Foto do autor

Frank De Felitta (1921–2016)

Autor(a) de Audrey Rose

21 Works 1,129 Membros 15 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Frank Paul De Felitta was born in the Bronx, New York on August 3, 1921. During World War II, he served as a pilot in the Army Air Forces. He wrote scripts for a weekly radio thriller entitled The Whistler. He went on to write for TV anthology series and produced and directed documentaries. In mostrar mais 1966, he directed an NBC documentary in which Booker Wright, a black waiter from Mississippi, spoke candidly about how shabbily he had been treated by customers in a whites-only restaurant. Wright was eventually murdered. De Felitta won a Peabody Award for his documentary work. He also wrote the screenplays for the films Anzio, The Savage Is Loose, and The Entity. He wrote several horror novels including Audrey Rose and For Love of Audrey Rose. He also wrote the screenplay for the 1977 film Audrey Rose starring Anthony Hopkins. He died on March 29, 2016 at the age of 94. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos


Obras de Frank De Felitta

Audrey Rose (1976) — Autor — 521 cópias
The Entity (1978) 225 cópias
For Love of Audrey Rose (1982) — Autor — 121 cópias
Golgotha Falls (1953) 98 cópias
Sea Trial (1980) 48 cópias
Funeral March (1991) 47 cópias
The Entity [1982 film] (1982) — Writer — 24 cópias
Oktoberfest (1973) 22 cópias
Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981) 9 cópias
Juicio en el mar (1981) 2 cópias
La prova del mare (1982) 2 cópias
El ente 1 exemplar(es)
Scissors 1 exemplar(es)
Marcha fúnebre de las marionetas (1991) 1 exemplar(es)


Conhecimento Comum

Nome de batismo
De Felitta, Frank Paul
Data de nascimento
Data de falecimento
Local de nascimento
The Bronx, New York, USA
Local de falecimento
Los Angeles, California, USA
The Whistler radio thriller



I read this book 40 years ago when I was a teen. I had a difficult time putting it down. I remember very little of it, only that it had something to do with reincarnation, and that I really liked it. From reading the reviews here, I see that many folks also read it when they were teens, and how their perspective changed when they read it again later in life. I think I'll read it again, now that I've got grown kids of my own, then update this review.
MickeyMole | outras 12 resenhas | Oct 2, 2023 |
Si no tenía hijos, ¿a quién esperaba en la puerta del colegio? ¿Por qué se interesaba por la familia Templeton? ¿Su objetivo era Janice, Bill o Ivy? ¿Por qué miraba con desesperación a Ivy? ¿Qué relación podían tener los Templeton con Audrey Rose, muerta hacía tanto tiempo? Esta impactante novela de Frank de Felitta fue llevada al cine con gran éxito bajo el título de Las dos vidas de Audrey Rose, y con el tiempo recibió varias continuaciones.
Natt90 | outras 12 resenhas | Nov 9, 2022 |
Es una buena novela que cumple bien su función de manetenerte entretenido durante algunas horas. Para mí, que nunca leo nada sobre una novela antes de la propia novela, perdió mucho cuando supe que lo que cuenta, que se presenta como "basado en hechos reales" no lo era en realidad. Trata del tema de la reencarnación, en concreto una niña que muere en un accidente de tráfico con su madre y se reencarna en otra que nace pocos minutos después. El padre de la muerta consigue localizar a la viva y se presenta en su casa, para confusión de sus padres. La viva tiene una serie de extrañas pesadillas en las que revive el accidente de la muerta, y solo el antiguo padre (un tipo que ha viajado mucho, especialmente por la India) consigue calmarla aunque, como es natural, los nuevos padres no consienten que se le acerque. En una de estas, el viejo padre la secuestra para salvarla de una de sus pesadillas, y entonces el libro, que hasta entonces combinaba el suspense sicológico con algunos toques de novela de misterio y hasta gótica, deriva en una historia de tribunales con un final espectacular y un tanto rebuscado. Como digo, entretenida y ya está.… (mais)
caflores | outras 12 resenhas | Sep 29, 2022 |
This was a spooky and creepy story!

A small backstory:

Carlotta Moran is terrorized by something only she can see each night in her bed. She is violently raped, but no one believes her because they cannot see what is raping her. Carlotta's three children (Billy, Julie and Kim) witness Carlotta being attacked but they are not able to help her because they too cannot see what is attacking her.

With no one believing her it is advised that she seek out psychiatric help which eventually leads her down a rabbit hole of non-believers as they think that she is just having hallucinations or nightmares. Carlotta eventually finds help by overhearing a couple of students from a college chatting about paranormal research and that begins a quest for Carlotta finding the help she seeks with what she is dealing with in her home.


First let me say that this story is based on a true story that happened to a woman in California back in the 70's. The author went into great depth with this story and it basically reads as a true paranormal account of everything that happens with this woman.

The story is broken up into four parts with the first part giving a background on Carlotta and her family life. Then each part thereafter gives more detail into what she has to endure with people that do not believe her and people that do believe her finally.

The biggest problem for this type of occurrence is that the paranormal world was basically just not known at that time and back then there were not paranormal researchers all over the U.S. like there are today. The true account of the woman that this book is based off of was also made into a movie which I have not seen but it would be interesting to watch it to see how it plays out on the screen. Giving this book four "Spooky Spectral Entity" stars.

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:
… (mais)
1 vote
BookNookRetreat7 | 1 outra resenha | Jul 25, 2022 |



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