Controversial Books for kkdecamp

This page shows the most "controversial" books in this library, as measured by the highest standard deviation of members' star ratings.

Standard Deviation Avaliação média Your Rating Título
1.268 3.23 Dancing at the Harvest Moon de K.C. Mckinnon
1.119 3.58 Message in a Bottle de Nicholas Sparks
1.084 3.56 The Shelters of Stone de Jean M. Auel
1.076 3.44 The Magicians de Lev Grossman
1.049 3.56 The Plains of Passage de Jean M. Auel
1.048 3.48 The Kill Order de James Dashner
1.048 3.83 The Bubble Reputation de Cathie Pelletier
1.045 3.33 Getting Over It de Anna Maxted
1.041 3.56 The Death Cure de James Dashner
1.021 3.06 Cause Celeb de Helen Fielding
1.014 3.4 Running in Heels de Anna Maxted
1.01 3.61 Bridget Jones's Diary de Helen Fielding
0.998 3.66 Fortune's Rocks de Anita Shreve
0.996 3.19 Setting Free the Bears de John Irving
0.995 3.22 Name Dropping de Jane Heller
0.991 3.72 The Funeral Makers de Cathie Pelletier
0.986 3.3 The Water-Method Man de John Irving
0.98 3.92 The Clan of the Cave Bear de Jean M. Auel
0.979 3.8 The Valley of Horses de Jean M. Auel
0.977 3.77 The Maze Runner de James Dashner
0.966 3.68 The Mammoth Hunters de Jean M. Auel
0.96 3.7 The Scorch Trials de James Dashner
0.954 3.61 Breathing Lessons de Anne Tyler
0.947 3.36 The Pilot's Wife de Anita Shreve
0.946 4.05 The Night Circus de Erin Morgenstern
0.917 4.07 The World According to Garp de John Irving
0.909 3.86 The Hotel New Hampshire de John Irving
0.9 3.81 The Accidental Tourist de Anne Tyler
0.898 4.06 Water for Elephants de Sara Gruen
0.895 3.03 The 158-Pound Marriage de John Irving
0.88 3.53 Sea Glass de Anita Shreve
0.866 4.07 The Cider House Rules de John Irving
0.861 4.29 Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal de J. K. Rowling
0.848 4.28 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix de J. K. Rowling
0.793 4.36 Harry Potter e o Enigma do Príncipe de J. K. Rowling
0.79 4.35 The Help de Kathryn Stockett
0.784 4.36 Harry Potter e o Cálice de Fogo de J. K. Rowling
0.769 4.4 Harry Potter e o Prisioneiro de Azkaban de J. K. Rowling