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The Cat Who Moved a Mountain (1992)

de Lilian Jackson Braun

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Séries: The Cat Who... (13)

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1,5111612,517 (3.49)25
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

After five years of legal formalities, Jim Qwilleran ha officially inherited freedom and a fortune, which leaves him with a serious dilemma. What should he do now? Seeking a place of peace and isolation to make up his mind, he heads to the Potato Mountains for the summer. But Qwill lands in the middle of controversy, not solitude. The mountains are haven to the independent roughneck descendants of Prohibition-era moonshiners. The valley is home to developers eager to turn the pristine Potatoes into a giant tourist trap. To make matters more complicated, a Tater, as the mountain folk are called, has been convicted of the murder of millionaire developer J.J. Hawkinfield. Some people swear the wrong man was convicted, and Qwill is inclined to agree when he hears what transpired before the trial. But if Forest Beechum didn't do the dirty deed, who did? With Qwill, Koko and Yum Yum on the case, the killer won't get away with murder.

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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
The trio is at it again, solving mysteries, but this time in the mountains. I really enjoyed Qwill's way of asking questions, prodding, charming and agile: one can definitely learn from his manner. The plot is thin and it's easy to guess who the culprit is, but it's the dynamics between the villagers and the setting that make this book a light, fun read.
Amateurs of the series will enjoy this one. ( )
  Cecilturtle | Dec 2, 2023 |
I guess it makes sense to move the action away from the same small town/northern county now and then, so it doesn't become a place full of murders, but sadly, the change of locale often means I won't like the book as much. Still, this one wasn't too bad. I liked the way Qwilleran sees both sides of an ongoing battle, meeting and talking talking to people with both points of view. The mystery was decent, though not quite as interesting as others in this series have been. Koko's antics that inspired the title aren't exactly new, though I did appreciate the play on words.

I recently read a mystery novel with a main character who had been a gangster in the past but was forced to change due to circumstances beyond his control. In that book, the MC's new life involved things he never would have done or cared about in the past, but it felt really forced to me. That made me notice all the more the way Qwilleran's changes in lifestyle and personality throughout the series have been a lot smoother and more subtle. He's certainly still himself, but also quite different from the man that used to live in the big city and write about urban crime. Overall, this was a good addition to the series. ( )
  Kristi_D | Sep 22, 2023 |
Fun mystery. Read in one day.
  kevindern | Apr 27, 2023 |
I love these books. I listened to a lot of them many years ago on cassette and it has been really fun revisiting them. George Guidall is an amazing reader and they are the coziest of mysteries. ( )
  alanna1122 | Apr 2, 2023 |
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Lilian Jackson Braunautor principaltodas as ediçõescalculado
Guidall, GeorgeNarradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
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A man of middle age, with a large, drooping mustache and brooding eyes, hunched over the steering wheel and gripped the rim anxiously as he maneuvered his car up a mountain road that was narrow, unpaved, and tortuous.
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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

After five years of legal formalities, Jim Qwilleran ha officially inherited freedom and a fortune, which leaves him with a serious dilemma. What should he do now? Seeking a place of peace and isolation to make up his mind, he heads to the Potato Mountains for the summer. But Qwill lands in the middle of controversy, not solitude. The mountains are haven to the independent roughneck descendants of Prohibition-era moonshiners. The valley is home to developers eager to turn the pristine Potatoes into a giant tourist trap. To make matters more complicated, a Tater, as the mountain folk are called, has been convicted of the murder of millionaire developer J.J. Hawkinfield. Some people swear the wrong man was convicted, and Qwill is inclined to agree when he hears what transpired before the trial. But if Forest Beechum didn't do the dirty deed, who did? With Qwill, Koko and Yum Yum on the case, the killer won't get away with murder.


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