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Can I really trust the Bible?

de Barry Cooper

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2552108,393 (3.64)Nenhum(a)
The Bible makes big claims for itself. But do those claims stand up? Aren't the stories just legends? Hasn't the information been corrupted over time? Isn't the Bible full of mistakes? And isn't it culturally outdated? In this absorbing little book, Barry Cooper explores these questions - and many others - with warmth, wit and integrity.… (mais)

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I found this to be a great overview of some basic questions about the source of the bible. I was also encouraged by the reminder of the many passages extolling the value of the word of God. Though I'm really looking for a solid defense of the new testament canon, this was a good starting point to be sure I had the right theological framework. This would be a great book to hand to a new christian or someone who is considering becoming a christian, but doesn't understand why we put so much stock in one book. ( )
  Farawyn | Jan 29, 2020 |
I found this to be a great overview of some basic questions about the source of the bible. I was also encouraged by the reminder of the many passages extolling the value of the word of God. Though I'm really looking for a solid defense of the new testament canon, this was a good starting point to be sure I had the right theological framework. This would be a great book to hand to a new christian or someone who is considering becoming a christian, but doesn't understand why we put so much stock in one book. ( )
  Farawyn | Jan 29, 2020 |
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The Bible makes big claims for itself. But do those claims stand up? Aren't the stories just legends? Hasn't the information been corrupted over time? Isn't the Bible full of mistakes? And isn't it culturally outdated? In this absorbing little book, Barry Cooper explores these questions - and many others - with warmth, wit and integrity.

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