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If I Were an Astronaut (Dream Big!)

de Eric Braun

Séries: Dream Big!

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354716,210 (3.42)3
If I were an astronaut, I would zoom into outer space! I would help fix the International Space Station. Dream big, and see what fun it is to be an astronaut.

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Independent reading level: 1st-3rd grade
  Akporter | Dec 6, 2023 |
The main character of this book is also the narrator. She is a girl f color, which I believe is important for children to see that more than just white men can become astronauts and scientists. The main character starts each page by describing things she would do and see if she was an astronaut. There is a lot of detail and vocabulary words. There is a glossary of terms at the end. I would use this book for effective questioning.
Ages: 5-8
Source: Mrs. Brown's Classroom
  Jessica5858 | Mar 2, 2018 |
This book is about the job of astronauts. I like this book because it has a glossary and an index so that children can learn the new terms that are in the book. The main idea of this book is that astronauts have a job that is unlike any other. ( )
  KaitlynOgaitis | Oct 4, 2016 |
not much of a story, but fine for space focused topics/kids ( )
  melodyreads | Nov 29, 2012 |
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If I were an astronaut, I would zoom into outer space! I would help fix the International Space Station. Dream big, and see what fun it is to be an astronaut.

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