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Romantic Comedy

de Curtis Sittenfeld

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1,1374118,300 (3.87)22
"Sally Milz is a sketch writer for The Night Owls, the late night live comedy show that airs each Saturday. With a couple of heartbreaks under her belt, she's long abandoned the search for love, settling instead for the occasional hook-up, career success, and a close relationship with her stepfather to round out a satisfying life. But when Sally's friend and fellow writer Danny Horst begins dating Annabel, a glamorous actress who guest-hosted the show, he joins the not-so-exclusive group of talented but average-looking and even dorky men at the show-and in society at large-who've gotten romantically involved with incredibly beautiful and accomplished women. Sally channels her annoyance into a sketch called the Danny Horst Rule, poking fun at this phenomenon while underscoring how unlikely it is that the reverse would ever happen for a woman. Enter Noah Brewster, a pop music sensation with a reputation for dating models, who signed on as both host and musical guest for this week's show. Dazzled by his charms, Sally hits it off with Noah instantly, and as they collaborate on one sketch after another, she begins to wonder if there might actually be sparks flying. But this isn't a romantic comedy-it's real life. And in real life, someone like him would never date someone like her . . . right?"--… (mais)

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I've read all but Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld and I've enjoyed them all so far.

I've been looking forward to reading this since it was published and my friend had it in her Little Free Library.

Sally is a comedy writer for The Night Owls (TNO), the live late night show (SNL I assume in reality) and her cohort and friend Danny, who's talented but average looking has a girlfriend who's a beautiful actress who starred on their show and it also seems that way for beautiful women who end up with these men.

Not surprisingly, she decides to write a sketch based on Danny's love life poking fun at this phenomenon while underscoring how unlikely it is that the reverse would ever happen for a woman.

This book was interesting enough but never got off the show premise which was fine since I learned a lot about putting on a live show and the schedule with the writers, producers, cast and guest hosts. However, there's a subplot where she likes Noah, the musical guest but it doesn't focus enough on it for me. I'm sure things happened once the show is over between them.

I just couldn't finish this book. It got mixed reviews as all books do of course. I was just disappointed that I didn't like it as much as I would have liked.

I had to read the epilogue as always and it ended the way I thought it would. No surprise there. ( )
  sweetbabyjane58 | Aug 19, 2024 |
4.5 ⭐️’s for me because it gave me all the book feels of 30 Rock! I have never actually followed SNL in a big way, but I enjoy the idea of absolute craziness that seems to come from live shows and appreciate the amount of work that must go into each and every sketch that is created; NOT an easy gig, but probably such a fun one? To top an interesting topic off with a really cute love story….well it’s Romantic Comedy! Enjoy! ( )
  snewell2 | Jun 24, 2024 |
This was fine, if a little forgettable. I did appreciate, that as a contemporary romance, Sittenfeld included the start of the pandemic. It feels weird to me when modern media that's written to be pretty much true to life, acts like the pandemic didn't happen (or that it's not still impacting us!) Sure, you could argue it's an alternate reality, but I think it's interesting to see how the characters handle it - and in this case it did impact the main character's jobs and how they interacted with each other.

Alas, I forget both their names already (no, I will not be looking them up), but I thought their emails back and forth at the start of the pandemic were charming. It reminded me of my own emails to my now partner (yes, I'm a sap.) I also appreciated the woman's anxiety and sometimes self-sabotaging snark (and actual mean-ness at times) because it felt very realistic, especially for a comedy writer on alt-SNL. I enjoyed the behind the scenes look at show-writing as well. I obviously have no real idea of what goes into making a show like SNL, but this book felt realistic enough for me to buy in.

I didn't find their actual relationship all the engaging. I do think the woman had some very valid concerns about dating a celebrity as a normie. But they navigated those pretty easily and I just wasn't invested in the "will-they-won't-they" in this book. And for those looking for spice, there are some sex scenes, but they're sparse and more focused on just showing what's happening than trying to get the reader hot and bothered, imo.

Anyway, it was fine. I prefer Eligible though. ( )
  MillieHennessy | May 26, 2024 |
I loved this book so much. It fits nicely in my reading niche: emotionally astute, witty, feminist undertones, a writer’s inner monologue—including all the usual neuroses. Reading this felt both familiar and fresh, felt like I was both in a place I’ve been and a place I want to be.

The structure is organized into three different acts, and I equally enjoyed all three sections: The first third takes place almost entirely in The Night Owls building in NYC where it felt like Sally, the narrator and later-night TV sketch writer, was a Liz Lemon facsimile in her own 30 Rock, working a regular week of preparing for the week’s late-night show. The second part of the book was all email correspondences between Sally and Noah, the famous musician and former guest host of TNO (the SNL-type show). I always love the inclusion of letters or emails; it eliminates all fillers, leaving you with just the relationship development. The last third takes place between LA and KC at the beginning of the COVID-shutdown—a surreal moment in recent history that allows for a surreal moment in Sally’s life.

If you like stories of writers who overthink things like the unexplainable rules of attraction, this may be the book for you. I personally couldn’t put it down (which is hard when there aren’t really chapters but more like 3 acts and you just want to get to the next chapter before stopping). This was a five-star read for me, meaning there’s nothing I’d change about it. ( )
  lizallenknapp | Apr 20, 2024 |
story is perceptive, funny and engaging from start to finish. the author approaches the discomfort and awkwardness of new relationships with a kind of maturity that has raised the bar for contemporary romances for me. so much so that i dont even care that there was basically 0 spice and i never say that. ( )
  ratatatatatat | Feb 21, 2024 |
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For beloved and funny C
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You should not, I've read many times, reach for your phone first thing in the morning—the news, social media, and emails all disrupt the natural stages of waking and create stress—which is how I'll preface the fact that when I reached for my phone first thing one morning and learned that Danny Horst and Annabel Lily were dating, I was furious.
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He smiled his big smile at us, and I wondered if his teeth were real or veneers.
"Okay, I need your advice," Danny said. "Annabel is freaking out because she just found out our signs are incompatible. Belly's a Pisces and I'm a Sagittarius."
"Oh my God," I said. "I can't even believe you've lasted this long."
My resentment about their relationship and the sketch I'd just pitched notwithstanding, I found Danny's unbridled love for Annabel sweet. Their sincerity and spontaneity and sheer optimism all seemed so misguided, so destined to fail, that how could anyone, including a cynic like me, not root for them?
It was shortly after Trump's inauguration, as our democracy started to unravel, that Danny took to calling me Chuckles. This was short for chuckle slut, which was the term for women who slept with comedians, and Danny bestowed the nickname after I told him I'd never once slept with a comedian.
every day, things were said at TNO, often on camera, that would have constituted sexual harassment in any other workplace except the current White House.
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"Sally Milz is a sketch writer for The Night Owls, the late night live comedy show that airs each Saturday. With a couple of heartbreaks under her belt, she's long abandoned the search for love, settling instead for the occasional hook-up, career success, and a close relationship with her stepfather to round out a satisfying life. But when Sally's friend and fellow writer Danny Horst begins dating Annabel, a glamorous actress who guest-hosted the show, he joins the not-so-exclusive group of talented but average-looking and even dorky men at the show-and in society at large-who've gotten romantically involved with incredibly beautiful and accomplished women. Sally channels her annoyance into a sketch called the Danny Horst Rule, poking fun at this phenomenon while underscoring how unlikely it is that the reverse would ever happen for a woman. Enter Noah Brewster, a pop music sensation with a reputation for dating models, who signed on as both host and musical guest for this week's show. Dazzled by his charms, Sally hits it off with Noah instantly, and as they collaborate on one sketch after another, she begins to wonder if there might actually be sparks flying. But this isn't a romantic comedy-it's real life. And in real life, someone like him would never date someone like her . . . right?"--

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