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Sausages: Mouthwatering Recipes from Merguez to Mortadella

de Paul Gayler

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Savory Sausagescelebrates those terrifically tempting meats we love to eat but often feel guilty about—even though they are more popular than ever before in the United States and worldwide. This beautiful book covers the full range of sausages, wursts, hot dogs and also cold cuts, while teaching the myriad of ways to prepare and enjoy this beloved class of comfort foods.   Top chef and author Paul Gayler explains the history of sausages, provides interesting facts about them, and describes the many different types available. He includes sections on making your own traditional sausages and learning how to cook them perfectly every time. Recipes are broken down by Breakfasts and Light Meals, Hearty Soups, Salads, Pastas, Fried and Grilled Dishes, Oven-Baked Dishes, and Braised Dishes, as well as Sauces and Condiments. More than 100 full-color photographs show each dish in its finished form.… (mais)

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Savory Sausagescelebrates those terrifically tempting meats we love to eat but often feel guilty about—even though they are more popular than ever before in the United States and worldwide. This beautiful book covers the full range of sausages, wursts, hot dogs and also cold cuts, while teaching the myriad of ways to prepare and enjoy this beloved class of comfort foods.   Top chef and author Paul Gayler explains the history of sausages, provides interesting facts about them, and describes the many different types available. He includes sections on making your own traditional sausages and learning how to cook them perfectly every time. Recipes are broken down by Breakfasts and Light Meals, Hearty Soups, Salads, Pastas, Fried and Grilled Dishes, Oven-Baked Dishes, and Braised Dishes, as well as Sauces and Condiments. More than 100 full-color photographs show each dish in its finished form.

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