After Rebus, where to go?

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After Rebus, where to go?

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Nov 20, 2010, 7:46 am

I have just finished reading all the Rebus books, which I loved, and would very much like some advice on where to go from here. I've read Angels Passing by Graham Hurley, which I thought was good but didn't love, and I've also read The Midnight Choir by Gene Kerrigan, which I thought was quite good.

I am not interested in reading anything that is too gory or brutal; the Rankin books were perfect in this respect.

Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Editado: Nov 21, 2010, 1:02 am

I'm an Ian Rankin fan too. Have you read any Peter Robinson? He's rather good.

Edited to add that I think Peter Robinson is a bit each of English and Canadian. I don't care where a writer is from originally or what nationality they hold now, except in that their origins or their experiences of their adopted culture often colour their writing - and that's always interesting.

Nov 22, 2010, 8:50 am

Reginald Hill's novels fit in quite well with Rebus - a bit flightier and less gritty, but subversive in similar sorts of ways. Or if it's the "seedy underbelly" aspect of Rebus's Edinburgh that appeals, you could try moving on to Henning Mankell's Ystad.

Nov 23, 2010, 5:30 am

Mark Billingham's DI Thorne novels might be to your taste. Thorne's less of a tortured soul than Rebus, but a similar sort of investigator. His books are London set. The first in the series is Sleepyhead.

Editado: Nov 25, 2010, 4:03 am

While I am sure that this is in some sense a rather well-worn subject, I am rather new to the genre, having read only the Rebus books and the two other books mentioned before, and was quite bewildered by the choice. So, many thanks to all for the specific advice.

What I like about the Rebus books is the strong sense of place. In fact, I went to Edinburgh last year on holiday partly due to the books. Perhaps this relates the "seedy underbelly" notion from thorold's post. I appreciate however that it is never overly graphic - I am not really interested in being shocked. I also like the serial nature of the books, which, though not essential, is certainly there. It was good to see the development of some of the other characters like Siobhan.

Have any of you read Stuart MacBride? Could this be an option?

Again, many thanks.

Nov 25, 2010, 4:38 pm

I haven't read Stuart MacBride, rygonz. Haven't read Mark Billingham either, but I definitely agree that Henning Mankell and Reginald Hill's books are well worth a look.

By the way, have you seen The Literature Map?

It's a useful site, but of course not as interesting as having a conversation here on LT.

There's also Fantastic Fiction:

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