
Real Name
Paula Cappa
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
I read every day. I love the atmospheric mysteries of the master writers like Hawthorne and Poe, Daphne DuMaurier and Mary Shelley. My own writing is quite atmospheric and always has mysterious ghostly elements. Love Susan Hill's books, The Woman in Black!
About Me
Published short story writer/novelist. My stories have appeared in Fiction365, SmokeLong Quarterly, Twilight Times, Everyday Fiction, and various anthologies. My novel Night Sea Journey launched in October 2012. My second novel, The Dazzling Darkness released in April 3013. Both are supernatural mysteries. I write a fiction blog, Reading Fiction, Tuesday's Tale of Terror, classic short stories featuring 19th century authors with links to the full text. ( ).

My occupation is a copy editor, so I appreciate well written fiction.
northeast USA
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