Controversial Books for JuicyJericho

This page shows the most "controversial" books in this library, as measured by the highest standard deviation of members' star ratings.

Standard Deviation Avaliação média Your Rating Título
1.123 3.08 Funhouse de Diane Hoh
1.078 3.7 Snow de Caroline B. Cooney
1.039 3.45 Fog de Caroline B. Cooney
0.999 3.64 Fire de Caroline B. Cooney
0.969 3.75 The Phantom of the Opera de Gaston Leroux
0.953 3.82 Frankenstein de Mary Shelley
0.939 4.06 The Secret History de Donna Tartt
0.929 3.83 Oliver Twist de Charles Dickens
0.926 3.84 O Duque e Eu de Julia Quinn
0.925 3.89 If We Were Villains de M.L. Rio
0.919 4 O Retrato de Dorian Gray de Oscar Wilde
0.918 3.83 Treasure Island de Robert Louis Stevenson
0.909 3.39 Teacher's Pet de Richie Tankersley Cusick
0.903 4.26 Les Misérables de Victor Hugo
0.902 3.58 Wolf de Gillian Cross
0.894 3.96 Drácula de Bram Stoker
0.875 3.86 Plays (Penguin Classics): The Bear / The Cherry Orchard / Ivanov / A Jubilee / The Proposal / The Seagull / Three Sisters / Uncle Vania de Anton Chekhov
0.859 4.13 The Secret Garden de Frances Hodgson Burnett
0.856 4.25 Belas Maldições de Terry Pratchett
0.856 4.23 Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition de Anne Frank
0.852 3.8 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories de Robert Louis Stevenson
0.835 3.87 If it Bleeds de Stephen King
0.832 4.32 The Count of Monte Cristo de Alexandre Dumas
0.831 3.92 House of Many Ways de Diana Wynne Jones
0.806 3.82 Castle in the Air de Diana Wynne Jones
0.801 4.28 Howl's Moving Castle de Diana Wynne Jones
0.756 4.2 Yellow Star de Jennifer Roy
0.742 4.33 Alexander Hamilton de Ron Chernow
0.734 4.49 Hamilton: The Revolution de Lin-Manuel Miranda