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This Is Not My Hat (2012)

de Jon Klassen

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Séries: My Hat (2)

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2,5773485,847 (4.32)31
A tiny minnow wearing a pale blue bowler hat has a thing or two up his fins in this underwater light-on-dark chase scene.

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Mostrando 1-5 de 347 (seguinte | mostrar todas)
This book cracks me up. I love the shifty eyed fish and how much is represented in this story without words. ( )
  knerd.knitter | Jul 19, 2024 |
The small fish steals the small hat that the big fish was wearing. The small fish thinks they have gotten away with it as they make their way to somewhere they can hide. But the big fish finds them and takes the hat back. This book would be good for a kindergarten classroom. It could be used to show the consequences of our actions.
  mwik21 | Apr 22, 2024 |
I wasn't the one to give this book to my baby grandson. But I wish I had been. The whole family loves this book: though it's conceivable that my grandson, at 5 months, may not appreciate the wholesome moral, that Crime Does Not Pay. Little fish steals the trilby belonging to big fish, and is perfectly sure he's got away with it. But he hasn't.

The illustrations complement the spare text. Look at the eyes of the big fish as he goes in pursuit of the little one. Laugh at the devious crab. Enjoy hunting through the reedbed for little fish.

This is a dark tale for a toddler. But I'm sure toddlers can cope.

Addendum, Dec. 2016: My grandson is now nearly 18 months old. We're all still hugely enjoying this book. So is he. ( )
  Margaret09 | Apr 15, 2024 |
I find this a very surprising Caldecott winner. The illustrations are lovely, very interesting and expressive. The story is strange though, why did the small fish steal the hat? What happens in the end, is he eaten? It seems a bit heavy for a children's book, and did not feel award worthy to me at all. ( )
  mslibrarynerd | Jan 13, 2024 |
Independent Reading Level: Preschool - 3rd Grade
Awards: Caldecott Medal (2013)
  vflore21 | Dec 4, 2023 |
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Jon Klassenautor principaltodas as ediçõescalculado
Keating, JohnNarradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado

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My Hat (2)


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This hat is not mine.
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A tiny minnow wearing a pale blue bowler hat has a thing or two up his fins in this underwater light-on-dark chase scene.

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Média: (4.32)
0.5 1
1 4
2 17
3 74
3.5 11
4 190
4.5 31
5 321

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