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The dawn's early light (1972)

de Walter Lord

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429259,795 (3.69)7
Walter Lord?author of such best-sellers as A Night to Remember and A Day of Infamy?brings to life the remarkable events of what we now call The War of 1812?including the burning of Washington and the attack on Baltimore's Fort McHenry that inspired the Francis Scott Key to write what would become our national anthem. Lord gives readers a dramatic account of how a new sense of national identity emerged from the smoky haze of what Francis Scott Key so lyrically called "the dawn's early light.".… (mais)

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The United States seemed on the point of collapse. With the British blockade strangling her trade, the economy of the young nation was in ruins, and no w Washington itself lay at the mercay of an inva ding English army. But there was a turning point and..
  Mary_Charlotte | Oct 12, 2023 |
Published in 1972, this book is narrative non-fiction about the War of 1812. It includes the Battle of Bladensburg, the burning of Washington, the Battle of Baltimore, defense of Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key’s writing of a poem that became America’s anthem, and the Battle of New Orleans. The majority takes place in 1814. A highlight for me is Monroe scouting hither and yon on horseback to surveil the terrain and report back to President Madison. Another was Madison finding himself on the front line of battle at Bladensburg, finally relocating to the rear at his aides’ suggestions. Walter Lord had the rare ability to paint pictures with words. He follows individuals from both the American and British sides at all levels. He provides the background, context, and reasons this war occurred. It is well-written and kept my interest from beginning to end. ( )
  Castlelass | Oct 30, 2022 |
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[Foreword] Today, it is called the War of 1812.
The guests at the Pleasure House, a popular inn near Cape Henry, Virginia, could hardly believe their eyes.
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Walter Lord?author of such best-sellers as A Night to Remember and A Day of Infamy?brings to life the remarkable events of what we now call The War of 1812?including the burning of Washington and the attack on Baltimore's Fort McHenry that inspired the Francis Scott Key to write what would become our national anthem. Lord gives readers a dramatic account of how a new sense of national identity emerged from the smoky haze of what Francis Scott Key so lyrically called "the dawn's early light.".

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