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The Rom-Commers (2024)

de Katherine Center

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25224109,780 (4.27)9
"She's rewriting his love story. But can she rewrite her own? Emma Wheeler desperately longs to be a screenwriter. She's spent her life studying, obsessing over, and writing romantic comedies-good ones! That win contests! But she's also been the sole caretaker for her kind-hearted dad, who needs full-time care. Now, when she gets a chance to re-write a script for famous screenwriter Charlie Yates-The Charlie Yates! Her personal writing god!-it's a break too big to pass up. Emma's younger sister steps in for caretaking duties, and Emma moves to L.A. for six weeks for the writing gig of a lifetime. But what is it they say? Don't meet your heroes? Charlie Yates doesn't want to write with anyone-much less "a failed, nobody screenwriter." Worse, the romantic comedy he's written is so terrible it might actually bring on the apocalypse. Plus! He doesn't even care about the script-it's just a means to get a different one green-lit. Oh, and he thinks love is an emotional Ponzi scheme. But Emma's not going down without a fight. She will stand up for herself, and for rom-coms, and for love itself. She will convince him that love stories matter-even if she has to kiss him senseless to do it. But . . . what if that kiss is accidentally amazing? What if real life turns out to be so much . . . more real than fiction? What if the love story they're writing breaks all Emma's rules-and comes true?"--.… (mais)

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This was a lovely romance with interesting situations, great characters, a person with TBI, and family drama. An uplifting book needed in this time when reality is just not fun. Screenwriting sounds like a really fun job. ( )
  shazjhb | Sep 2, 2024 |
This book is a heartwarming and delightful story of an aspiring screenwriter determined to prove that love stories are worth believing in—even to the most cynical of critics.

Reasons to Love:

The book brims with heartwarming moments, especially through Emma’s relationship with her father and sister, which adds an emotional depth to her character. Her journey of self-discovery is not only touching but also truly inspiring.

The slow-burn romance, filled with sharp, witty, and laugh-out-loud funny banter, builds up to a satisfying and feel-good conclusion.

I love how the themes of self-worth, perseverance, and the importance of following one’s dreams are explored. Plus, Center’s writing is both lyrical and accessible, making the book a pleasure to read!

Where it Fell Short:

First of all, that book cover! What is with that unappealing illustration and overly vibrant colors? I'm sorry, but it absolutely does NO justice to the beautiful story within its pages. Second, cancer or death in a romantic comedy doesn’t quite work for me. And finally, the tension between the sisters toward the end felt a bit overly dramatic.

This book is perfect for readers who love a slow-burn, no-spice, and uplifting romantic comedy. If you loved Katherine Center's The Bodyguard, you'll enjoy this one, too! ( )
  nadia.masood | Aug 14, 2024 |
Texan Emma Wheeler has spent ten years caring for her widowed father, who was severely injured in an accident. Emma has never married, nor has she had time to pursue her dream of becoming a successful screenwriter. Emma is torn when her friend and agent makes her an offer that is too good to be true—to relocate for six weeks to Los Angeles, where she will doctor a romantic comedy written by the award-winning Charlie Yates. At first, she is incredulous, since she has worshipped Yates for years, and cannot believe that this icon would want or need her help. In addition, she is reluctant to leave her dad with anyone else for so long. Ultimately, she decides that Sylvie, her younger sister who has just finished college, will tend to their father during Emma's stay in Los Angeles.

"The Rom-Commers," by Katherine Center, is a predictable but heartwarming novel that relies on the very clichés that cynics like Charlie Yates mock—such as the idea that two people who, at first, have little in common, can wind up being attracted to one another. We sympathize with Emma, who has martyred herself for reasons we will learn about later on; is not conventionally good-looking (her curly red hair is untamable); and who tends to blurt out whatever she thinks without considering the consequences. She soon learns, to her horror, that her job with Charlie—who treats her with outright hostility—is not what she anticipated.

As the days pass, Emma proves that she is far more talented than Charlie could have imagined, and the two bond over their shared passion for writing. However, there are obstacles that threaten to doom their collaboration. This book has several amusing scenes, as well as reflections about the importance of family life and the nature of romantic love. Although it holds few surprises, "The Rom-Commers is a diverting tale about the agony of loneliness and the yearning that most of us have to be loved, in spite of our imperfections. ( )
  booklover1801 | Aug 9, 2024 |
I like Katherine Center's books. Yes, they fall under romance and rom-com, in the land of meet cute, but dang it-- I had a meet cute 40 years ago, and the guy still makes my heart sing and we're still together. I like to root for others, too, knowing that there can be a future where love stays alive, where love grows and matures as do the people who share it. Ms Center has the knack of building a story around those meet-cutes, where just like reality, the soon-to-be sweethearts each have challenge, very real ones, that add obstacles in their life. To me, that is the heart of her stories, the true romance is how you grow to support and respect each other, to nurture and cherish your beloved.
So, to Katherine Center, thank you. It's been a lot of years now that I've followed your writing and enjoyed your novels, this particular one, included. The course of true love may, indeed, never run smooth, but it can be a lot of fun to follow. ( )
  bookczuk | Aug 3, 2024 |
Emma gave up a screenwriting internship which could have launched her career in order to take care of her disabled father. Years later an old friend offers her the opportunity to help the successful screenwriter Charlie Yates fix his romantic comedy screenplay. Since Emma's sister is now old enough to take over care of her father, Emma flies to Los Angeles for the job. The only problem is that Charlie doesn't want help, especially from someone with no experience, and he hates rom-coms. He only needs the screenplay to get funding for another project and doesn't care if it is any good. Emma loves writing rom-coms so she decides to educate Charlie about the importance of the romantic comedy and convince him to fix his screenplay. Like many of Katherine Center's protagonists, Emma is quirky and feisty. There is genuine chemistry between Emma and Charlie and their relationship grows in part because of their mutual love of writing. I enjoyed the humor in the book, although some of the storylines with her family were a little too whimsical for me. ( )
  SGKowalski | Jul 12, 2024 |
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For my dad, Bill Pannill,
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Logan Scott called just as I was making dinner, and I almost didn't answer because my dad and I were singing along to ABBA's greatest hits.
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"She's rewriting his love story. But can she rewrite her own? Emma Wheeler desperately longs to be a screenwriter. She's spent her life studying, obsessing over, and writing romantic comedies-good ones! That win contests! But she's also been the sole caretaker for her kind-hearted dad, who needs full-time care. Now, when she gets a chance to re-write a script for famous screenwriter Charlie Yates-The Charlie Yates! Her personal writing god!-it's a break too big to pass up. Emma's younger sister steps in for caretaking duties, and Emma moves to L.A. for six weeks for the writing gig of a lifetime. But what is it they say? Don't meet your heroes? Charlie Yates doesn't want to write with anyone-much less "a failed, nobody screenwriter." Worse, the romantic comedy he's written is so terrible it might actually bring on the apocalypse. Plus! He doesn't even care about the script-it's just a means to get a different one green-lit. Oh, and he thinks love is an emotional Ponzi scheme. But Emma's not going down without a fight. She will stand up for herself, and for rom-coms, and for love itself. She will convince him that love stories matter-even if she has to kiss him senseless to do it. But . . . what if that kiss is accidentally amazing? What if real life turns out to be so much . . . more real than fiction? What if the love story they're writing breaks all Emma's rules-and comes true?"--.

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