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The Icing on the Corpse

de Mary Jane Maffini

Séries: Camilla MacPhee (2)

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441589,610 (3.83)4
In the second Camilla MacPhee mystery, it's now forty below in Canada's capital, but victims' advocate Camilla is feeling the heat. When a savage serial batterer goes on the rampage looking for revenge against his former girlfriend, the terrified woman turns to Camilla and Justice for Victims for help. But a sudden change of fortune causes her client to really feel the chill. Camilla wades into the investigation, now one of murder, and gets a frosty reception from the police. Soon everyone connected with the case is either cooling their heels behind bars or trying to avoid cold storage in the morgue. Camilla's really skating on thin ice looking for this killer - literally.… (mais)
Adicionado recentemente pormysterymax, Gamesteacher, CoHo, emessufan, gypsysmom, CEmrich

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I like the Camilla MacPhee mysteries because there are some stock characters (Alvin and Mrs. Parnell) that you can depend on to add humour and wit to Camilla's predicaments. ( )
  ilovecookies | Mar 16, 2008 |
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In the second Camilla MacPhee mystery, it's now forty below in Canada's capital, but victims' advocate Camilla is feeling the heat. When a savage serial batterer goes on the rampage looking for revenge against his former girlfriend, the terrified woman turns to Camilla and Justice for Victims for help. But a sudden change of fortune causes her client to really feel the chill. Camilla wades into the investigation, now one of murder, and gets a frosty reception from the police. Soon everyone connected with the case is either cooling their heels behind bars or trying to avoid cold storage in the morgue. Camilla's really skating on thin ice looking for this killer - literally.

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Média: (3.83)
3 2
3.5 3
4 2
5 2

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