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So I'm actually trying to integrate this into my 5th edition Curse of Strahd campaign because that campaign starts at 3rd level and I thought their online starter adventure "Death House" was too short to get them there. I don't like my PC's going up a level in a single session, definitely not 2 levels.

I love that the asylum is in ruins and that there are different factions running around. Also thought the idea of putting together a magical tome from separate pages found was awesome.

Anyway, I like the horror aspects of this, I'm huge Lovecraft fan and I think it's cool to have a group of survivors controlling part of the asylum. One thing I didn't like was the number of magic items and their selection. I just don't get how magic swords, bracers of armor and shields end up in a mental hospital. It seems like they were just randomly rolled magic items.

I'm not sure if my next complaint is a standard Pathfinder thing or not but in the room description boxes they never include the monsters that are in the rooms. So it will say, "This is the dining room, a long table is the middle of the room surrounded by chairs, there are pictures on the walls etc..." but fail to mention that there are 15 goblins in the room who aren't hiding.

Next complaint. Maps. No note to say which stairways lead up to the 2nd level. Also large rooms where "sections" are mentioned but not marked well.

Next complaint. When something in room A effect room B then it should be mentioned right away in both entries. Example, if there are holes in the wall between room A and room B then it should mention what you see when you look through the holes or monsters from room B might interact with you in room A - through the holes. Also if the monster at the end of the hall is making noises then don't set it up so you read the description of the end of the hall. Have the PC's make perception checks so they can sneak up on the monster.
ragwaine | Sep 19, 2016 |
The latest in the Pathfinder Tales takes us to Ustalav, a perfect setting for gothic horror. Ustalav is apparently nearly overrun with vampires and those vampires have spawned half-human, half-vampires. One of these dhampir half-vampires is set on the trail of a rogue vampire, aided by another vampire and a human cleric. As you would expect, all of the action revolves around hunting and being hunted by vampires, with the half-vampire causing both sides to conflict. My biggest problem with this is the extremes between vulnerability and invulnerability of vampires. The other problem is the existing of 'living' half-vampires, I find that difficult to accept. I'm over the fascination with vampires too.
Karlstar | Jan 12, 2016 |
Heard good things of Pathfinder. Finding out.
morbusiff | May 9, 2013 |
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