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Winesburg, Ohio (1919)

de Sherwood Anderson

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6,0021221,692 (3.8)1 / 269
Classic Literature. Fiction. Short Stories. HTML:

Winesburg, Ohio is a series of loosely linked short stories set in the fictional town of Winesburg. The stories are held together by George Willard, a resident to whom the community confide their personal stories and struggles. The townspeople are withdrawn and emotionally repressed and attempt in telling their stories to gain some sense of meaning and dignity in an otherwise desperate life. The work has received high critical acclaim and is considered one of the great American works of the 20th century.

.… (mais)
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    bertilak: Bradbury has said that Winesburg, Ohio was one of the inspirations for The Martian Chronicles (grotesque characters in Ohio versus on Mars).
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Winesburg, Ohio, em princípio, é um livro de contos, pois traz 22 histórias. Como os personagens aparecem nas diversas histórias e o espaço seja o mesmo (uma pequena cidade do centro oeste americano), lê-se-o como se lê p.ex. ¨Go down Moses¨ de Faulkner. Aliás, esta obra pode ser considerada precursora da moderna ficção americana porque teve forte influência sobre autores como Faulkner, Steinbeck, Hemingway, Henry Miller, etc. Há ligações entre os contos e uma cronologia que os amarra. ( )
  jgcorrea | Oct 14, 2023 |
In the autumn of 1915, while living in a bohemian boardinghouse on Chicago’s Near North Side, Sherwood Anderson began work on a collection of tales describing the tortured lives of the inhabitants of Winesburg, a fictional Ohio town, in the 1890s. Drawing on his own experience growing up in the agricultural hamlet of Clyde, Ohio, he breathed life into a band of neurotic castaways adrift on the flatlands of the Midwest, each of them in their own way struggling — and failing — to locate meaning, personal connection and love amid the town’s elm-shaded streets.
adicionado por danielx | editarNew York Times, Bruce Falconer (May 8, 2019)
Barely a day has passed in more than 20 years during which my thoughts haven’t turned, however fleetingly, to Anderson, “the minor author of a minor masterpiece,” as he once described himself. Winesburg has become my life’s great literary obsession, though for reasons that remain obscure even to me.
adicionado por rybie2 | editarNEH website, Bruce Falconer (Oct 8, 2017)
Het boek kent enkele zich nogal herhalende thema’s en lijdt wat onder de afwezigheid van de psychologische inzichten die de er opvolgende decennia gemeengoed zouden worden. Toch heeft deze terechte heruitgave meer dan louter literair historische waarde. Het toont een Amerika op de historische grens van een agrarische naar een industriële samenleving, en het toont de onmacht, de hopeloos lijkende ontsnappingsstrategieën, de dieptrieste psychologische problematiek van het voetvolk dat nooit erkenning zou krijgen in het Amerikaanse succesverhaal. Sherwood Anderson zal dit nooit als oogmerk hebben gehad, omdat hij het lot van zijn personages als universeel zag en dat met veel mededogen noteerde.
adicionado por Jozefus | editarNRC Handelsblad, Jan Donkers (Web site pago) (May 26, 2011)

» Adicionar outros autores (124 possíveis)

Nome do autorFunçãoTipo de autorObra?Status
Anderson, Sherwoodautor principaltodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Cowley, MalcolmIntroduçãoautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Howe, IrvingIntroduçãoautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Koontz, DeanPosfácioautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Stahl, Ben F.Ilustradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Trevisani, GiuseppeTradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
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To the memory of my mother, Emma Smith Anderson, whose keen observations on the life about her first awoke in me the hunger to see beneath the surface of lives, this book is dedicated.
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(Introduction) Rereading Sherwood Anderson after many years, one feels again that his work is desperately uneven, but one is gratified to find that the best of it is as new and springlike as ever.
The writer, an old man with a white mustache, had some difficulty in getting into bed. The windows of the house in which he lived were high and he wanted to look at the trees when he awoke in the morning. A carpenter came to fix the bed so that it would be on a level with the window.
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Classic Literature. Fiction. Short Stories. HTML:

Winesburg, Ohio is a series of loosely linked short stories set in the fictional town of Winesburg. The stories are held together by George Willard, a resident to whom the community confide their personal stories and struggles. The townspeople are withdrawn and emotionally repressed and attempt in telling their stories to gain some sense of meaning and dignity in an otherwise desperate life. The work has received high critical acclaim and is considered one of the great American works of the 20th century.


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