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Tau Zero (1970)

de Poul Anderson

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1,850559,482 (3.56)70
Aboard the spacecraft Leonora Christine, fifty crewmembers, half men and half women, have embarked on a journey of discovery like no other to a planet thirty light-years away. Since their ship is not capable of traveling faster than light, the crew will be subject to the effects of time dilation and relativity. They will age five years on board the ship before reaching their destination, but thirty-three years will pass on Earth. Experienced scientists and researchers, they have come to terms with the time conditions of their space travel. Until... the Leonora Christine passes through an uncharted nebula, which damages the engine, making it impossible to decelerate the ship on the second half of their trip. To survive, the crewmembers have no choice but to bypass their destination and continue to accelerate toward the speed of light. But how will they keep hope alive and maintain order as they hurtle deeper into space with time passing more and more rapidly, and their ultimate fate unknown?… (mais)
  1. 00
    Redshift Rendezvous de John E. Stith (Roberto1122)
  2. 00
    The Three-Body Problem de Cixin Liu (br77rino)
    br77rino: I put this because both books are what I would consider hard science fiction.
  3. 00
    Aurora de Kim Stanley Robinson (harmen)
    harmen: Both have similar events happening, but they are still different stories. Telling how they match would spoil either too much :) (I do think Tau Zero was the better of the two)

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There are obvious dangers serving on a colony ship headed for a potentially habitable planet. Will the crew manage the effects of isolation, zero g, and continuous existential crisis? What about the time dilation effects due to travelling at near light speed - can people cope with the fact that the planet they're leaving will experience decades of change in their 5 year journey? What if the planet can't actually sustain life - can you imagine having to go back? Even more practically: will you even survive the journey?

Tau Zero explores all these types of questions before grinning mischievously and throwing one last monkey wrench into the equation: what if the ship is damaged en route - not in a life-threatening way - and now can no longer stop? In fact, it can no longer even slow down; its crew is able to survive indefinitely, but time is dilating further as minutes on board the ship become centuries outside. They can't land, call back to home, or even make repairs, and the stars and planets and galaxies they're able to see outside their windows are looking ever stranger and out of reach.

It's a really cool idea. Tau Zero is a hard science (well, for 1970) sci-fi book first and foremost, but at many points throughout it feels closer to a post-apocalypse story. After the aforementioned disaster strikes, the crew of the Leonora Christine become survivors of a very personal apocalypse. The world they knew is gone in every sense of the word, and they themselves have become ghosts without a home or purpose.

The book excels when it explores these ideas, or when it dips into the poetic to describe cosmic phenomena, or when dives into paragraphs of big, crunchy technical jargon for the all the science work being done. It's wonderful scifi writing.

The problem is everything else.

A book detailing a disaster really needs to get the human element right. People should respond to it believably, which might mean some acting irrationally, others rising to heroics, still others falling into depravity or doom or hysterics. The drama and tension naturally arise from people overcoming their weaknesses, making tough decisions, and so forth.

But Tau Zero's characters aren't really people; they're barely even 2D cardboard cutouts. They wander from scene to scene expositing dialogue at each other, or saying their internal monologues out loud to advance a thread, or suddenly acting out of character because it's convenient for the plot at the time. There's very little conflict (the most physical it gets is a single fistfight over cards) and drama is often resolved with a handwave.

The dialogue is especially embarrassing. There are some scenes early on where characters are literally just stating their backstories to one another intermixed with current world history that would surely be obvious to them. It's the type of thing that'd get you in trouble with your 9th grade English teacher.

The worst by far is the protagonist. He's a military man, a cop-esque figure on the ship. But also he knows everything about space and astrophysics and chemistry and planetary colonization and can stand toe-to-toe with experts in their field in any scientific discussion. His arguments are always correct, and those who doubt him eventually regret their words and deeds. He's a better captain than the captain. He's a master manipulator, with networks of deputies and secret deputies and spies. He can pilot star ships better than anyone. He's the best melee fighter, the best at navigating zero-g, and the only one with a gun. He's also naturally handsome, rugged, and is worshipped by at least two women.

He's absolutely ridiculous.

It's such a shame, because I love so much else about this book. Though the science never really rang true to me, I still suspended my disbelief because it's explained so well. The premise is excellent, equal parts terrifying and exhilarating, and the tension it weaves throughout the book left my palms sweaty.

All it needed was a handful of characters who behaved like humans. Instead, we get these weirdos. You get the sense that Anderson viewed humans as an unfortunate necessity to write about a cool spaceship flight. I wish he hadn't even bothered and made the Leonora Christine an unmanned expedition. ( )
  MKMILQUETOAST | Jul 18, 2024 |
Story: 5 / 10
Characters: 7
Setting: 7
Prose: 5

An interesting concept: The first intergalactic space voyage destined to the most Earth-like planet identified. However, it is a hard science fiction novel. As such, the book is really about the science and simply does not focus on the story enough. P.Anderson does justice to the character emotions, but it isn't enough.
Interesting note: This is the extra-terrestrial version of Wells' The Time Machine. ( )
  MXMLLN | Jan 12, 2024 |
Hard SF problem story with problems that just keep coming.

Much like "The Admirable Crichton" this story follows an everyman- the "constable" assigned to an interstellar flight who effectively becomes the king, the leader as problems mount. Hard science - no FTL - and lots of detail which may bog down some. But Anderson does well to keep the action (and problems) coming. ( )
  mrklingon | May 1, 2023 |
La época es el siglo XXI. Los personajes son cincuenta especialistas, hombres y mujeres elegidos tras un largo y cuidadoso proceso de selección destinado a incorporar sólo personal particularmente entrenado en el viaje espacial y excepcionalmente apto para desarrollar con éxito una nueva colonia. La nave es la Leonora Christine, la más reciente de su clase. Y todos los esfuerzos están puestos al servicio de una única misión, viajar a través del espacio interestelar hasta un lejano planeta donde debe establecerse una colonia terrestre. Sin embargo dos años después de su partida, la Leonora Christine colisiona con una nube de desechos del espacio, se avería y la ruta se altera. Todos se ven irremediablemente sin fin hacia lo desconocido.
  Natt90 | Mar 28, 2023 |
Very very annoying. The women are written as essentially useless and existing for baby making (despite being experts in scientific fields). The rough domineering constable gets his way and is ever so heroic. And he gets to coerce people into behaving how he wants.
Frankly it is annoying crap.
I had heard good things about this but it was an utter waste. I was paging through quickly after the first half. ( )
1 vote eleanorg | Feb 15, 2023 |
Mostrando 1-5 de 55 (seguinte | mostrar todas)
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» Adicionar outros autores (13 possíveis)

Nome do autorFunçãoTipo de autorObra?Status
Poul Andersonautor principaltodas as ediçõescalculado
Edwards, LesArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Harman, DominicArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Hellegers, NeilNarradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Powers, Richard M.Artista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Taylor, GeoffArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Walotsky, RonArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
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Wikipédia em inglês (2)

Aboard the spacecraft Leonora Christine, fifty crewmembers, half men and half women, have embarked on a journey of discovery like no other to a planet thirty light-years away. Since their ship is not capable of traveling faster than light, the crew will be subject to the effects of time dilation and relativity. They will age five years on board the ship before reaching their destination, but thirty-three years will pass on Earth. Experienced scientists and researchers, they have come to terms with the time conditions of their space travel. Until... the Leonora Christine passes through an uncharted nebula, which damages the engine, making it impossible to decelerate the ship on the second half of their trip. To survive, the crewmembers have no choice but to bypass their destination and continue to accelerate toward the speed of light. But how will they keep hope alive and maintain order as they hurtle deeper into space with time passing more and more rapidly, and their ultimate fate unknown?

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