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Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life

de David Allen

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1,6111311,277 (3.59)6
Discover David Allen's powerful productivity principles and vastly increase your ability to work better, not harder -- every day. David asks listeners what's holding them back and shows how all of us can be "ready for anything" -- with a clear mind, a clear deck, and clear intentions. Ready for Anything offers you ways to immediately: Clear your head for creativity; Focus your attention; Create structures that work; Take action to get things moving Allen's simple yet powerful principles help us master the mental game of productivity -- what he calls "managing your mind, not your time." In motivational, bite-size lessons, we learn how to bring the calm focus of the martial artist to the onslaught of choices, decisions, and new circumstances we are faced with daily. Each principle -- from "speed up by slowing down" to "the value of a future goal is the present change it fosters" -- encourages us to think in fresh ways and to take action in order to achieve more relaxed control, ease, and fun in all our activities. With wit, inspiration, and know-how, Ready for Anything shows us how to make things happen with less effort, stress, and ineffectiveness, and lots more energy, creativity, and clarity. This is the perfect audiobook for anyone wanting to work and live at their very best.… (mais)

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It reads like Jimmy James' book of wisdom from Newsradio. ( )
  Kavinay | Jan 2, 2023 |
Es un resumen de su primer libro "Organízate con eficacia" la verdad no le encontré muchas cosas que ya no lo supiera antes con el libro primero
  abita.varela | Jan 30, 2015 |
Ready for Anything is a companion book to David Allen’s Getting Things Done. The book is comprised of 52 reflections/essays on various aspects of the GTD methodology. The content was okay, but I found the book rather distracting because the author found a need to seed the book with quotes with little thought to placement. Here is a great idea of how to implement — insert 1/2 page quote here — and back to my great thought. If you are into the GTD thing it may be worth the read. If not, skip it. ( )
  JechtShot | Mar 30, 2014 |
I am stuck between a 3 and 4 star rating. The content is good, but you have to go through a lot to mine those good nuggets. Since I enjoyed Getting Things Done so much, I was expecting something more. ( )
  ChuckS65 | Oct 7, 2013 |
If read through and set aside this book really has little value, but if you read through it once and then used as a reference for that you go to daily for the next few months until the GTD system becomes habit then this book is worth every penny. ( )
  capiam1234 | Aug 14, 2013 |
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Discover David Allen's powerful productivity principles and vastly increase your ability to work better, not harder -- every day. David asks listeners what's holding them back and shows how all of us can be "ready for anything" -- with a clear mind, a clear deck, and clear intentions. Ready for Anything offers you ways to immediately: Clear your head for creativity; Focus your attention; Create structures that work; Take action to get things moving Allen's simple yet powerful principles help us master the mental game of productivity -- what he calls "managing your mind, not your time." In motivational, bite-size lessons, we learn how to bring the calm focus of the martial artist to the onslaught of choices, decisions, and new circumstances we are faced with daily. Each principle -- from "speed up by slowing down" to "the value of a future goal is the present change it fosters" -- encourages us to think in fresh ways and to take action in order to achieve more relaxed control, ease, and fun in all our activities. With wit, inspiration, and know-how, Ready for Anything shows us how to make things happen with less effort, stress, and ineffectiveness, and lots more energy, creativity, and clarity. This is the perfect audiobook for anyone wanting to work and live at their very best.

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Classificação decimal de Dewey (CDD)

158Philosophy and Psychology Psychology Applied Psychology

Classificação da Biblioteca do Congresso dos E.U.A. (LCC)


Média: (3.59)
0.5 1
1 4
2 19
2.5 3
3 69
3.5 6
4 73
4.5 4
5 39

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