
Aug 21, 2015
Real Name
Leena Pekkalainen
About Me
The books I have written so far are The Nephilim Quest 1: Shadowhunter, 2: Moon Daughter. The third book of the series in under work. My Space Witches -series begun as a NaNoWriMo nove.

I have also written and illustrated three books on ancient Egypt for children: Mr Mummific's "How I Became a Mummy" and "Mummies, Monsters and the Ship of Millions", and "Tutankhamon in My Own Hieroglyphs". Tutankhamon's book will be an official book for sale at the Tutankhamon's treasures exhibition on its worldwide tour of 10 cities 2018 onwards.

My author website is at

I learned to read on my own before I went to school and read anything I could get my hands on. I began writing stories almost immediately as well.

As an adult I made good on my dream of learning about ancient Egypt and received my Certificate in Egyptology at the University of Manchester in 2012, followed by the Diploma in Egyptology in 2014. I have a website, where I write about ancient Egypt with the help of Mr. Mummific.

I am also an artist - previously I painted mostly animals, especially horses, but lately ancient Egyptian subjects.

And my favorite pastime? Do you need to ask...? Reading and writing, of course.
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