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126+ Works 13,545 Membros 390 Reviews 59 Favorited


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Really should have been two books following the two facets of the story - the vagrant killings and the evil carnival- having them run side by side kind off made both feel a bit rushed and half finished. outside of this Laymonds world building was spectacular as ever and his ideas brilliant, I hate that even his strong female characters can't seem to exist without a male counterpart to live and breath for, I find it incredibly disappointing that even when he does give them real character they just seem to be there to help the male protagonists because they're idiots, sex crazed or both
3cats1dog1idiot | outras 11 resenhas | Apr 27, 2024 |
I am yet to read a book by Laymon that hasn't left me wondering at least once if he has ever actually interacted with any form of female of any species. So when I saw this book had 5 female protagonists I just knew this was going to be something I didn't take too seriously and because of that I found myself enjoying the storyline enough but was so incredibly done with the characters and having to ask myself again and again "why are you naked?" that i was glad to turn the last page
3cats1dog1idiot | outras 7 resenhas | Apr 27, 2024 |
Awful, awful book -- nasty, terribly written, horribly misogynistic, with inane dialogue, poor pacing -- and yet weirdly, compulsively readable. I tore through 500 pages in almost one sitting. Laymon's real skill here is in the narrator's voice; it's a marvel to see how well he inhabits the thoughts of a sad sack horndog of an adolescent and slowly -- well, I won't spoil it. (I haven't read any other Laymon, and I sure hope the bad writing is deliberate.)

It'll make you feel icky though. Me, I'm reading some poetry and some Edith Wharton just to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
thewilyf | outras 25 resenhas | Dec 25, 2023 |
This book was first published in 1986 and there are aspects of the novel that hold up pretty nicely. Then there are parts that are incredibly simple or cringe worthy or just laughable. The series of events that bring our main characters to the town of Malcasa Point range from searching for love to searching for money. Once they arrive, it doesn't take long before the action starts and people are dying.

Things I liked: the mystery and fate of the beast; it was explained nicely and worked well, covering for events in this book and the prequel beast house book. Also setting up the sequels. The pacing and action was pure Laymon, engrossing and a quick fun read. Things that didn't hold up well: Tyler's love story; too sappy and too innocent when compared to today. The reactions to the bloody mannequins; it's not turn of the 20th century. The involvement of the marines during the entire police procedures; I know they needed to be involved in the action but no way would that fly today. Overall, not one of Laymon's better works but take it for what it is, something written back in the early 80s and you'll enjoy it.
dagon12 | outras 8 resenhas | Jul 16, 2023 |
DNFing at 200 pages. This book is very 90's. It has everything that would get an author canceled on twitter nowadays. It's trashy, and at first, interesting enough to keep going but I read almost half of this book and so far it's just teenagers being garbage people. I literally couldn't wait until these people got horribly murdered so I gave up because it didn't look like it was happening anytime soon.
LynnMPK | outras 11 resenhas | Jun 28, 2023 |
El autor de "El sótano" descorre en su última novela el telón tras el cual se ocultan aberraciones indescriptibles. Cada semana, cuando se apagan las luces, el cine del pueblo proyecta una nueva película de terror. Las escenas, morbosas y sádicas, impresionan por su realismo. Los cuerpos desmembrados, las vísceras arrancadas, las decapitaciones, los banquetes antropofágicos, la sangre que mana a torrentes... todo produce una truculenta sensación de autenticidad. Los espectadores reaccionan histéricamente pero se consuelan pensando que son trucos cinematográficos...
Natt90 | outras 3 resenhas | Feb 28, 2023 |
Nothing really happened in this book. It was an entire book of filler and tension builder but no climax or resolution, rather disappointing. Hopefully with the next book having to be all climax and resolution it will have a made this book worth the read.

You could say relationships were strengthened characters were developed but I feel all of that was implied with the last book and would have been understood without using a whole book to spell it out. But maybe this series is geared towards a younger reader.

I really enjoy the world she has created which is why I keep reading the books, however the way it is written leaves something to be desired.

and on a final note it should not take 3 books to decide if meg and Simon like each other or not in a more than friends way. It was obvious in book 1 that is where the story wanted to go, dragging it out is painful. spoiler alert we still don't know if they like each other or not. Either make them family or romantic, stop bouncing back and forth.
buukluvr | outras 4 resenhas | Feb 14, 2023 |
I absolutely love this series. I will say this book wasn't as awesome as this first but overall it was a great read. Scott Lynch is a master of descriptive writing, I always feel like I'm walking through the streets with Locke and Jean. I can't wait to read the next one.
buukluvr | outras 10 resenhas | Feb 14, 2023 |
I read it straight through in one night because I couldn't put it down. The author puts a spin on your typical magical world and it made for a great story. With this being the first book in a series, it does a fantastic job of introducing you to all the main characters and dynamics of the series. This book gives you just enough information about the new world Maggie calls home with still leaving you wanting more, but it's great that she holds back on info dumping the world on us because it leaves more to be discovered by Maggie and us.
buukluvr | outras 23 resenhas | Feb 14, 2023 |
I feel like I can't even say anything in this review without spoilers lol this series is so great, I'm sad I put off reading it for so long. It has so many complex characters and false faces. I love so many of the messages this series provides from family to resilience. The ending was messy and complex just like the rest of the books. Loved it.
buukluvr | outras 13 resenhas | Feb 14, 2023 |
the story in this book makes it hard to put down. All the back story questions you had previously are answered and it leaves you eager for the next book. I love his ability to jump from back story to present time with ease and at the perfect moment. keeps the book lively. This book goes back to the roots of what I loved so much about the first. And of course I can't review one of his books without raving on his ability to use the English language in a way all authors should drool over. Definantly brings an awesome story to life.
buukluvr | outras 8 resenhas | Feb 14, 2023 |
Undead Girl Gang lived up to it's cover and blurb (which is what drew me in). It was a true to genre YA read, many YAs that I read tend to lean very close to New Adult. But this book stays within the YA age range perfectly. The characters were very stereotypical high school characters but did fulfill that theme fully. This was a slight disappointment as the stereotypical high school story is played out for me. Overall, it was a good story, and wrapped up well. It took me longer to read due to a few spots that were slow.
buukluvr | outras 11 resenhas | Feb 14, 2023 |
I throughly enjoyed this book, I read many of the other reviews on it and I don't get the disappointment. I felt like it followed her journey through dealing with her husband the only way she knew how. She wasn't the most exciting person to began with. She found out about herself through the process and ya she had to push through it but I don't know about you but I would be having to force it too. I think it's worth the read, it wasn't the same ol' same ol' type of story so worth spicing up your current to read list.
buukluvr | outras 3 resenhas | Feb 14, 2023 |
It was hard for me to get into this book, the book was very slow starting but I know that it's because there was so much back story and world explaining to do, I'm hoping that her future books won't have to cover all of that again and will just get right into the story. Once it got going it had a great story line, but it worries me that the rest of the books could have the same "find the girl" theme which would get old.
buukluvr | outras 8 resenhas | Feb 14, 2023 |
The cover for this book is so amazing!!! I've caught myself drooling over it multiple times. It's 100% the reason I picked this book up to read. Didn't read the blurb or who the author was, just had to read whatever was behind that cover.

Thank goodness what was there was awesome! Loved this book so much! From the sigil magic to the lizard wizard van to all the hierarchy. ugh. I'm ready to reread it.

I'm a sucker for inks & pens, and the research the author put into the main characters craft is high five worthy. The book is life like and mystical. You can feel the time put into to making sure the setting is culturally accurate, and all lore lines up. Some books fail at sinking in real world dialect into a fiction novel but this book works so freaking well. I feared i was going to be referencing the authors notes and half confused at the crazy spellings, but it never happened. The flow of the sentences supported the dialect perfectly.

All of the characters are well crafted, and the personalities of each are distinct and compliment the story perfectly. The grey of the 'villains', to the grey of the 'good guys' so much yes for this one. I'm also here for the commentary on 'human' trafficking, and how the magical world is dealing with the same problems we are dealing with in humanity.

Book one hasn't even released yet, but I'm ready for book two. Also a poster for my wall of this cover *drooling*

I received this book via NetGalley.
buukluvr | outras 11 resenhas | Feb 14, 2023 |
I feel like I'm the last person on earth to start this series ha ha! Feyre is lacking in common sense, which drove me crazy. I kept yelling at her. But I think that was the point, to further solidified her upbringing, humans following folk lure without proof to back it, etc and to give her growth throughout the book. Sarah J. Maas has description skills in league with those of Scott Lynch. Which is amazing, so her world is built beautifully. You can really get lost in her words. But the story line left some to be desired. I mean so much of it is typical troupes, and expected so it lost some of the mystery of what will happen next. But other parts are full of mystery and wonder. I guess it was really a mixed bag for me, but I'm going to read the next in the series to see if it grows as a series, and moves away from this typical fairy tale feel.
buukluvr | outras 9 resenhas | Feb 14, 2023 |
Teenage mystery writer Joyce Walther returns to the Fastback young adult series in another entry penned by Richard Laymon. Beginner's Luck takes place roughly six months after Joyce foiled an attempted robbery in Cardiac Arrest. In Cardiac Rest, Joyce had just published her first short story; in Beginner's Luck, she is buying up copies of her second published story at the mall when she stumbles into another Fastback adventure.
smichaelwilson | Jan 3, 2023 |
Written by Richard Laymon for the Fastback Mystery young adult series, Cardiac Arrest witnesses an eventful morning at the home of Joyce Walther, "teen-age author of mystery stories." Fun and short.
smichaelwilson | Jan 3, 2023 |
Night Games is one of the short stories Richard Laymon penned for the FASTBACK Horror series, sort of like Goosebumps for a higher age bracket.

This short story revolves around the cliche "spend the night in a haunted house" plot, and is as good as one should expect from a YA Horror short story. For me, the most interesting part about Nigh Games is how it feels like a precursor to one of my favorite Laymon novels, In the Dark, which has a similar plot device involving taking on strange - and scary - challenges for cash rewards.
smichaelwilson | 1 outra resenha | Jan 2, 2023 |
Felt very much like a Stand by Me story, in fact at times I could picture the movie of this book in my head so clearly. It wasn't horrible, I wanted to finish the story to find out what would happen next but I also wasn't staying up late just to read one more page or one more chapter.
LAJG13 | outras 30 resenhas | Jan 2, 2023 |
Easy to read, constant action, only downside was that I don’t think any. Of the characters behavior was believable. It was like a horror movie where you wonder why the victim would walk back in. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it.
Brian-B | outras 13 resenhas | Nov 30, 2022 |
Always happy to find a Laymon book on my bookshelf I haven't read....or at least don't remember reading.

Ok, let's see.....all female characters are beautiful nymphomaniacs who only think of sex regardless of situation....scenes where women unrealistically take clothes off for literally no reason.... everyone sleeps with everyone else, or at least wants to....ridiculous plot.... unrealistic reactions...cheesy and juvenile sexual banteret....yep, basic Laymon book! And yet, I enjoyed it.

Richard Laymon is one of very few writers that have the ability to write such a shit show and make me like it :)
Jfranklin592262 | outras 8 resenhas | Nov 3, 2022 |
This was a quick and creepy read.

One night a disturbed youth who gets off on scaring people decides it would be great fun to lock a girl in the local "haunted" house as a prank. Something goes wrong and now this girl is out for revenge.

Meanwhile this disturbed young man has moved on to stalking Dani, a horror movie special effects expert. He insinuates himself into her life with dire consequences.

A fun and suspenseful read.

I received an advance copy for review.
IreneCole | 1 outra resenha | Jul 27, 2022 |
It is never a good thing when a Ouija board is used for just wanting to find out things so it is even worse when it is used to hunt for something. Which is what happens in this book. Some college friends get together over at one of their professor's house and end up playing with a Ouija board. They ask the board the normal questions, but then things take a twisting turn as the board tells them that there is "treasure" to be found and they are going to have to travel to the mountains to find it.

They steal the board and off they go on a camping trip to find their "treasure". What happens next is the most twisted edge of your seat thriller that you can find in a Laymon book. Of course, you have the normal stuff that you will find in a Laymon book too with sex, gore, more sex, and more gore.

This is a very tension gripping tale of college kids trying to have some fun and they end up with something beyond their wildest nightmares. The book takes off from the first chapter and spirals through a terror ride to the end of the book. Four stars on this twisted tale!
BookNookRetreat7 | outras 10 resenhas | Jul 25, 2022 |