children's picture book-- probably mid/late 70s, early 80s

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children's picture book-- probably mid/late 70s, early 80s

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Dez 3, 2010, 8:47 pm

I'm trying to rediscover some old children's books now that I have a niece and nephew of my own. One I remember from my youth was about some kind of creatures-- can't say exactly what they were, except that I remember them as looking lumpish and possibly brown-- who built their dwelling around themselves; they fashioned these dwellings to the shape of themselves. The pictures were thus "cutaway" views of the interior of these dwellings, with the creatures inside. That's all pretty vague, I know, but my mother has long since disposed of this book, and what I mainly remember is being fascinated by the pictures-- I don't remember the plotline. I place the date possibly as far back as the mid-70s, because I don't think the book was original to me.

Any ideas?

Dez 4, 2010, 7:42 pm

Maybe one of the Barbapapa books or annuals?

Dez 5, 2010, 12:42 am

Yes! Thanks for figuring that out! It's Barbapapa's New House. I googled it, and found this great link of a family who *made* the house from the book-- how neat is that? Reading the plot summary brought back the details; it was the pictures I mainly remembered; I must have had it when I was very young. Now to try to track down a copy of it for old time's sake . . .

Thanks again!