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Information Representation and Retrieval in the Digital Age (2008)

de Heting Chu

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8043928,546 (3.65)3
This second edition of Heting Chu's popular work on information representation and retrieval (IRR) features numerous updates and revisions, including coverage of taxonomies, folksonomies, ontologies, social tagging, search/retrieve web service, and next generation OPACs. The chapter on artificial intelligence has been significantly expanded to include a host of related topics such as automatic summarization, question answering, natural language searching, and the semantic web.--Publisher's description.… (mais)

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Mostrando 1-5 de 39 (seguinte | mostrar todas)
Excellent! ( )
  MizPati | Jul 14, 2010 |
I like how the chapters are set up with sub headings. The book is well done. ( )
  Akuethe | Jul 14, 2010 |
This book is conceptually well-written, but suffers from a frequent, jarring misuse of English syntax and idiom, resulting in, at worst, confusion and, at best, an interruption in the flow of reading.

I hold the editor/publisher responsible for this, not the author.
  Jeff2708 | Feb 23, 2010 |
The book is simple enough that a beginner like me can understand! :-)
  History_Mandie | Feb 21, 2010 |
Compared to most library science textbook, this book is quite interesting and useful. Chu's writing style is clear and concise. ( )
  cynthiadeleon | Dec 9, 2009 |
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This second edition of Heting Chu's popular work on information representation and retrieval (IRR) features numerous updates and revisions, including coverage of taxonomies, folksonomies, ontologies, social tagging, search/retrieve web service, and next generation OPACs. The chapter on artificial intelligence has been significantly expanded to include a host of related topics such as automatic summarization, question answering, natural language searching, and the semantic web.--Publisher's description.

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Média: (3.65)
1 5
2 7
3 13
3.5 1
4 26
4.5 2
5 17

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