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Juggling for the Complete Klutz (1977)

de John Cassidy

Séries: Klutz Book

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1,2691515,597 (3.53)6
This year Klutz's flagship title, Juggling for the Complete Klutz, turns the big three-O. Unlike the rest of us, it gets better looking with every birthday. Over the years Klutz has received countless letters from people telling them their lives have been enriched, enlarged and occasionally endangered by this book and the skill it teaches. Klutz treasure this knowledge and have come to believe the world is just a tiny bit sillier because of Juggling for the Complete Klutz-and they couldn't be prouder!… (mais)

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The book that launched an empire... well, sort of.
In 1977, three thousand copies of this book were printes under cover of darkness and distributed. ia the bicycle and backpack system in Palo Alto, CA. The founjders's original plan was to sell them all, collect the proceeds, purchase an island (small) and retire for life.
  Daniel464 | Aug 28, 2021 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Con motivo de los bolos de malabarismos que me han prestado he retomado este libro que tenía en la estantería desde mis tiempos de USA. Es muy divertido y tiene muchas muestras de humor, americano pero humor al fin y al cabo. Grandes consejos para principiantes. ( )
  Remocpi | Apr 22, 2020 |
When I was about 12 or 13, this book set me on a path...I certainly didn’t know it at the time, but it influenced my life in a fairly substantial way. ( )
  livingtech | Mar 18, 2020 |
The 30th anniversary edition is presented with yet another cover variation. The book contents remain relatively unchanged (as far as I can see) since '94, minus a bit of editing to the company scrapbook at the back pages. This is not a criticism. In fact I would go so far as to say that this is certainly no bad thing. Let's face it, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

The juggling balls however are a different matter.

Gone are the trusted tough little multi coloured boxes filled with walnut shell that have lasted me so many years. Instead we now have slightly larger red velour cubes, filled with some kind of cereal grain (from what I can tell).
I have heard people complain that these new balls can split on impact. They certainly don't feel as hard wearing as previous incarnations. I'll bet that given a few months they will start to moult fuzz and begin to show their age rapidly too - which is another reason why I don't like this new material.
On the plus side, they do now included a nifty draw-string bag to keep your cubes safe; so I am adding 1/2 a star to the 1 star I removed due to the lesser juggling cubes. ( )
  Sylak | Jan 20, 2017 |
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This book is dedicated to the closet klutzes of the world . . .
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So you're interested in learning how to juggle but it took you four years to learn how to tie your shoes and, besides, dropping things has always been second nature to you.
Juggling for the complete Klutz was first published as a mimographed lesson plan in 1977 when I was a student teacher in Mountain View.
[Foreward - 30th anniverssary edition]
Juggling for the complete Klutz turned 25 in 2002 and since we're big on birthday partiesat Klutz, we've decided to throw one for our flagship title.
[Preface - Limited Edition 25 years 1977-2002]
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This year Klutz's flagship title, Juggling for the Complete Klutz, turns the big three-O. Unlike the rest of us, it gets better looking with every birthday. Over the years Klutz has received countless letters from people telling them their lives have been enriched, enlarged and occasionally endangered by this book and the skill it teaches. Klutz treasure this knowledge and have come to believe the world is just a tiny bit sillier because of Juggling for the Complete Klutz-and they couldn't be prouder!

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3 23
3.5 3
4 15
4.5 2
5 11

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