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The Spice and Herb Bible

de Ian Hemphill

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204Nenhum(a)135,785 (4.5)Nenhum(a)
Cooks everywhere use spices and herbs to enhance food flavors and to create new taste combinations and sensations. From bay leaves to lemongrass to vanilla beans, a well stocked kitchen must have a wide selection of herbs and spices. This expanded and completely revised new edition is the culmination of Ian Hemphill's lifelong experience in the spice industry. It is a fascinating and authoritative guide. Hemphill describes a wide range of global herbs and spices used in modern kitchens either alone or in wonderful blends. He completely demystifies the art of combining herbs and spices and home cooks can meet and enjoy a world of flavors previously found only at internationally inspired restaurants. He provides the "inside story" based on his extensive experience in this ancient and stimulating industry. The third edition features 6 new spice entries (for a total of 97), 102 new recipes, 33 new curry spice blends and 17 new spice blends. There is also a new and fascinating section, "Travels in the Spice Trade," that includes his personal anecdotes and travel stories. The interior pages have been completely redesigned and reorganized with full color throughout. All the entries are listed alphabetically with a detailed color photo of every herb and spice. There are also comprehensive and handy storage suggestions with details for every herb and spice. A full circle culinary experience in the world of herbs and spices, this new edition is still the definitive reference in its field.… (mais)

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Cooks everywhere use spices and herbs to enhance food flavors and to create new taste combinations and sensations. From bay leaves to lemongrass to vanilla beans, a well stocked kitchen must have a wide selection of herbs and spices. This expanded and completely revised new edition is the culmination of Ian Hemphill's lifelong experience in the spice industry. It is a fascinating and authoritative guide. Hemphill describes a wide range of global herbs and spices used in modern kitchens either alone or in wonderful blends. He completely demystifies the art of combining herbs and spices and home cooks can meet and enjoy a world of flavors previously found only at internationally inspired restaurants. He provides the "inside story" based on his extensive experience in this ancient and stimulating industry. The third edition features 6 new spice entries (for a total of 97), 102 new recipes, 33 new curry spice blends and 17 new spice blends. There is also a new and fascinating section, "Travels in the Spice Trade," that includes his personal anecdotes and travel stories. The interior pages have been completely redesigned and reorganized with full color throughout. All the entries are listed alphabetically with a detailed color photo of every herb and spice. There are also comprehensive and handy storage suggestions with details for every herb and spice. A full circle culinary experience in the world of herbs and spices, this new edition is still the definitive reference in its field.

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