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Villette (1853)

de Charlotte Brontë

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8,920146948 (3.86)2 / 543
With neither friends nor family, Lucy Snowe sets sail from England to find employment in a girls boarding school in the small town of Villette. There she struggles to retain her self-possession in the face of unruly pupils, an initially suspicious headmaster, and her own complex feelings, first for the school s English doctor and then for the dictatorial professor, Paul Emmanuel. Charlotte Bront s last and most autobiographical novel is a powerfully moving study of isolation and the pain of unrequited love, narrated by a heroine determined to preserve an independent spirit in the face of adverse circumstances.… (mais)
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Mostrando 1-5 de 146 (seguinte | mostrar todas)
I'm shaken with anger and amusement and joy and heartbreak at the ending, if you can call it that. All I can think is, "Lucy, you've got some 'splaining to do"!!! ( )
  johanna.florez21 | May 27, 2024 |
It pains me to say it, but I think that I may identify with Lucy Snowe more than any other character in literature, and thus, in many ways, Brontë herself. It doesn't surprise me that she shares my own Myers-Briggs type (INFJ), as Lucy is a forbearing, passionate character who suffers as a result of her own humility, and she deceives everyone around her in thinking her the strong, silent type who is completely content with who she is, when in actuality life for her is a miserable, never-ending torture. But she pushes through it anyway, never complaining, even when there's no hope and all her dreams are shattered before her. She won't go down in history, and few might remember her, but her effect she has on others' lives is beyond her comprehension. ( )
  TheBooksofWrath | Apr 18, 2024 |
The story delves into Lucy's life from the moment she stays with her Godmother as well as further guests. Later in Lucy's journey, she crosses paths with these guests and while in Vilette starts various relationships, both platonic and love. This is a lengthy and heavy book, exploring love and heartache.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. ( )
  Louisesk | Jan 26, 2024 |
I'm gonna have to recalibrate my rating system. This is a five star work!! I forgot how Charlotte Bronte can rip you apart. The storms! ( )
  RachelGMB | Dec 27, 2023 |
The story delves into Lucy's life from the moment she stays with her Godmother as well as further guests. Later in Lucy's journey, she crosses paths with these guests and while in Vilette starts various relationships, both platonic and love. This is a lengthy and heavy book, exploring love and heartache.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. ( )
  Louisesk | Nov 25, 2023 |
Mostrando 1-5 de 146 (seguinte | mostrar todas)

» Adicionar outros autores (160 possíveis)

Nome do autorFunçãoTipo de autorObra?Status
Brontë, Charlotteautor principaltodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Agricola, ChristianeTradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Benedict, HelenPosfácioautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Cass, KarenNarradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Cooper, Helen M.Notesautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Giordani, AndreaNarradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Giusti, GeorgeDesigner da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Haapanen-Tallgren, TyyniTradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Lane, MargaretIntroduçãoautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Lilly, MarkEditorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Lilly, MarkEditorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
May, NadiaNarratorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Porter, DavinaNarradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Pucci, Alfred JohnArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Reddick, PeterIlustradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Ritchie, CharlotteNarradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Rosengarten, HerbertEditorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Smith, MargaretEditorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Standring, HeatherArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Weston, MandyNarradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado

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My godmother lived in a handsome house in the clean and ancient town of Bretton.
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I believe in some blending of hope and sunshine sweetening the worst lots. I believe that this life is not all; neither the beginning nor the end. I believe while I tremble; I trust while I weep.
No mockery in this world ever sounds to me so hollow as that of being told to cultivate happiness. What does such advice mean? Happiness is not a potato, to be planted in mould, and tilled with manure.
“Do you like him much?'
"I told you I liked him a little. Where is the use of caring for him so very much: he is full of faults.'
"Is he?'
"All boys are.”
Life is so constructed, that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation
Besides, I seemed to hold two lives—the life of thought, and that of reality; and, provided the former was nourished with a sufficiency of the strange necromantic joys of fancy, the privileges of the latter might remain limited to daily bread, hourly work, and a roof of shelter.
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Wikipédia em inglês (1)

With neither friends nor family, Lucy Snowe sets sail from England to find employment in a girls boarding school in the small town of Villette. There she struggles to retain her self-possession in the face of unruly pupils, an initially suspicious headmaster, and her own complex feelings, first for the school s English doctor and then for the dictatorial professor, Paul Emmanuel. Charlotte Bront s last and most autobiographical novel is a powerfully moving study of isolation and the pain of unrequited love, narrated by a heroine determined to preserve an independent spirit in the face of adverse circumstances.

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