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106+ Works 405 Membros 33 Reviews


Really good book. Kept me engaged and guessing. I struggled a tad to keep up with all the characters. Overall i wou ld reccoment this book. A short easy read!
AshleyPelletier | 1 outra resenha | Jun 19, 2024 |
Set aside a long afternoon for this action-packed, suspenseful cozy mystery in which the Snowman who had been targeting Detective Sarah Garland Spencer of Snow Falls, Alaska, is operating in Los Angeles, California, and targeting her friend Pete.

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Quakerwidow | Jun 10, 2024 |
Very good start for the series. I will be reading the rest.
nlb1050 | Apr 8, 2024 |
Set aside three hours for this laugh-out-loud contemporary cozy mystery set in Millpond, Maine where 5'5 Monica Brown has just inherited her Grandpa's house.

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Quakerwidow | Mar 26, 2024 |
A well-written cozy mystery and a quick read. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I look forward to reading the next one. Highly recommended for cozy mystery fans and murder mystery fans in general.
bagejew | outras 3 resenhas | Feb 28, 2024 |
What is supposed to be a Festival and romantic interests between characters, Rita and Rhonda are thrown into a mystery of murder and secrets when a blue van ruins the day. The story is descriptive and readers learn a lot about the people in Clovedale Falls.

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Louisesk | outras 2 resenhas | Jan 26, 2024 |
What is supposed to be a Festival and romantic interests between characters, Rita and Rhonda are thrown into a mystery of murder and secrets when a blue van ruins the day. The story is descriptive and readers learn a lot about the people in Clovedale Falls.

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Louisesk | outras 2 resenhas | Jun 20, 2023 |
Allow a LONG afternoon for this cozy family-friendly mystery set during the Pumpkin Festival in Clovedale Falls, Georgia where Natalie and Roger Knight have descended upon Rita and Rhonda as they are considering a double wedding before things get confused but do not read in public as chuckles will ensue.

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Quakerwidow | outras 2 resenhas | May 25, 2023 |
Allow an afternoon for this PG paranormal cozy mystery set in Wickrock Bay during November when Sterling Media has come to help improve the "branding" of the local businesses. 4 1/2*

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Quakerwidow | Nov 25, 2022 |
From a description of the book:
"Amid the tourist crowd and dinner plans, Margaret and Detective David Graham have another murder to solve: Who killed Christopher Partridge, and why? The suspect list is short, but the case is hot."

I listened to this book on You Tube audio books.

My first read by Wendy Meadows.
Margaret Nichols owns a candy shop she runs with her son. She get involved in finding the killer of Christopher, a friend of Simone who owns an antique store.
I gave it a 4 star but closer to a 3 1/2 star. I would have liked Margaret to be more involved with her parents; she does work well with her son and friends.
A fast read/listen and I will probably read more of the series and find the first book of the series even thought this was a good stand alone read.
mnleona | Nov 21, 2022 |
This family-friendly small-town cozy mystery is set in spring in Havenholm when developers are set on upgrading the town and takes less than three hours to read.

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Quakerwidow | Jul 4, 2022 |
Allow much of a day for this fast-paced cozy set in Snow Falls, Alaska starting in mid-November and ending on Christmas Eve with Sarah Garland Spencer and Amanda Hardcastle making two new friends.

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Quakerwidow | Mar 1, 2022 |
Spend a delightful afternoon reading about Tinsel Pine, Connecticut in January when the action of this family-friendly cozy takes place.

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Quakerwidow | Jan 26, 2022 |
This book starts out like reading one of those descriptive essays assigned in high school English classes but that was shaken off quickly and a solid mystery evolved. It was well written with characters that I liked established for upcoming books in the series and a location that I can never resist reading about.
whybehave2002 | Jan 2, 2022 |
Allow about two hours for this PG cozy blizzard mystery set at the Sheffield Bed and Breakfast in Sweefern Harbor when Brenda Rivers and Phyllis Pendleton decide to throw a party for their friends and, even though the B&B is closed, four outsiders show up.

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Quakerwidow | Nov 21, 2021 |
Allow about two and a half hours for this family-friendly cozy set in June in the small town of Wickrock Bay where Mimi Knotley is experiencing a new phenomenon.

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Quakerwidow | Nov 2, 2021 |
Set aside a long afternoon for this PG cozy which has Rhonda Knight driving Zach from Clovedale Falls, Georgia to Grayston, Alabama to visit his Aunt Lula in the winter.

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BarbaraHarrison | Oct 9, 2021 |
Allow a chunk of a day for this family-friendly cozy which takes place in autumn and includes the Autumn Festival in North Frost, Georgia as well as a trip to Atlanta.

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BarbaraHarrison | Sep 4, 2021 |
Set aside a long morning or afternoon for this family-friendly cozy which sees retired cops Rita and Rhonda Knight, accompanied by Billy Northfield and Chester, leaving their bakery in Georgia to visit the Hidden Winter Lodge in Maine.

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BarbaraHarrison | Aug 9, 2021 |
Couldn't really engage with the characters or the story. I expect this kind of cozy modern mystery is not for me. Though I believe readers who enjoy this genre will enjoy this book.
Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
After a painful divorce, Nikki has left her job as an investigative reporter, moved from Atlanta to Vermont, and opened a chocolate and coffee shop in the small town of Maple Hills, VT. Why Vermont? Well, she needed a change, and a small town in Vermont, in addition to being pretty, is certainly a change from Atlanta.

It's too bad that she's hardly opened her new shop for business when a man walks in, looks around and focuses on the older German couple she's speaking with, and walks out. No big deal, one might think. However, just moments later, Herb, husband of her assistant, Lydia, walks in with shocking news.There's been a hit-and-run, and the man who was just, briefly, in her shop, is dead.

He was also the former owner of the town newspaper, who had run poisonous articles about many of the well-off in the little community. Lots of people had reason to want him dead. And after some thought, Nikki thinks that perhaps they'd like a scapegoat not from their community. Or maybe, my theory, the ex-investigative reporter can't pass up the opportunity to do her thing. At any rate, she's soon investigating the dead man and his various targets. Along the way, she's soon meeting more of the locals, making both friends and enemies.

This is a light, quick, enjoyable story, without a lot of depth. For those looking for the "cozy plus food" the title suggests, might be disappointed to find there is no raspberry truffle, and certainly no recipes. I liked the characters--Nikki, Lydia, police detective Hawk Daley, and others along the way.

I bought this audiobook.
LisCarey | outras 3 resenhas | Aug 22, 2020 |
amateur-sleuth, bed-and-breakfast, law-enforcement, family, friendship, murder-investigation, novella*****

Basically the story is short but good, the narrator not so much.
A nice cozy involving a transplant to a small town on the New England shore who has inherited a lovely B&B with a reliable staff. She has a history of assisting with investigations so the local detective asks for her help in resolving the question of who actually murdered the most hated person in town. Good sleuthing is managed despite the short length of the book.
I was disappointed that the narrator had such a grating voice and the delivery was peculiar at best.
jetangen4571 | 1 outra resenha | Jul 4, 2020 |
I enjoyed this book. It was a fairly quick read and kept you guessing til the end. The characters are fun except for the one you love to hate. Love the beach setting.
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KathyC200 | Mar 22, 2020 |
This was my first book by Ms. Meadows but I wasn't overly impressed. It was a quick, cute read but the main character spent so much time thinking about her daughter's love life that it was very redundant. I am a mother and grandmother so I understand about fretting over your children but this was a little obsessive IMHO. I stuck it out and finished the book but it felt like the murder was an afterthought and the resolution was really quick and simple. I will have to read another of Ms. Meadow's books to give her a fair shake so I'll let you know what happens.

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KathyC200 | Mar 22, 2020 |
This is the 2nd book in this series that I've read. Unfortunately, I don't think I can take another one.
I had really high hopes but the mother/daughter relationship overshadows everything including the murder. While their issues may have been resolved it's too little, too late for me. I may have to try one of the author's other series and hope that they are better.
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KathyC200 | Mar 22, 2020 |