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When Character Was King: A Story of Ronald Reagan

de Peggy Noonan

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966922,542 (4.08)2
It is twenty years--a full generation--since Ronald Reagan first walked into the White House & ignited a revolution. From the beginning, he enjoyed the American people's affection but now, as he approaches the end of his life, he has received what he deserved even more: their deep respect. What was the wellspring of his greatness? Peggy Noonan, bestselling author of the classic Reagan-era memoir What I Saw at the Revolution, former speechwriter, & now a columnist & contributing editor for The Wall Street Journal, argues that the secret of Reagan's success was no secret at all. It was his character--his courage, his kindness, his persistence, his honesty, & his almost heroic patience in the face of setbacks--that was the most important element of his success. The one thing a man must bring into the White House with him if he is to succeed, Noonan contends, is a character that people come to recognize as high, sturdy, & reliable. Noonan, renowned for her special insight into Ronald Reagan's history & personality, brings her own reflections on Reagan to bear in When Character Was King & discloses never-before-told stories from the former president's family, friends, & White House colleagues to reveal the true nature of a man even his opponents now view as a maker of big history. Marked by incisive wit & elegant prose, When Character Was King will enlighten & move readers.… (mais)

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I picked up this book because Peggy Noonan spoke at a university forum and I was impressed with her clarity and observation.

I continue to be impressed.

This definitely isn't a thorough step-by-step 900-pager like Team of Rivals, but it paints you a lovely picture of a man. She really wants you to love him and writes to that end, so much so that I shed tears when I read about the incident 9 weeks after his election...

(for those of you who were born after the fact, like myself, I won't spoil it)

( )
  OutOfTheBestBooks | Sep 24, 2021 |
Even if I was a fan of Ronald Reagan, this simpering biography would probably have still made me upchuck. Particularly amusing was the foreword where Noonan, in 2001, predicts that George W. Bush would become one of the greatest presidents the US has ever seen. I bet she wants to take that back now. A good biography does not oversell someone's successes and skim over their faults. This book does both. ( )
  olegalCA | Dec 9, 2014 |
"In a time of malice he was not malicious; in a time of lies he did not falsify; in a time of great pressure he didn't bend or break; in a time of disingenuousness he was clear and candid about where he stood and why. And in a time when people just gave up after awhile and changed the subject, he remained on the field for the long haul."

I had seen this book on a number of reading lists of people whom I admire and so it has been on my "to read" shelf for some time. I knew when I read this quote, that this was a book that I wanted to review well and from my heart.

When Character Was King, by Peggy Noonan

I have always admired Ronald Reagan. He stands out in my memory and in my heart as a great man who always reminded me just a little bit of my grandfather. His voice I can bring to mind in an instant, whereas the tone and timbre of most other presidents of my lifetime I would have to struggle to recall. (and some I would prefer to forget)

I was never a fan of Nancy, though looking back now I see, to a large extent, not only did I give little grace to her but I also fell for the mass media's caricature of who she was and I am sorry for that.

Every once in a long while, there is a book that touches my heart in deep and unexpected ways. This was one of those. I believe that it is, perhaps, a combination of factors that made this so. Not the least of which is that Peggy Noonan is a gifted writer who knew and worked for Ronald Reagan.

I was 15 when he was elected, 16 when he was shot and 23 when he left office. He was president in the years when I began to think about and care about politics to any degree.

I saw him handle national safety issues with authority, national disasters with compassion, foreign relations with a firm stance and an assurance of who were as a nation. I grew up during the height of the Cold War, when the nuclear arms and capabilities of the USSR were a clear and present danger. Ronald Reagan, seizing opportunity as the leadership of the "evil empire" changed, went from firm to diplomatic to historic agreements with Gorbachev and the world became a less frightening place. President Reagan was a leader who made me proud to be an American citizen.

"Years ago, thinking about his humor, I said it seemed to me that wit penetrates and humor envelops, that wit seems a function of verbal intelligence while humor is imagination operating on good nature. I still think that, and think Reagan was a man of abundant humor with a great appreciation for comedy."

I loved this quote as well and dog-earred the page to return to when writing this review, as a did to page after page, only later recalling that it was a library book. I think this was a great part of the reason that Ms. Noonan and other biographers were hard pressed to find a single individual, even those politically opposed to him, that disliked Ronald Reagan.

He had it right in so many way, reading some of his speeches now, brings tears to my eyes as I wonder how things have gone so wrong now. The speech that was televised October 27th, 1954, when he was stumping for Barry Goldwater, remains one of his finest.

I quote it here extensively because it is so deeply relevant for today.

"I believe that the issues confronting us cross party lines.
No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third of it's national income. Today, thirty-seven cents out of every dollar earned in this country is the tax collector's share, and yet our government continues to spend seventeen million dollars a day more than the government takes in...
The idea that the government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election: whether we believe in our capacity for self- government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far distant capital can plan our lives for us better than wee can plan them ourselves.
You and I are increasingly told that we have to choose between a left or a right. There is only an up or down: up to man's age-old dream-- the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order--or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism. And regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarianism motives, those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course."

And the brilliant Westminster Speech so starkly contrasted by current president Obama's "Apology Tour". The United States under Ronald Reagan was a time of recovered and renewed economy and morale.

It wraps up for me in his own address as he spoke to the nation for the final time as President of the United States. " ..that's what it was to be an American in the 1980's. We stood, again, for freedom. I know we always have, but in the past few years the world again, and in a way ourselves, rediscovered it."

Ms. Noonan puts it thus, beautifully, "He had courage. He always tried to do what he thought was right. And when doing what was right demanded from him great effort or patience or tenacity, or made his the focus of unending attacks and criticism, he summoned from within the patience and the tenacity and the courage to face it all. To face it down. And when his great work was finished he left and went peacefully home.
These are among the things that made him for an ordinary man, but a most extraordinary man indeed."

As a tribute to a man and a record of a time entirely gone, it would behoove you to read this book. ( )
1 vote Mirkwood | May 10, 2013 |
This was a great book about Ronald Reagan. What struck me so much about it is how relevant his philosophy is towards today's economic woes, despite the fact it was written in 2001. It's impossible not to compare the past climates in 1964 and again in 1979 with today's huge deficit and general malaise in the country. Among some of the things that struck me was his desire to reduce the size of an unwieldy and ineffectual government, hearkening back to the original intent of the U.S.'s founding fathers. His plan to reduce taxes in order to promote growth in the economy made perfect sense and was successful (Kennedy did this as well and well, what do you know? It works!) Rather than raise taxes which hurts the economy, growth led to the boom in America that lasted from the Reagan years all the way through the Clinton years. So much of what Reagan was saying way back in his first political speech for Goldwater in 1964 made sense and he kept at it, never deviating from his original intent. Did he use polls to make decisions? Never! I could go on an on. Beautifully written homage to Reagan from Noonan, whose writing tugs at your heartstrings, bringing up so much emotion and genuine fondness for this great president. Beginning with his birth and childhood, his days in Hollywood and SAG president, the governorship of CA and through the presidency leading up to his sad years with Alzheimer's - all in a simple and seemingly effortless prose. This book is full of lessons of what is wrong economically with the U.S. now. ( )
  ktleyed | Dec 3, 2012 |
A warm, endearing portrait of "The Great Communicator," Ronald Reagan. Noonan, a former co-worker of Dan Rather and, later, a speech writer for Ronald Reagan, tackles the controversial legacy of President Reagan. Was he senile, as some said, or was he a good administrator who knew how to delegate and trust? Was he just an actor or was he a man of character? These and many more issues are addressed in Peggy's enduring review of the man who intimidated some and endeared himself to all. Worth the $4 it costs to get a copy from Amazon, it's a book you'll probably not want to put down.

As a reminder of his sense of humor, something his detractors couldn't or wouldn't understand, Peggy relates his comment shortly after a particular international crisis. He hadn't been woken up in the middle of the night and his critics were aghast at this lack of concern. Reagan responded with his usual humor, "I've laid down the law to my staff, to everyone from now on about anything that happens: No matter what time it is, wake me --- even if it's the middle of a cabinet meeting." ( )
  smharder | Apr 20, 2011 |
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"The characteristic of heroism is its persistency. All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have chosen your part, abide by it, and do not weakly try to reconcile yourself with the world. The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common heroic. Yet we have the weakness to expect the sympathy of people in those actions whose excellence is that they outrun sympathy and appeal to a tardy justice. If you would serve your brother because it is fit for you to serve him, do not take back your words when you find that prudent people do not commend you." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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It was like the last gathering of the clans, the reunion of five hundred friends, cabinet secretaries, aides, staffers, clique, tong and cabal members and appointees of Ronald Wilson Reagan, fortieth president of the United States, in Williamsburg, Virginia, on March 3, 2001.
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It is twenty years--a full generation--since Ronald Reagan first walked into the White House & ignited a revolution. From the beginning, he enjoyed the American people's affection but now, as he approaches the end of his life, he has received what he deserved even more: their deep respect. What was the wellspring of his greatness? Peggy Noonan, bestselling author of the classic Reagan-era memoir What I Saw at the Revolution, former speechwriter, & now a columnist & contributing editor for The Wall Street Journal, argues that the secret of Reagan's success was no secret at all. It was his character--his courage, his kindness, his persistence, his honesty, & his almost heroic patience in the face of setbacks--that was the most important element of his success. The one thing a man must bring into the White House with him if he is to succeed, Noonan contends, is a character that people come to recognize as high, sturdy, & reliable. Noonan, renowned for her special insight into Ronald Reagan's history & personality, brings her own reflections on Reagan to bear in When Character Was King & discloses never-before-told stories from the former president's family, friends, & White House colleagues to reveal the true nature of a man even his opponents now view as a maker of big history. Marked by incisive wit & elegant prose, When Character Was King will enlighten & move readers.

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