ratings.

Standard Deviation Avaliação média Your Rating Título
1.805 3.24 The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ de Joseph Smith
1.508 3.31 Earth in Upheaval de Immanuel Velikovsky
1.464 3.26 Worlds in Collision de Immanuel Velikovsky
1.452 2.56 The Gold of the Gods de Erich Von Daniken
1.301 3.71 A Revolta de Atlas de Ayn Rand
1.298 2.41 Return to the stars de Erich von Däniken
1.292 3.35 The Book of Runes: A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient Oracle: The Viking Runes with Stones: 10th Anniversary Edition de Ralph Blum
1.287 2.84 Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past de Erich von Däniken
1.257 3.46 The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids de Robert Bauval
1.237 3.98 George Washington : Writings de George Washington
1.233 3.37 Sanskrit: A Complete Course for Beginners de Michael Coulson
1.228 3.08 Egyptian Language: Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics de E. A. Wallis Budge
1.21 4.19 The Origin of Species / The Descent of Man de Charles Darwin
1.203 3.49 The Good Book: A Humanist Bible de A. C. Grayling
1.182 3.84 The Fountainhead de Ayn Rand
1.175 3.69 Invention by Design; How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing de Henry Petroski
1.173 3.31 The Egyptologist de Arthur Phillips
1.164 3.24 1421: The Year China Discovered America de Gavin Menzies
1.158 3.82 In Ruins de Christopher Woodward
1.157 3.56 F5: Devastation, Survival, and the Most Violent Tornado Outbreak of the 20th Century de Mark Levine
1.156 3.5 Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization de Graham Hancock
1.153 3.36 Uriel's Machine de Christopher Knight
1.151 3.42 Elements of Semiology de Roland Barthes
1.149 2.74 Killing Time de Caleb Carr
1.147 3.76 The Gods of the Egyptians, Volume 1 de E. A. Wallis Budge
1.145 3.13 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance de Gavin Menzies
1.143 3.62 Ages in Chaos: From the Exodus To King Akhnaton de Immanuel Velikovsky
1.143 2.66 The Linguist and the Emperor: Napoleon and Champollion's Quest to Decipher the Rosetta Stone de Daniel Meyerson
1.14 3.37 Harry Potter e a Criança Amaldiçoada de J. K. Rowling
1.132 2.91 Surrender, New York: A Novel de Caleb Carr
1.131 3.61 The Third Wave de Alvin Toffler
1.129 4.09 Metamorphoses (The Golden Ass), I: Books 1-6 (Loeb Classical Library No. 44N) de Apuleius
1.125 3.79 The Septuagint with Apocrypha: Greek and English de Septuagint
1.124 3.06 The Diviners de Rick Moody
1.122 3.54 The Raw and the Cooked: Introduction to a Science of Mythology: I de Claude Lévi-Strauss
1.122 3.34 Imaginary Friend de Stephen Chbosky
1.121 3.71 In God's Name: An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I de David Yallop
1.116 3.13 War and Peace in the Global Village de Marshall McLuhan
1.115 3.34 The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind de Graham Hancock
1.113 3.27 The Memory of Whiteness de Kim Stanley Robinson
1.11 4.05 Sunday in the Park with George de Stephen Sondheim
1.109 3.27 The Last Days of Pompeii de Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron Lytton
1.107 3.55 The Copenhagen Papers: An Intrigue de Michael Frayn
1.102 3.71 American Psycho de Bret Easton Ellis
1.1 2.88 The Fire de Katherine Neville
1.1 4.08 The Cave and the Light: Plato Versus Aristotle, and the Struggle for the Soul of Western Civilization de Arthur Herman
1.094 3.67 The Black Book de Orhan Pamuk
1.094 3.62 I Am a Strange Loop de Douglas Hofstadter
1.093 3.68 Fingerprints of the Gods de Graham Hancock
1.092 3.82 Walden de Henry David Thoreau
1.092 3.07 Foundation's Fear de Gregory Benford
1.09 2.98 The Poe Shadow de Matthew Pearl
1.09 3.88 Rumo ao Farol de Virginia Woolf
1.089 4.03 Bent: The Play de Martin Sherman
1.088 3.58 Still Water de John Harvey
1.087 3.71 Across Five Aprils de Irene Hunt
1.087 3.33 Glamorama de Bret Easton Ellis
1.086 3.26 The Mayan Prophecies: Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilization de Adrian Gilbert
1.086 4.02 The Works of Philo de C. D. Yonge
1.084 3.8 A Pillar of Iron de Taylor Caldwell
1.084 3.57 A Tour of the Calculus de David Berlinski
1.084 3.99 Paraíso de Dante Alighieri
1.083 3.88 Critique of Pure Reason de Immanuel Kant
1.083 3.53 Aspects of the Theory of Syntax de Noam Chomsky
1.081 3.79 Popol Vuh de Quiché Maya
1.08 3.21 The Magic Circle de Katherine Neville
1.076 3.79 Empire of Signs de Roland Barthes
1.076 3.65 The Myths of Innovation de Scott Berkun
1.073 3.61 The Roman Way de Edith Hamilton
1.072 4.14 The River that Flows Uphill: A Journey From the Big Bang to the Big Brain de William H. Calvin
1.071 3.64 The Years of Rice and Salt de Kim Stanley Robinson
1.069 3.66 Anabasis [Ancient Greek] de Xenophon
1.069 3.71 The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History de Howard Bloom
1.069 3.45 James Madison: A Biography de Ralph Ketcham
1.069 3.86 O Silmarillion de J. R. R. Tolkien
1.068 3.41 The Night Ocean de Paul La Farge
1.067 3.64 Civilization and Its Discontents de Sigmund Freud
1.067 3.67 Under the Dome: Part 1: A Novel de Stephen King
1.066 3.83 The American Revolution, Writings from the War of Independence de John H. Rhodehamel
1.066 3.66 The One Thing You Need to Know: ... About Great Managing, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success de Marcus Buckingham
1.066 3.48 The Andromeda Evolution de Daniel H. Wilson
1.066 3.68 The Historian de Elizabeth Kostova
1.065 4.11 The Homeric Hymns and Homerica de Hesiod
1.065 3.42 Rama Revealed de Arthur C. Clarke
1.063 3.95 The Magus: a revised version de John Fowles
1.062 3.3 The Seventh Secret de Irving Wallace
1.058 3.3 Walden Two de B. F. Skinner
1.058 3.45 Surfaces and Essences: Analogy as the Fuel and Fire of Thinking de Douglas Hofstadter
1.057 3.46 The Dressmaker de Rosalie Ham
1.055 3.26 Beyond Infinity de Gregory Benford
1.055 3.84 Understanding Media de Marshall McLuhan
1.054 3.94 Confessions de Saint Augustine
1.054 4.14 Beowulf / The Fight at Finnsburg de Beowulf Poet
1.054 2.89 Titus Awakes de Maeve Gilmore
1.053 4.07 Good Times, Bad Times de James Kirkwood
1.052 3.8 Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty de Dumas Malone
1.051 3.45 Specimen Days de Michael Cunningham
1.05 3.46 9-11 de Noam Chomsky
1.05 4 Abridged Greek-English Lexicon de Henry George Liddell
1.049 3.86 The Golden Pot and Other Tales de E. T. A. Hoffmann
1.049 3.87 O Pêndulo de Foucaul de Umberto Eco
1.048 3.4 The Turn of the Screw de Henry James
1.046 3.74 Retórica de Aristotle
1.045 3.54 Peer Gynt de Henrik Ibsen
1.045 3.63 Film Directing: Shot by Shot: Visualizing from Concept to Screen de Steven D. Katz
1.045 3.85 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change de Stephen R. Covey
1.045 3.94 Paterson de William Carlos Williams
1.045 3.94 Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell de Susanna Clarke
1.044 3.49 Answered Prayers: The Unfinished Novel de Truman Capote
1.042 3.44 The Last Star de Rick Yancey
1.041 3.34 Rama II de Arthur C. Clarke
1.041 3.63 The Ascent of George Washington: The Hidden Political Genius of an American Icon de John Ferling
1.041 3.85 Of Grammatology de Jacques Derrida
1.041 2.93 Imperial Bedrooms de Bret Easton Ellis
1.039 3.28 The Difference Engine de William Gibson
1.039 3.93 Lincoln no Limbo de George Saunders
1.038 3.73 The Eight de Katherine Neville
1.036 3.78 The F-Word de Jesse Sheidlower
1.035 3.35 The Unending Mystery: A Journey Through Labyrinths and Mazes de David W. McCullough
1.035 3.84 Curso de Lingüística Geral de Ferdinand de Saussure
1.035 3.68 Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia de John Gray
1.035 3.24 The Word de Irving Wallace
1.033 3.54 Future Shock de Alvin Toffler
1.033 4.12 Writings: Autobiography / Notes on the State of Virginia / Public and Private Papers / Addresses / Letters de Thomas Jefferson
1.033 3.63 The Search for the Perfect Language de Umberto Eco
1.032 3.52 Chimera de John Barth
1.031 3.71 Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf de Benjamin Lee Whorf
1.031 3.51 The Mandelbaum Gate de Muriel Spark
1.031 3.03 Cradle de Arthur C. Clarke
1.03 3.9 Jefferson and the Rights of Man de Dumas Malone
1.03 3.09 The Flood de Ian Rankin
1.03 3.53 Lunar Park de Bret Easton Ellis
1.03 3.85 O grande Gatsby de F. Scott Fitzgerald
1.029 3.46 Void Star de Zachary Mason
1.029 3.68 Taoist I Ching de I-ming Liu
1.029 3.35 The Complete Ghost Stories of Charles Dickens de Charles Dickens
1.025 3.68 Dragon Lady: The Life and Legend of the Last Empress of China de Sterling Seagrave
1.025 3.34 On Dreams de Sigmund Freud
1.025 3.63 In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies de Thomas J. Peters
1.025 3.66 The Chase de Clive Cussler
1.024 3.68 The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century de Thomas L. Friedman
1.024 3.67 The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change de Al Gore
1.024 3.55 Heaven's Mirror: Quest for the Lost Civilization de Graham Hancock
1.023 3.59 God Knows de Joseph Heller
1.023 3.49 The Poseidon Adventure de Paul Gallico
1.023 3.84 The Origins and Development of the English Language de Thomas Pyles
1.022 3.46 Calculated Risk de Katherine Neville
1.022 3.32 The Mars mystery : the secret connection between earth and red planet de Graham Hancock
1.021 3.67 Now, Discover Your Strengths: How to Develop Your Talents and Those of the People You Manage de Marcus Buckingham
1.021 3.82 The Dead Sea Scrolls de Michael O. Wise
1.02 3.7 What Color Is Your Parachute?: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers de Richard N. Bolles
1.018 3.7 Faust, Part Two de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
1.017 3.57 Snow de Orhan Pamuk
1.017 3.6 Summerland de Michael Chabon
1.017 4.06 Dom Quixote de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
1.017 3.18 3001 de Arthur C. Clarke
1.016 3.83 The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man de Marshall McLuhan
1.016 3.13 The Design of Future Things de Donald A. Norman
1.015 3.5 The Tin Can Tree de Anne Tyler
1.013 3.39 The Garden of Rama de Arthur C. Clarke
1.013 3.44 The Te of Piglet de Benjamin Hoff
1.012 3.36 The Dante Club de Matthew Pearl
1.012 3.81 Beowulf de Beowulf Poet
1.01 3.59 Helliconia Winter de Brian W. Aldiss
1.01 3.96 The order of things: an archaeology of the human sciences de Michel Foucault
1.008 3.61 Syntactic Structures de Noam Chomsky
1.007 4.1 Catch-22 de Joseph Heller
1.007 3.78 The Ministry for the Future de Kim Stanley Robinson
1.005 3.8 The Book of Five Rings de Musashi Miyamoto
1.005 3.66 The Unauthorized Version: Truth and Fiction in the Bible de Robin Lane Fox
1.005 3.08 Nietzsche: A Very Short Introduction de Michael Tanner
1.005 3.63 The Extraordinary Voyage of Pytheas the Greek de Barry Cunliffe
1.005 3.85 Thus Spoke Zarathustra de Friedrich Nietzsche
1.005 3.75 Sounder de William H. Armstrong
1.004 3.81 The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason de Sam Harris
1.003 3.41 Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science--From the Babylonians to the Maya de Dick Teresi
1.003 3.44 Forty Signs of Rain de Kim Stanley Robinson
1.002 3.87 In the Land of Time and Other Fantasy Tales de Lord Dunsany
1.002 3.6 To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design de Henry Petroski
1.001 3.94 The White Goddess de Robert Graves
1 3.78 Uncle Tom's Cabin de Harriet Beecher Stowe
1 3.06 Memories of the Ford Administration de John Updike
1 3.76 The Photographer's Handbook de John Hedgecoe
1 3.85 The Year of Magical Thinking de Joan Didion
1 3.53 The End of Time : The Next Revolution in Physics de Julian Barbour
0.999 3.4 Dexter in the Dark de Jeff Lindsay
0.999 3.74 To Your Scattered Bodies Go de Philip José Farmer
0.999 3.8 On the Nature of Things de Titus Lucretius Carus
0.999 3.96 An Introduction to Language de Victoria Fromkin
0.998 3.57 Noah's Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries About The Event That Changed History de William B. F. Ryan
0.998 3.78 The Education of Henry Adams de Henry Adams
0.997 4.01 The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers (And Their Employees) de Patrick Lencioni
0.997 4.1 O Profeta de Kahlil Gibran
0.997 3.67 Política de Aristotle
0.997 3.25 Digital Photographer's Handbook de Tom Ang
0.996 3.2 The Informers de Bret Easton Ellis
0.996 3.69 The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales de Bruno Bettelheim
0.996 3.07 The Italian Secretary: A Further Adventure of Sherlock Holmes de Caleb Carr
0.996 4.01 The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony de Roberto Calasso
0.995 3.89 XSLT Programmer's Reference de Michael Kay
0.994 3.9 When Nietzsche Wept de Irvin Yalom
0.993 3.98 Le Ton Beau De Marot: In Praise of the Music of Language de Douglas Hofstadter
0.992 3.49 Kant: A Very Short Introduction de Roger Scruton
0.992 3.78 The Tao of Pooh de Benjamin Hoff
0.992 3.69 Da Vinci's Ghost: Genius, Obsession, and How Leonardo Created the World in His Own Image de Toby Lester
0.991 3.44 A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder - How Crammed Closets, Cluttered Offices, and on-the-Fly Planning Make the World a Better Place de Eric Abrahamson
0.991 3.87 Como Chegar ao Sim: Como negociar acordos sem fazer concessões de Roger Fisher
0.991 3.86 O Fim de Lemony Snicket
0.99 3.94 The Goldfinch de Donna Tartt
0.989 3.6 The Mole People: Life in the Tunnels Beneath New York City de Jennifer Toth
0.989 4.19 Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self de C. G. Jung
0.988 3.89 As Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn de Mark Twain
0.988 3.78 Capital Dames: The Civil War and the Women of Washington, 1848-1868 de Cokie Roberts
0.987 4.16 I Ching: O Livro das Mutações de Richard Wilhelm
0.987 3.99 The Amber Spyglass de Philip Pullman
0.986 3.55 The Island of Lost Maps: A True Story of Cartographic Crime de Miles Harvey
0.986 4.28 On the Pulse of Morning de Maya Angelou
0.986 3.94 The God Delusion de Richard Dawkins
0.986 3.87 Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology de Neil Postman
0.985 3.43 Galileo's Dream de Kim Stanley Robinson
0.985 4.01 The Perks of Being a Wallflower de Stephen Chbosky
0.984 3.88 The Works of Josephus de Flavius Josephus
0.984 3.83 Grendel de John Gardner
0.984 4.07 Tipos Psicológicos de C. G. Jung
0.984 3.95 The Castle de Franz Kafka
0.984 3.3 Not to Disturb de Muriel Spark
0.983 3.74 Washington: The Making of the American Capital de Fergus Bordewich
0.982 3.95 Foundations of Language: Brain, Meaning, Grammar, Evolution de Ray Jackendoff
0.981 3.43 Time Travelers Never Die de Jack McDevitt
0.981 3.73 Encyclopedia of Gods de Michael Jordan
0.981 3.06 The Travelling Companion de Ian Rankin
0.98 4.18 Memórias, Sonhos, Reflexões de C. G. Jung
0.98 3.73 The Analects de Confucius
0.979 3.81 Imperial Ambitions: Conversations on the Post-9/11 World de Noam Chomsky
0.979 3.9 The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln de Sean Wilentz
0.979 3.8 The Story of Writing de Andrew Robinson
0.979 3.68 Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management de Scott Berkun
0.979 3.92 The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self de Alice Miller
0.978 3.71 The Club Dumas de Arturo Pérez-Reverte
0.978 3.96 Siddhartha de Hermann Hesse
0.978 3.76 The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values de Sam Harris
0.976 3.59 Between You & Me: Confessions of a Comma Queen de Mary Norris
0.976 3.15 On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism de Jonathan D. Culler
0.976 3.57 Discourse on Method de René Descartes
0.975 3.92 Letter to a Christian Nation de Sam Harris
0.974 4.06 The Kingdom of the Hittites de Trevor Bryce
0.974 3.31 The Witches of Eastwick de John Updike
0.974 3.91 The Order of Time de Carlo Rovelli
0.973 3.8 The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects de Marshall McLuhan
0.972 3.75 Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions de Edwin A. Abbott
0.972 3.81 The Peoples of Middle-Earth (The History of Middle-Earth, Vol. 12) de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.972 3.69 Last Rites de John Harvey
0.97 3.52 Helliconia Summer de Brian W. Aldiss
0.97 3.95 Myths to Live By de Joseph Campbell
0.97 3.19 Cleopatra's Nose: Essays on the Unexpected de Daniel Boorstin
0.969 3.96 The Story of Language de Mario Pei
0.969 3.64 To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science de Steven Weinberg
0.969 3.59 The Languages of Tolkien's Middle-Earth de Ruth S. Noel
0.968 3.58 Sphere de Michael Crichton
0.968 3.52 Hell House de Richard Matheson
0.968 4.15 The Elements of Style de William Jr. Strunk
0.968 3.62 The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World's Most Astonishing Number de Mario Livio
0.968 3.83 A arte da guerra de Sun Tzu
0.968 3.46 Cloud 9 de Caryl Churchill
0.967 3.43 The Grave Tattoo de Val McDermid
0.967 4.23 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Applause Musical Library) de Stephen Sondheim
0.967 3.44 Helliconia Spring de Brian W. Aldiss
0.967 3.03 Death Comes to Pemberley de P. D. James
0.966 3.83 Red Mars de Kim Stanley Robinson
0.966 3.77 The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations de Ori Brafman
0.965 3.7 Mau Começo de Lemony Snicket
0.965 3.94 The Art of Description: World into Word de Mark Doty
0.964 3.57 The Mysteries of Pittsburgh de Michael Chabon
0.964 3.95 A Teoria da Relatividade de Albert Einstein
0.964 3.51 Utopia de Thomas More
0.963 4.1 Leaves of Grass de Walt Whitman
0.963 3.52 The Lost World de Michael Crichton
0.962 4.12 The Gormenghast Trilogy de Mervyn Peake
0.962 4.15 The Cambridge encyclopedia of language de David Crystal
0.962 4.08 The Federalist Papers de Alexander Hamilton
0.962 3.91 Faust, Part One de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
0.961 3.06 The Widows of Eastwick de John Updike
0.961 3.86 Tales of the City de Armistead Maupin
0.961 3.77 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight de Gawain Poet
0.961 3.57 Fifty Degrees Below de Kim Stanley Robinson
0.961 3.78 5 Plays: Knights / Peace / Birds / Assembly-Women / Wealth de Aristophanes
0.961 3.06 Westwind de Ian Rankin
0.961 3.93 The Hours de Michael Cunningham
0.961 3.9 The Aeneid de Virgil
0.96 3.58 Headlong de Michael Frayn
0.96 3.96 Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language and Life de Jeremy Campbell
0.96 3.74 Now: The Physics of Time de Richard A. Muller
0.96 3.53 Clever Maids: The Secret History of the Grimm Fairy Tales de Valerie Paradiz
0.96 3.74 The History of the Church: From Christ to Constantine de Eusebius
0.959 3.88 Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge de Edward O. Wilson
0.958 3.9 Conscientious objections : stirring up trouble about language, technology, and education de Neil Postman
0.958 3.69 The Satyricon de Petronius
0.958 3.42 Night Work de Steve Hamilton
0.957 3.73 The Shoes of the Fisherman de Morris L. West
0.957 3.72 Count Belisarius de Robert Graves
0.957 3.67 Dreams of a Final Theory de Steven Weinberg
0.957 3.88 The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth de Robert Foster
0.956 3.95 A History of the English Language de Albert C. Baugh
0.956 3.48 Foundation's Triumph de David Brin
0.956 4.03 Ilíada de Homer
0.956 4.25 H. P. Lovecraft: Tales (Library of America) de H. P. Lovecraft
0.956 3.73 Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions de Lisa Randall
0.955 4.1 Underland: A Deep Time Journey de Robert Macfarlane
0.954 4.14 Purgatório de Dante Alighieri
0.954 4.04 The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization de Peter Senge
0.954 3.8 Candide de Voltaire
0.954 3.61 Breathing Lessons de Anne Tyler
0.953 3.54 Timescape de Gregory Benford
0.953 3.15 Reality and Dreams de Muriel Spark
0.952 3.62 Lost in the Funhouse de John Barth
0.952 3.35 Forbidden knowledge: from Prometheus to pornography de Roger Shattuck
0.952 3.55 Wishful Drinking de Carrie Fisher
0.951 3.97 Designing the Obvious: A Common Sense Approach to Web Application Design de Robert Hoekman Jr.
0.951 3.97 Bilbo's Last Song de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.95 4.14 A Dictionary of Modern English Usage de H.W. Fowler
0.949 3.79 The Greek Way de Edith Hamilton
0.949 3.47 The Trojan War: A New History de Barry S. Strauss
0.948 3.59 Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things de Donald A. Norman
0.948 4.1 The Charioteer de Mary Renault
0.948 3.79 Foundation and Earth de Isaac Asimov
0.948 3.6 Sailing the Wine-dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter de Thomas Cahill
0.948 3.6 Foundation and Chaos de Greg Bear
0.948 4.02 The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám de Omar Khayyám
0.948 3.8 Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation de Lynne Truss
0.947 4.02 Gilgamesh: A New English Version de Stephen Mitchell
0.947 3.61 From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds de Daniel C. Dennett
0.947 3.83 Tehanu de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.946 3.75 The Wave Watcher's Companion: From Ocean Waves to Light Waves Via Shock Waves, Stadium Waves, and all the Rest of Life's Undulations de Gavin Pretor-Pinney
0.946 3.93 The Exorcist de William Peter Blatty
0.946 3.75 Praticamente Inofensiva de Douglas Adams
0.946 3.59 The Seventh Function of Language de Laurent Binet
0.946 3.68 The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.945 3.62 The Book of Lost Tales, Part One de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.945 3.78 Fluid Concepts And Creative Analogies: Computer Models Of The Fundamental Mechanisms Of Thought de Douglas Hofstadter
0.945 3.76 Michael Tolliver Lives de Armistead Maupin
0.944 3.64 Eternity Road de Jack McDevitt
0.943 3.96 The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts de Israel Finkelstein
0.943 4.09 Into the Woods [Script/Libretto] de Stephen Sondheim
0.943 3.93 Red Storm Rising de Tom Clancy
0.943 3.83 Selected Poetry of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Penguin Classics) de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
0.942 3.64 Obama's Wars de Bob Woodward
0.942 3.74 Aurora de Kim Stanley Robinson
0.942 4.06 Miracle at Philadelphia: The Story of the Constitutional Convention, May to September 1787 de Catherine Drinker Bowen
0.942 3.74 Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change de William Bridges
0.942 4.07 A Bussola De Ouro de Philip Pullman
0.942 4.09 Riders in the Chariot de Patrick White
0.942 4.03 The Odyssey de Homer
0.942 3.79 The Yiddish Policemen's Union de Michael Chabon
0.942 3.88 God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything de Christopher Hitchens
0.941 3.85 The 5th Wave de Rick Yancey
0.941 3.59 The Boys in the Band: A Play in Two Acts de Mart Crowley
0.94 3.56 Across the Sea of Suns de Gregory Benford
0.94 4.01 O Processo de Franz Kafka
0.939 3.37 Cosm de Gregory Benford
0.939 3.53 The Sign and the Seal: The quest for the lost Ark of the Covenant de Graham Hancock
0.939 3.89 The Swerve: How the World Became Modern de Stephen Greenblatt
0.939 4.06 The Secret History de Donna Tartt
0.938 3.86 Le Morte d'Arthur de Thomas Malory
0.938 4.11 A Divina Comédia de Dante Alighieri
0.938 3.43 Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences (Vintage) de Edward Tenner
0.938 4.15 Memoirs of Hadrian de Marguerite Yourcenar
0.937 3.6 Morgan's Passing de Anne Tyler
0.937 3.61 The Map That Changed the World: William Smith and the Birth of Modern Geology de Simon Winchester
0.937 3.78 The Epic of Gilgamesh de Gilgamesh Poet
0.937 3.69 Space de James A. Michener
0.937 3.25 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge de Project Management Institute
0.936 3.54 A Short History of Myth de Karen Armstrong
0.936 3.28 Artifact de Gregory Benford
0.935 3.89 A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000-323 BC de Marc Van de Mieroop
0.935 3.42 The Takeover de Muriel Spark
0.935 3.34 Worth Dying For: The Power and Politics of Flags de Tim Marshall
0.935 3.85 3 Plays: Wasps / Women at the Thesmophoria / Frogs de Aristophanes
0.934 3.19 The Secret Life of E. Robert Pendleton de Michael Collins
0.934 3.94 The History of Sexuality, Vol. 1: An Introduction de Michel Foucault
0.934 3.98 A Wizard of Earthsea de Ursula K. Le Guin
0.934 3.99 First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently de Marcus Buckingham
0.933 3.41 Hidden History; Exploring Our Secret Past de Daniel Boorstin
0.933 4.2 The Ascent of Man de Jacob Bronowski
0.933 3.85 The Saga of the Volsungs de Anonymous
0.933 3.56 Wittgenstein's Poker : The Story of a Ten-minute Argument Between Two Great Philosophers de David Edmonds
0.933 4.15 Basic Writings of Nietzsche de Friedrich Nietzsche
0.932 3.83 The Lays of Beleriand de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.932 3.94 Magician: Apprentice de Raymond E. Feist
0.932 4.18 When We Were Very Young de A. A. Milne
0.931 3.79 The Problems of Philosophy de Bertrand Russell
0.931 3.62 Serraria Baixo-Astral de Lemony Snicket
0.931 3.85 O Segredo da Flor de Ouro de Richard Wilhelm
0.931 3.84 Building a Bridge to the 18th Century: How the Past Can Improve Our Future de Neil Postman
0.931 3.45 Maybe the Moon de Armistead Maupin
0.931 3.4 A Short, Sharp Shock (novella) de Kim Stanley Robinson
0.931 3.95 Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle de C. G. Jung
0.93 3.17 Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload de Mark Hurst
0.93 3.22 2061: Odyssey Three de Arthur C. Clarke
0.93 4.08 Inferno de Dante Alighieri
0.93 3.33 Shipstar de Gregory Benford
0.93 3.56 O general em seu labirinto de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
0.93 3.9 Fables de Jean de La Fontaine
0.93 4.02 The Symposium de Plato
0.93 4.35 Euthyphro / Apology / Crito / Phaedo / Phaedrus de Plato
0.93 4.15 Ratification: The People Debate the Constitution, 1787-1788 de Pauline Maier
0.93 3.93 The House of God de Samuel Shem
0.929 3.7 Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays de Stephen W. Hawking
0.929 3.66 Darkly Dreaming Dexter de Jeff Lindsay
0.928 3.81 De Architectura de Vitruvius Pollio
0.928 3.71 The Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion de Larry Nemecek
0.928 4.08 The Hero with a Thousand Faces de Joseph Campbell
0.928 3.54 Furious Gulf de Gregory Benford
0.927 3.52 Front Row at the White House : My Life and Times de Helen Thomas
0.927 4.18 Mathematics: From the Birth of Numbers de Jan Gullberg
0.927 3.73 Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking de Malcolm Gladwell
0.927 3.47 The Woman in Cabin 10 de Ruth Ware
0.926 3.71 A primavera da Srta. Jean Brodie de Muriel Spark
0.926 4.05 The Masks of God: Creative Mythology de Joseph Campbell
0.924 3.86 A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam de Karen Armstrong
0.924 3.99 A Estrutura das Revoluções Científicas de Thomas S. Kuhn
0.924 3.87 Os Filhos de Húrin de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.923 3.59 Airport de Arthur Hailey
0.923 3.9 The Stories of English de David Crystal
0.923 3.86 Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable about Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business de Patrick Lencioni
0.922 3.57 Chindi de Jack McDevitt
0.922 3.94 Brave New World de Aldous Huxley
0.922 3.74 A Sala dos Répteis de Lemony Snicket
0.922 3.57 The Clock Winder de Anne Tyler
0.922 3.75 The Assault on Reason de Al Gore
0.922 4.21 What Is Real?: The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics de Adam Becker
0.922 3.81 The Story of Kullervo de J. R. R. Tolkien
0.921 3.47 Spell It Out: The Curious, Enthralling and Extraordinary Story of English Spelling de David Crystal
0.921 3.84 The Meaning of it All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist de Richard Feynman
0.921 3.21 Skios de Michael Frayn
0.92 3.36 Inventing a Nation: Washington, Adams, Jefferson de Gore Vidal
0.92 3.67 Empire de Steven Saylor
0.92 3.88 Muitas Águas de Madeleine L'Engle
0.92 3.91 Please Understand Me: Character & Temperament Types de David Keirsey
0.92 3.66 Morphology of the Folktale de Vladimir Jakovlevic Propp
0.919 4.07 The Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His World and Himself de Daniel Boorstin
0.919 3.38 The Martians de Kim Stanley Robinson
0.919 3.29 Quantico de Greg Bear
0.919 3.98 De Officiis [Latin text] de Marcus Tullius Cicero
0.918 4.1 Matadouro 5 de Kurt Vonnegut
0.918 4.06 Deuses Americanos de Neil Gaiman
0.918 4.16 Kalevala de Elias Lönnrot
0.918 3.91 Njal's Saga de Anonymous
0.917 3.31 Information: The New Language of Science de Hans Christian Von Baeyer
0.917 4.07 The World According to Garp de John Irving
0.917 3.4 Flat Earth: The History of an Infamous Idea de Christine Garwood
0.917 4.02 The Sage of Monticello de Dumas Malone
0.916 3.28 Lost and Wanted de Nell Freudenberger
0.916 3.88 Consciousness Explained de Daniel C. Dennett
0.916 4 Magician: Master de Raymond E. Feist
0.915 3.81 Langenscheidt's Pocket German Dictionary de Langenscheidt Publishers
0.915 3.99 Breakfast of Champions de Kurt Vonnegut
0.915 3.43 In the Ocean of Night de Gregory Benford
0.915 3.98 The Greek Myths: Complete Edition de Robert Graves
0.915 3.88 Into the Wild de Jon Krakauer
0.915 3.4 The Second Sleep de Robert Harris
0.915 3.88 Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration de John Locke
0.915 3.69 The Marx Bros. Scrapbook de Groucho Marx
0.914 4.04 The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume 1 de M. H. Abrams
0.914 3.59 The Travels of Marco Polo de Marco Polo
0.914 3.73 The Angel of Darkness de Caleb Carr
0.914 4.01 Poetic Meter and Poetic Form de Paul Fussell
0.914 3.9 Failed States de Noam Chomsky
0.913 3.95 Startide Rising de David Brin
0.913 3.51 The Black Pearl de Scott O'Dell
0.913 3.85 The Power of Babel: A Natural History of Language de John McWhorter
0.912 3.74 The Long Sunset de Jack McDevitt
0.912 4.2 O Guia do Mochileiro das Galáxias de Douglas Adams
0.912 3.61 Hollow Earth: The Long and Curious History of Imagining Strange Lands, Fantastical Creatures, Advanced Civilizations, and Marvelous Machines Below the Earth's Surface de David Standish
0.912 3.6 Sailing Bright Eternity de Gregory Benford
0.912 3.74 An Acceptable Time de Madeleine L'Engle
0.912 3.64 The History of the Kings of Britain de Geoffrey of Monmouth
0.911 3.96 The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam de Barbara W. Tuchman
0.911 3.54 The Europeans: A Sketch de Henry James
0.911 3.75 O Salmão da Dúvida de Douglas Adams
0.911 3.71 O Lago das Sanguessugas de Lemony Snicket
0.91 4.17 The Power of Myth de Joseph Campbell
0.91 4.01 Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity de David Allen
0.91 3.84 The King's Grave: The Search for Richard III de Philippa Langley
0.91 4.03 Murmurs of Earth; The Voyager Interstellar Record de Carl Sagan
0.91 3.77 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Poems and Other Writings (Library of America) de Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
0.91 3.87 The Complete Fables de Aesop
0.91 3.81 The Creators: A History of Heroes of the Imagination de Daniel Boorstin
0.909 4.02 The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology de Joseph Campbell
0.909 4.14 The Iliad / The Odyssey de Homer
0.909 3.48 Odyssey de Jack McDevitt
0.909 3.65 The Andromeda Strain de Michael Crichton
0.909 3.85 The Golden Ass de Apuleius
0.908 3.71 The Broken Shore de Peter Temple
0.908 3.8 Galápagos de Kurt Vonnegut
0.908 3.41 The Magic Labyrinth de Philip José Farmer
0.908 4.29 John Keats: The Complete Poems (Penguin Classics) de John Keats
0.908 4.03 The Moral Animal : Why We Are the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology de Robert Wright
0.908 3.78 Comet de Carl Sagan
0.908 3.74 Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language de Steven Pinker
0.907 4.2 Now We Are Six de A. A. Milne