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The Best Short Stories of Fyodor Dostoevsky

de Fyodor Dostoevsky

Outros autores: David Magarshack (Tradutor)

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1,075619,662 (4.19)28
This collection, unique to the Modern Library, gathers seven of Dostoevsky's key works and shows him to be equally adept at the short story as with the novel. Exploring many of the same themes as in his longer works, these small masterpieces move from the tender and romantic White Nights, an archetypal nineteenth-century morality tale of pathos and loss, to the famous Notes from the Underground, a story of guilt, ineffectiveness, and uncompromising cynicism, and the first major work of existential literature. Among Dostoevsky's prototypical characters is Yemelyan in The Honest Thief, whose tragedy turns on an inability to resist crime. Presented in chronological order, in David Magarshack's celebrated translation, this is the definitive edition of Dostoevsky's best stories.… (mais)

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In all honesty, I'm not much of a fan of Dostoevsky. His longer works are spotted with patches of brilliance that are subsumed in a morass of overwrought prose and excessively long asides. These short stories are a welcome surprise then. There's a concision and clarity that's lacking in all the novels I've read by the author. The exception to this, in this collection, is Notes From The Underground which, being by far the longest, contains the flaws I have just mentioned. The remainder are little gems, although The Dream of a Ridiculous Man is a slightly weak effort too.

Given that NFTU makes up almost half this book, and it's a novella I'm not very fond of, I can't give this collection as a whole a particularly good rating. Yet I still consider it a worthwhile collection as it demonstrates a side to Dostoevsky not evident in his most famous works and it's some of his best writing. ( )
  DRFP | Oct 28, 2012 |
This is a wonderful little volume of short stories from Dostoevsky; I quote frequently from "Notes from the Underground" below but especially enjoyed "White Nights" and "The Peasant Marey". A book like this might be a good way for a reader intimidated by Dostoevsky's novels to get a taste of his works.

Favorite quotes....

On brotherhood, from "Notes from the Underground"
"But I used to call on him only when I was in the right mood for such a visit, when, that is, my dreams had reached such a pinnacle of bliss that I felt an instant and irresistible urge to embrace all my fellow-men and all humanity. But to do that one had at least to have one man who actually existed."

On freedom, from "Notes from the Underground":
"One’s own free and unfettered choice, one’s own whims, however wild, one’s own fancy, overwrought though it sometimes may be to the point of madness – that is that same most desirable good which we overlooked…And why on earth do all those sages assume that man must needs strive after some normal, after some rationally desirable good? All man wants is an absolutely free choice…For what is man without desires, without free will, and without the power of choice but a stop in an organ pipe?"

On history, from "Notes from the Underground":
"Monotonous? Well, I suppose it is monotonous: they fight and fight, they are fighting now, they fought before, and they will fight again – you must admit that this is rather monotonous. In short, you can say anything you like about world history, anything that might enter the head of a man with the most disordered imagination. One thing, though, you cannot possibly say about it: you cannot say that it is sensible."

On virtue, from "A Gentle Creature":
"Cheap generosity is always easy, even to give one’s life – yes, even that is easy, because it is merely the result of high spirits, of a superabundance of energy, of a passionate desire for beauty! Oh, no! You try a different kind of generosity, the really heroic kind, the difficult, calm, silent kind, without glitter, with odium, the kind that demands great sacrifices, the kind that doesn’t bring you a scrap of fame or glory, in which you – a man of shining virtue – are exhibited before the whole world as a blackguard, while you are really the most honest man of them all! Well, try that, my dear girl. Just try it."

On virtue, from "The Peasant Marey":
"I suddenly came to and sat up on my bunk and, I remember, I could still feel the gentle smile of memory on my lips. For another minute I went on recalling that incident from my childhood…now twenty years later in Siberia I suddenly remembered this meeting so distinctly that not a single detail of it was lost…I remember the tender, motherly smile of that serf, the way he made the sign of the cross over me and crossed himself, the way he nodded at me. … if I had been his own son, he could not have looked at me with eyes shining with brighter love. And who compelled him to look like that? He was one of our serfs, a peasant who was our property, and after all I was the son of his master. No one would have known that he had been so good to me, and no one would have rewarded him for it. Did he really love little children as much as that? There are such people, no doubt. Our meeting took place in a secluded spot, in a deserted field, and only God perhaps saw from above with what profound and enlightened human feeling, and with what delicate, almost womanly, tenderness the heart of a coarse, savage ignorant Russian serf was filled, a serf who at the time neither expected nor dreamt of his emancipation. … And so when I got off the bunk and looked round, I suddenly felt I remember, that I could look at these unhappy creatures with quite different eyes, and that suddenly by some miracle all hatred and anger had vanished from my heart."

On the younger generation, from "Notes from the Underground":
"Every decent man of our age is, and indeed has to be, a coward and a slave."

On the loss of youth, from "White Nights":
"For, after all, you do grow up, you do outgrow your ideals, which turn to dust and ashes, which are shattered into fragments; and if you have no other life, you just have to build one up out of these fragments. And meanwhile your soul is all the time craving and longing for something else. And in vain does the dreamer rummage about in his old dreams, raking them over as though they were a heap of cinders, looking in these cinders for some spark, however tiny, to fan it into a flame so as to warm his chilled body by it and revive in it all that he held so dear before, all that touched his heart, that made his blood course through his veins, that drew tears from his eyes, and that so splendidly deceived him!" ( )
  gbill | Nov 8, 2009 |
It is with this broader sampling that we can fully appreciate the reputation of the Russian writers for conveying human essence and spirituality. This collection consists of White Nights, The Honest Thief, The Christmas Tree and a Wedding, The Peasant Marey, Notes from the Underground, A Gentle Creature, and The Dream of a Ridiculous Man. ( )
  jpsnow | Apr 27, 2008 |
These are great short works by a great novelist. I haven't read Notes from the Underground, although I've tried many times over the years, because the protagonist, who tells the story is so repellant. The other stories are quite compelling, especially The Christmas Tree and a Wedding, which is, I think, a perfect short story. ( )
  mewilbur | Apr 18, 2007 |
Fyodor Dostoevsky was one of the giants of Russian literature. I feel fairly sure he will never be a favorite of mine; with few exceptions these stories are bleak, pessimistic views of life told in the first person by vain, selfish narrators who rail against their poverty and hardships but seem unable to muster any real compassion for the plights of others. The two exceptions are "The Christmas Tree and a Wedding", about an observer's account of a middle-aged moneygrubber's machinations to wed a young heiress, planned from the time she was 11. The other is "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man", which is a story of a dream about a perfect and loving society, and how the narrator unwittingly corrupted it, and learned from his dream to preach about the perfect society. It could have been written by Lawrence Ferlinghetti in the 1960's. ( )
  burnit99 | Jan 10, 2007 |
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Dostoevsky, Fyodorautor principaltodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Magarshack, DavidTradutorautor secundáriotodas as ediçõesconfirmado
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It was a lovely night, one of those nights, dear reader, which can only happen when you are young.
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This collection, unique to the Modern Library, gathers seven of Dostoevsky's key works and shows him to be equally adept at the short story as with the novel. Exploring many of the same themes as in his longer works, these small masterpieces move from the tender and romantic White Nights, an archetypal nineteenth-century morality tale of pathos and loss, to the famous Notes from the Underground, a story of guilt, ineffectiveness, and uncompromising cynicism, and the first major work of existential literature. Among Dostoevsky's prototypical characters is Yemelyan in The Honest Thief, whose tragedy turns on an inability to resist crime. Presented in chronological order, in David Magarshack's celebrated translation, this is the definitive edition of Dostoevsky's best stories.

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