Author Cloud for VinSalad

Kōbō Abe(1) Chinua Achebe(1) Peter Ackroyd(5) Douglas Adams(1) James Agee(1) Brian W. Aldiss(7) Tariq Ali(1) Walter Allen(1) Walter Ernest Allen(1) Woody Allen(3) Eric Ambler(3) Kingsley Amis(4) Sherwood Anderson(1) Arthur La Bern(1) Geoffrey Ashe(1) Isaac Asimov(1) Arthur Askey(1) Margaret Atwood(4) Louis Auchincloss(1) Jane Austen(1) Paul Auster(1) Beryl Bainbridge(6) Nigel Balchin(3) James Baldwin(1) J. G. Ballard(4) Lynne Reid Banks(3) Russell Banks(3) James Barlow(1) Robert Barnard(2) Julian Barnes(1) James Barr(1) Stan Barstow(10) John Barth(1) Giorgio Bassani(1) H. E. Bates(3) L. Frank Baum(1) John Baxter(1) John Bayley(1) Larry Beinhart(1) Saul Bellow(3) Alan Bennett(3) Arnold Bennett(1) John Berendt(1) Alfred Bester(1) billson(1) John Bingham(1) Julian Birkett(1) Peter Biskind(1) John Blackburn(3) Robert Black(1) Nicholas Blake(1) William Peter Blatty(2) Robert Bloch(5) Claire Bloom(1) Harold Bloom(1) Nigel Blundell(1) Dirk Bogarde(2) W. E. B. Du Bois(1) Jorge Luis Borges(2) Sam Bornstein(1) Pierre Boulle(1) Elizabeth Bowen(1) John Bowen(2) Paul Bowles(3) Leigh Brackett(1) David Bradbury(1) Malcolm Bradbury(2) Ray Bradbury(4) Melvyn Bragg(1) John Braine(4) Dorothea Brande(1) Marlon Brando(1) Charles Brandt(1) Richard Brautigan(1) Bertolt Brecht(2) Piers Brendon(2) Hugh Brogan(1) Jacob Bronowski(2) Emily Brontë(1) Charlie Brooker(1) Anita Brookner(1) Robert Browning(1) John Brunner(1) Bill Bryson(3) John Buchan(1) Warren Buckland(1) Algis Budrys(1) Vincent Bugliosi(1) Eugene Burdick(1) Anthony Burgess(11) Robert Forrest Burgess(1) Edgar Rice Burroughs(1) William S. Burroughs(1) Samuel Butler(2) James M. Cain(2) Erskine Caldwell(1) John Callaghan(1) Italo Calvino(5) Albert Camus(4) James P. Cannon(1) Truman Capote(4) Alejo Carpentier(1) E. H. Carr(3) John le Carré(2) John Dickson Carr(1) Lewis Carroll(1) Angela Carter(2) Raymond Carver(1) Joyce Cary(4) David Caute(1) Michael Chabon(1) Raymond Chandler(7) Charles Chaplin(1) Leslie Charteris(2) John Cheever(3) Anton Chekhov(2) G.K. Chesterton(4) R. Chetwynd-Hayes(3) Gabriel Chevallier(1) Agatha Christie(5) John Christopher(2) Arthur C. Clarke(1) Tony Cliff(1) Robert Clough(1) Ken Coates(1) Claud Cockburn(1) Michael Cockerell(1) Jean Cocteau(1) Jonathan Coe(2) Isabel Colegate(2) John Cole(1) Colette(1) Wilkie Collins(2) D. G. Compton(1) Richard Condon(5) James Connolly(1) Joseph Conrad(4) Alistair Cooke(1) Brian Cooke(1) Robin Cooper(1) W. Cooper(1) William Cooper(1) Ronnie Corbett(1) Alan Coren(1) John Creasey(1) Bernard Crick(1) Michael Crick(1) Edmund Crispin(1) Quentin Crisp(1) Susan Crosland(1) James Crumley(1) Marcus Cunliffe(1) Michael Cunningham(2) Professor of Sociology James Curtis(1) Roald Dahl(1) Tom Dardis(2) Liz Davies(1) Robertson Davies(3) Bette Davis(1) Margaret Thomson Davis(1) Les Dawson(2) Daniel Defoe(2) Len Deighton(3) Don DeLillo(1) Isaac Deutscher(5) Charles Dickens(8) Charles; McCalman Dickens, Iain(1) James Dickey(1) Peter Dickinson(2) Philip K. Dick(4) Thomas M. Disch(2) Milovan Djilas(1) E. L. Doctorow(2) Fyodor Dostoevsky(3) Dianne Doubtfire(1) Jason Douglas(1) Arthur Conan Doyle(6) Margaret Drabble(4) Friedrich Dürrenmatt(3) Melvyn Dubofsky(1) Lawrence Durrell(3) Charles Dyer(1) Terry Eagleton(1) William Eastlake(1) Umberto Eco(2) George Eells(1) Stanley Ellin(1) Ellin Stanley Penguin Books 1965 Out Of Print(1) Bret Easton Ellis(1) Ralph Ellison(1) Shūsaku Endō(2) Friedrich Engels(1) Christopher Evans(1) Sheridan Le Fanu(1) Philip José Farmer(2) Norma Farnes(1) William Faulkner(5) Gabriel Fielding(1) Wilfred Fienburgh(1) Ernst Fischer(1) John Fisher(2) F. Scott Fitzgerald(3) Penelope Fitzgerald(2) Judith Flanders(1) Joan Fleming(2) Michael Foot(2) Paul Foot(2) Ford Madox Ford(1) David Forrest(1) E. M. Forster(4) Anthony Fowles(1) John Fowles(2) Antonia Fraser(3) Michael Frayn(3) Nicolas Freeling(2) Gillian Freeman(2) John Frederick Freeman(1) Simon Freeman(1) Celia Fremlin(2) Philip French(1) Anthony Frewin(1) Max Frisch(1) Erich Fromm(1) Peter Fryer(1) Carlos Fuentes(2) John Kenneth Galbraith(1) John Galsworthy(4) Ray Galton(1) Alan L. Gansberg(1) Erle Stanley Gardner(4) Brian Garfield(1) Leon Garfield(1) Simon Garfield(1) Alan Garner(1) Stella Gibbons(1) André Gide(3) George Gissing(2) Brian Glanville(1) T. R. Glover(1) John Godey(2) William Godwin(1) Nikolai Vassilievitx Gogol(1) William Golding(6) William Goldman(5) Oliver Goldsmith(1) David Goodis(1) Cliff Goodwin(1) Richard Gordon(1) Maxim Gorky(4) Anthony Gottlieb(1) Günter Grass(2) Robert Graves(3) Dulcie Gray(1) Robert Graysmith(1) Peter Van Greenaway(4) Graham Greene(22) Hugh Greene(1) Peter Green(1) William Lindsay Gresham(1) John Grigg(1) Andrej Gromyko(1) George Grossmith; Weedon Grossmith(1) Groucho Marx;Richard J. Anobile(1) Che Guevara(1) Alec Guinness(1) Arthur Hailey(1) Angus Hall(3) Leslie Halliwell(3) William Hall(1) Patrick Hamilton(2) Dashiell Hammett(3) John Hampson(1) Freddie Hancock(1) Irene Handl(2) Joseph Hansen(3) Robin Hardy(1) Thomas Hardy(3) G. B. Harrison(1) Harry Harrison(4) Robert Harris(1) Thomas Harris(1) L. P. Hartley(2) Ronald Harwood(1) Roy Hattersley(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(2) Denis Healey(1) Eric Heffer(1) Robert A. Heinlein(3) Joseph Heller(3) Ernest Hemingway(5) James Herbert(1) Hermann Hesse(3) George V. Higgins(2) Charles Higham(1) Patricia Highsmith(9) Christopher Hill(1) Lee Hill(1) Susan Hill(2) James Hilton(2) Thomas Hinde(1) Barry Hines(4) Russell Hoban(3) Eric Hobsbawm(1) Richard Hoggart(1) Gordon Honeycombe(1) Richard Hooker(1) Anthony Hope(1) Nick Hornby(2) Khaled Hosseini(1) Irving Howe(1) Frankie Howerd(1) Fred Hoyle(1) Dorothy B. Hughes(1) Richard Hughes(2) Allan Hunter(2) Tom Hutchinson(1) Aldous Huxley(5) H. Montgomery Hyde(1) Michael Innes(1) John Irving(2) Christopher Isherwood(6) Shirley Jackson(2) A. J. Jacobs(1) W. W. Jacobs(1) Clive James(1) Henry James(5) M. R. James(1) Roni Jay(1) Jerome K. Jerome(1) Jimmy Jewel(1) Pamela Hansford Johnson(3) Samuel Johnson(1) James Joll(1) Tobias Jones(1) Erica Jong(1) James Joyce(2) Walter M. Miller, Jr.(1) Franz Kafka(2) Fred Kaplan(1) David Karp(1) Yasunari Kawabata(2) Nikos Kazantzakis(1) H. R. F. Keating(1) Garrison Keillor(1) Richard T. Kelly(1) Harry Kemelman(1) Thomas Keneally(1) William J. Kennedy(1) Michael Kenny(1) Jack Kerouac(1) Cyril Kersh(4) Gerald Kersh(4) Ken Kesey(1) Daniel Keyes(1) Stephen King(1) Hans Hellmut Kirst(1) H. D. F. Kitto(1) Fletcher Knebel(2) Lionel Kochan(1) Arthur Koestler(1) Jerzy Kosiński(4) William Kotzwinkle(2) Isaac Kramnick(1) Milan Kundera(3) Hanif Kureishi(1) Arthur La Bern(1) Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa(1) Lewis H. Lapham(1) D. H. Lawrence(6) Mark Lawson(1) Harper Lee(1) Jennie Lee(1) Laurie Lee(1) Michael Legat(1) Fritz Leiber(1) Stanisław Lem(1) Vladimir Il'ich Lenin(8) Elmore Leonard(5) Gaston Leroux(2) Doris Lessing(2) Ira Levin(5) Primo Levi(1) Jerry Lewis(1) Matthew Lewis(1) Norman Lewis(1) Roger Lewis(1) Sinclair Lewis(2) R J Mitchell And M D R Leys(1) Eric Linklater(1) Mario Vargas Llosa(1) David Lodge(4) Lord George-Brown(1) Simon Louvish(2) Peter Lovesey(2) Malcolm Lowry(1) Robert Ludlum(1) Nan Lyons(1) John D. MacDonald(5) Ross Macdonald(3) Colin MacInnes(2) Neil Mackay(1) Compton Mackenzie(1) Fitzroy Maclean(1) Margaret MacMillan(1) Norman Mailer(5) Bernard Malamud(4) André Malraux(1) Nelson Mandela(1) Olivia Manning(6) Thomas Mann(4) Alfred Marks(1) Gabriel García Márquez(3) Groucho Marx(2) Karl Marx(1) Richard Matheson(5) W. Somerset Maugham(6) Daphne du Maurier(5) George du Maurier(1) Ed McBain(6) John McCabe(2) Graham McCann(1) Mary McCarthy(3) Horace McCoy(2) Carson McCullers(5) Gregory Mcdonald(1) Ian McEwan(11) Joe McGinniss(1) David McLellan(4) Herman Melville(1) Nicholas Meyer(1) Stanley Middleton(2) Ralph Miliband(3) Margaret Millar(4) Henry Miller(2) Spike Milligan(4) Seumas Milne(1) Yukio Mishima(9) Austin Mitchell(1) Michael Moorcock(1) Brian Moore(6) Michael Moore(2) Roger Moore(1) Alberto Moravia(5) Angus (translator) Alberto; Davidson Moravia(1) Thomas More(1) Robert Morley(1) Jan Morris(1) John Mortimer(2) John Mortimer(2) Penelope Mortimer(1) Norman Moss(1) Frank Muir(1) Chris Mullin(1) Iris Murdoch(9) Vladimir Nabokov(6) Robert Nicolson(1) Anaïs Nin(1) David Niven(1) David Nobbs(2) Frank Norris(1) Philip Oakes(1) Joyce Carol Oates(2) Peter Oborne(1) Flann O'Brien(2) Flannery O'Connor(2) Frank O'Connor(1) Seán O'Faoláin(1) John O'Farrell(2) John O'Hara(5) George Orwell(11) John Osborne(2) Chuck Palahniuk(1) Michael Parenti(3) Dorothy Parker(1) Robert B. Parker(2) Jeremy Paxman(2) Mervyn Peake(1) Henry Pelling(1) Walker Percy(1) Kim Philby(1) John Pilger(2) Harold Pinter(1) Sylvia Plath(1) Plato(1) Plautus(1) James Plunkett(1) Edgar Allan Poe(1) Frederik Pohl(1) Joyce Porter(1) Katherine Anne Porter(1) Charles Portis(1) Anthony Powell(4) Christopher Priest(2) J. B. Priestley(12) Stephen Prince(1) V. S. Pritchett(3) James Purdy(4) Mario Puzo(1) Barbara Pym(1) Thomas Pynchon(1) Ellery Queen(2) Anthony Quinn(1) Bob Randall(1) Derek Raymond(1) Ishmael Reed(1) John Reed(2) Erich Maria Remarque(1) Mary Renault(2) Mack Reynolds(1) Luke Rhinehart(1) Donald Richie(1) Mordecai Richler(2) I. A. Richmond(1) David Riddell(1) Keith Robbins(1) Tom Robbins(1) Barry (editor); James (editor); Mitchell Roberts(1) J. M. Roberts(1) Keith Roberts(1) David Robinson(2) Joe Rogaly(1) C. H. Rolph(1) Jon Ronson(2) Jonathan Rose(1) Robert A. Rosenstone(1) Alfred Rosmer(1) Robert Ross(1) Philip Roth(6) A. L. Rowse(1) Bernice Rubens(1) Ann Rule(1) Ken Russell(1) Ray Russell(1) Miguel de Cervantes(1) Oliver Sacks(1) Françoise Sagan(1) J. D. Salinger(4) Jonathan Sanders(1) Jimmy Sangster(1) William Sansom(2) Jean-Paul Sartre(1) Donald Sassoon(1) Leonard Bertram Schapiro(1) Budd Schulberg(2) Lew Schwarz(1) Paul Scott(1) Jeremy Seabrook(1) Patrick Seale(1) Richard Seymour(1) William Shakespeare(6) Tom Sharpe(1) Bob Shaw(4) Irwin Shaw(3) Robert Shaw(1) Robert Sheckley(1) Mary Shelley(1) Philip Short(1) Nevil Shute(1) Alan Sillitoe(7) Robert Silverberg(3) Georges Simenon(3) George Sims(3) Upton Sinclair(1) Isaac Bashevis Singer(2) Curt Siodmak(1) Maj Sjöwall(4) Antonio Skármeta(1) Randy Skretvedt(1) John Sladek(2) C.P. Snow(5) Edgar Snow(1) Terry Southern(3) Muriel Spark(7) A.M. Sperber(1) Jack With Illustrations By Anybody & Sellers Spike & Hobbs, Peter Milligan(1) Mark Steel(1) John Steinbeck(7) Robert Louis Stevenson(2) J. I. M. Stewart(1) Irving Stone(1) David Storey(3) Richard Storry(1) Rex Stout(3) Lytton Strachey(1) Arkady Strugatsky(1) Theodore Sturgeon(2) William Styron(1) Suetonius(1) Stuart Sutherland(1) Jonathan Swift(1) Frank Swinnerton(1) Eric Sykes(1) Julian Symons(9) Tad Szulc(1) Donna Tartt(1) A. J. Taylor(1) A. J. P. Taylor(3) Elizabeth Taylor(4) Walter Tevis(1) William Makepeace Thackeray(1) The Joy Of Quiz -(1) Paul Theroux(6) Bob Thomas(1) Ross Thomas(3) Hunter S. Thompson(4) Jim Thompson(1) David Thomson(1) James Thurber(1) John Kennedy Toole(1) Robert Tressell(1) Elleston Trevor(1) Anthony Trollope(2) Leon Trotsky(4) François Truffaut(1) Barbara W. Tuchman(1) Ivan Turgenev(1) Alwyn W. Turner(3) Peter Turner(1) Mark Twain(3) John Updike(2) Peter Ustinov(2) Reg Varney(1) Vassilis Vassilikos(1) Gore Vidal(29) Dmitri Volkogonov(2) Voltaire(1) Kurt Vonnegut(10) Walter Wager(1) John Wain(2) John Wainwright(1) Alexander Walker(1) Denver Walker(1) Steve Walker(1) Edgar Wallace(1) Irving Wallace(2) Joseph Wambaugh(1) Rex Warner(1) Robert Penn Warren(1) Waterhouse(1) Keith Waterhouse(13) Richard M. Watt(1) Nigel Watts(1) Evelyn Waugh(6) Hillary Waugh(2) Charles Webb(1) David Weddle(1) H. G. Wells(7) Donald E. Westlake(1) Nathanael West(3) Edith Wharton(1) Francis Wheen(5) Edmund White(1) Patrick White(1) Steven Whitney(1) Thornton Wilder(2) Kate Wilhelm(1) Emyln Williams(1) Gordon Williams(1) Kenneth Williams(2) Nigel Williams(1) Tennessee Williams(2) W. E. Williams(1) Angus Wilson(6) Sloan Wilson(1) Jeanette Winterson(1) Arthur Wise(2) P. G. Wodehouse(1) Ronald Wolfe(1) Bob Woodward(1) Virginia Woolf(2) Cornell Woolrich(1) Herman Wouk(1) Richard Wright(1) John Wyndham(8) Malcolm X(1) Richard Yates(1) Gary Younge(1) Marguerite Yourcenar(1) Émile Zola(1)