
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
Dec 28, 2010
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
Concentrates in American and World history with secondary emphases in economics, investments, and finance, and science.
About Me
I retired from Bank of America in March, 2012, having most recently been a Credit Risk Executive supporting the various wealth management units of the company on the West Coast. I graduated from Hamilton College in 1967, worked as a writer/editor in the social sciences for two years, did graduate work in history at Washington University in St. Louis, earned an MA in History in 1972, and reached ABD status. I studied with John Murrin, JGA Pocock, and Rowland Berthoff, with a concentration in 16th-18th century (Colonial) North and South America, and the British Isles. However at that point, recognizing the trends in the humanities in the 1970s (and ever since), I switched to a career in banking and earned an MBA from Washington University. I spent thirty-eight years in banking, mainly in credit, risk management, and commercial and investment banking. As noted, I have just retired from this career and am thinking about my next steps, which may include a return to history in some fashion, as is evident from my library.
St. Louis, Missouri
Currently Reading