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Flirty Little Secret

de Jessica Lepe

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371683,592 (3.44)1
"Guidance counselor Lucy Galindo works hard at being Harview High's Most Likely to Blend In. Between managing her anxiety and depression and having never found her place, Lucy knows she'd crumble at the center of attention. So when she spills boiling tea on the hot new teacher (in front of everyone!), it's a nightmare come to life . . . Aldrich Fletcher is having the worst first day: thanks to a clumsy (and well, beautiful) mystery woman, his pants are soaked; his ex-girlfriend is his new co-worker, and his estranged dad won't stop trying to talk to him. Thankfully, he can count on his online confidant, the wildly popular @TheMissGuidedCounselor, for advice: like how to woo Lucy, for whom he's falling hard . . . Only Lucy has a secret: she's @TheMissGuidedCounselor. And because her alter-ego is everything she's not-brave, confident, wise-Lucy's terrified of her two lives meeting. So when Fletcher realizes the truth, how can he find the courage to tell her-knowing it might end their growing romance? But for them to have a future, Lucy will need to realize she and her alter-ego aren't so different. Because loving yourself can be the bravest thing of all"--… (mais)

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Flirty Little Secret by Jessica Lepe
Contemporary romance. Mental health issues. Alternating 1st person POV’s for Lucy and Fletcher.
Lucy Galindo is a high school guidance counselor. She is good at her job but she hides her own anxiety and depression with the help of a hidden and remodeled closet that she can escape to when needed. She uses the room to cry, to unwind and retreat from the pressure of life. Lucy also has a secret identity in an online column she writes. Writing the column, she can be positive, bold and always have the right advice to give. She can make the column her own, while hiding her own fears and tears.
New History teacher Fletcher moved to the small public school in Massachusetts to help his mother recover. The timing worked well since he was burned out at the private school and their policies. Fletcher is immediately intrigued with his new coworker, Lucy. She makes him laugh and simply feel better around her. The more time he spends with Lucy and her family and getting to know her well enough to accept her ADHD, her depression he begins to care for her even more. Just a few more facts and he discovers that he and Lucy have been sharing texts for awhile under assumed names as part of her advice column. They were already friends before they had even met. But will she trust him if he reveals their backstory?

I want to say it was nice and welcoming to read a “non perfect” heroine, but I’m don’t want to label her that way. I found Lucy delightful and charming, regardless of her depression induced crying, or her not being able to go shopping. All of us have felt overwhelmed at times or many of us have cried at the silliest of events. Life is messy and this heroine has the diagnosis to explain her issues but she also has a great supportive family that will love her no matter what. That is priceless and Lucy embraces them.
The romance is enchanting and Fletcher being enamored with Lucy feels comforting. The lack of openness on the secret identities felt contrived and unnecessary but the grand gesture made it worth it. A wonderful ending for a perfect pairing.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley. ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Mar 19, 2024 |
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"Guidance counselor Lucy Galindo works hard at being Harview High's Most Likely to Blend In. Between managing her anxiety and depression and having never found her place, Lucy knows she'd crumble at the center of attention. So when she spills boiling tea on the hot new teacher (in front of everyone!), it's a nightmare come to life . . . Aldrich Fletcher is having the worst first day: thanks to a clumsy (and well, beautiful) mystery woman, his pants are soaked; his ex-girlfriend is his new co-worker, and his estranged dad won't stop trying to talk to him. Thankfully, he can count on his online confidant, the wildly popular @TheMissGuidedCounselor, for advice: like how to woo Lucy, for whom he's falling hard . . . Only Lucy has a secret: she's @TheMissGuidedCounselor. And because her alter-ego is everything she's not-brave, confident, wise-Lucy's terrified of her two lives meeting. So when Fletcher realizes the truth, how can he find the courage to tell her-knowing it might end their growing romance? But for them to have a future, Lucy will need to realize she and her alter-ego aren't so different. Because loving yourself can be the bravest thing of all"--

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