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Obras de Avishai Margalit

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A nicely done primer that introduces the average reader to the origins of over two century's of anti western thought. Insightful views into the habits and state of mind that have driven some the Wests most implacable foes.
skid0612 | outras 6 resenhas | Mar 21, 2024 |
Dit boekje bracht me enigszins in verwarring. Ik las dit onmiddellijk na ‘Oriëntalisme’ van Edward Said, het geroemde en verguisde boek dat blootlegde hoe in de Westerse cultuur een denigrerend beeld van het Oosten was ontstaan dat de bron en rechtvaardiging vormde voor kolonialisme en imperialisme. Met een titel als ‘Occidentalism’ verwacht je een uiteenzetting over de omgekeerde beweging, en Buruma en Margalit verwijzen daar in hun inleiding ook naar. En inderdaad: ze zoomen in op diverse historische voorbeelden van verzet tegen het Westen, dat gebaseerd is op een beeld van dat Westen als inhumaan, barbaars en zielloos. Los van de vraag of dit beeld klopt, is het inderdaad een vaststelling dat bijvoorbeeld Russische slavofielen in de 19de eeuw, de Japanse militaristische nationalisten in de jaren 1930-1940 en de huidige moslimfundamentalisten dat beeld koester(d)en en gebruik(t)en als verantwoording voor hun strijd.

Buruma en Margalit stellen paradoxaal genoeg vast dat die ‘Westen-haters’ in vele gevallen nieta alleen zelf voluit de Westerse technologie overnemen, maar ideologisch ook erg geïnspireerd zijn door Westerse denkers: de Japanners door het fascisme en nazisme, de moslimfundamentalisten heel dikwijls door marxistische denkkaders. Ze zijn zeker niet de eersten die die paradox vaststellen. Het anti-Westers verzet mag dan dikwijls voorgesteld worden als een teruggrijpen naar de eigen, oorspronkelijke cultuur, het is duidelijk door datzelfde Westen ‘besmet’.

Wat me erg opviel en bevreemde is dat Buruma en Margalit voortdurend de denkers van Duitse Romantiek uit de 18de en 19de eeuw opvoeren als bron van het Occidentalisme. En in dezelfde lijn noemen ze Hitler en het nazisme de ergste exponenten ervan. Pardon? Dat is toch even slikken. Want beiden zijn toch Westers tot en met? We zitten hier met een conceptuele knoop. Want het is duidelijk dat Buruma en Margalit Occidentalisme, haat tegen het Westen, op dezelfde hoop gooien als anti-modernisme, verzet tegen de moderniteit zoals die het eerst in het Westen vorm heeft gekregen. Uiteraard is er verwantschap tussen de twee en vandaar de verwarring. Maar het zou toch beter zijn een zeker onderscheid te maken. Dat zou op zijn minst al duidelijk maken dat niet alleen de Duitse romantiek de bron is van Occidentalisme, maar dat er ook in Frankrijk en Groot-Brittannië behoorlijk wat denkers en literatoren waren met reactionaire trekjes (Buruma en Margalit lijken zich in dit boekje wel erg anti-germaans op te stellen, een vorm van “Germanotalisme”?).

Dit boekje worstelt met een conceptuele knoop, dat is duidelijk, en vandaar dat het niet te verwonderen is dat een term als ‘Occidentalisme’ nooit is aangeslagen. Maar uiteraard legt het wel de bijzonder complexe en paradoxale kant bloot van de verwevenheid tussen haat tegen het Westen en verzet tegen de moderniteit, en de overname van modernistische/Westerse denkkaders. In dit interessant, maar toch te slordig geschreven boek ga je daar geen sluitende antwoorden over krijgen.
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bookomaniac | outras 6 resenhas | Apr 28, 2019 |
Avishai Margalit builds his social philosophy on this foundation: a decent society, or a civilized society, is one whose institutions do not humiliate the people under their authority, and whose citizens do not humiliate one another. What political philosophy needs urgently is a way that will permit us to live together without humiliation and with dignity.
Most of the philosophical attention nowadays is drawn to the ideal of the just society based on the right balance between freedom and equality. The ideal of the just society is a sublime one but hard to realize. The decent society is an ideal which can be realized even in our children's lifetime. We should get rid of cruelty first, advocated Judith Shklar. Humiliation is a close second. There is more urgency in bringing about a decent society than in bringing about a just one.
Margalit begins concretely where we live, with all the infuriating acts of humiliation that make living in the world so difficult. He argues in a concrete way in the spirit of Judith Shklar and Isaiah Berlin. This is a social philosophy that resists all those menacing labels that promote moral laziness, just as it urges us to get beyond the behavior that labels other human beings. Margalit can't be earmarked as liberal or conservative. If a label is necessary, then the most suitable is George Orwell's humane socialism, a far cry from Animal Farm socialism with its many tools of oppression. How to be decent, how to build a decent society, emerges out of Margalit's analysis of the corrosive functioning of humiliation in its many forms. This is a thoroughly argued and, what is much more, a deeply felt book that springs from Margalit's experience at the borderlands of conflicts between Eastern Europeans and Westerners, between Palestinians and Israelis.

A splendid book. It is serious without being ponderous, it is unassuming but ambitious, and it is engagingly unorthodox, both in its concerns and in the way it pursues them. At a time when the idea of decency appears in politics only in the mouths of politicians eager to keep sex off the Internet, it is a pleasure to come across an intelligent discussion of a much more serious subject, one that has had little attention from philosophers--how to build a society that doesn't humiliate its weaker members. -- Alan Ryan New York Review of Books [This] book explores the concepts of humiliation and respect and characterizes some of the central features of a decent society. What all cases of humiliation share in common, in Margalit's view, is justified feeling that the actions or omissions of another indicate that one is being rejected from the human commonwealth...A highly engaging and original book. The work is sure to be important for scholars with academic interest in the topics of humiliation and self-respect in their own right. It offers timely and challenging corrective to the philosophical community's obsession with the problems of justice. And it will be a stimulating resource for applied political theorists working on a variety of issues of cultural and social policy. -- Alan Patten Mind 20010101 Within philosophy much of the current thinking is in reaction to John Rawls' A Theory of Justice, where justice is the principle value to be striven for. In The Decent Society, Avishai Margalit, Professor of Philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, offers an equally wide-ranging analysis which would see decency as the primary goal...It is clear that to live by the story he tells would in itself transform our own society in ways likely to be recognized, and approved of, by many of the public house and tabloid philosophers. The state would need to adopt much greater responsibility for the condition the unemployed find themselves in; welfare would be in principle preferred to charity as a way of assisting the needy, but great care would have to be taken in its administration; in general bureaucracy is suspect, even where it is recognized as necessary. To tell the story of a decent society, appealing to the honour of your hearers, in the hope of motivating people to bring its realization about in the way that argument alone could never do, is the central goal of this challenging work. -- Paul Nicholson The Month Margalit's book offers a great deal...A decent society would have more books like A Decent Society. -- Alan Wolfe New Republic Arguably the most important book on social justice published since John Rawls's A Theory of Justice 25 years ago...Margalit shows that decency is a strong moral concept in its own right. A decent society strives to eliminate the institutional humiliation of its members, which robs them of their self-respect or control over their lives. -- Charles Leadbeater New Statesman & Society Margalit's discussion of these themes is full of deep psychological insight and philosophical precision. The book is a model of how philosophers, using only a fine attention to distinctions between similar-sounding moral terms, can help to clarify, and by doing so, purify our moral language. It is a noble addition to our understanding of what our political and moral ideals should be and it frees political reflection from the strait-jacket of pure rights talk. -- Michael Ignatieff Times Literary Supplement Within philosophy much of the current thinking is in reaction to John Rawls' A Theory of Justice, where justice is the principal value to be striven for. In The Decent Society, Avishai Margalit...offers an equally wide-ranging analysis which would see decency as the primary goal...That [the] experience [of humiliation] should be combatted is, in his view, one of the basic positions of any morality, not a conclusion that needs to be argued for. So he offers a wealth of illustrative example, from history, contemporary life, and literature. He also knows that decency is not enough--at a number of points he would favour a civilised society, one that for instance positively values cultural diversity rather than merely tolerating it. But if tolerance will avoid humiliation, and can be achieved, he is content to settle for that pro temps...To tell the story of a decent society, appealing to the honour of your hearers, in the hope of motivating people to bring its realisation about in the way that argument alone could never do, is the central goal of this challenging work. -- Paul Nicholson The Month [UK The Decent Society presents arguments in the rigorous style of British analytical philosophy about why no one should be humiliated. In an ideal world, we seek justice; in this world, we can realize decency, and the welfare state can help us to do so. To save the welfare state, we need to be reminded why we created one, which Margalit effectively does. -- Alan Wolfe Lingua Franca Margalit provocatively inquires whether a just society is also a decent society...[His] lucid exploration of decency includes insightful discussions of bureaucracy, the welfare state, punishment, and even snobbery...The Decent Society is a serious contribution to moral philosophy. Choice
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aitastaes | Oct 2, 2017 |
This is a nice philosophical book about compromises, particularly in peace agreements. However, even though it takes only 200 fairly short pages, the argument begins to wear quite thin in the second half of the book. The author states his conclusion on page 2: "we should beware of agreeing, even passively, to establish or maintain a regime of cruelty and humiliation". He rephrases it on page 67: "only crimes against humanity, which I interpret as crimes against the possibility of morality, should trump peace in all circumstances and should never be recognized in a compromise".

The standard format for a philosophical argument on this subject would be to first provide a theory of compromise and then explore its implications with well-chosen examples. The author takes care of the theoretical part reasonably well in chapter 2, "Varieties of Compromise", but the examples lack depth. He focuses almost exclusively on peace agreements in the second world war, particularly agreements with Hitler and Stalin. This example is worked from many interesting angles, and it allows him to think about compromises with different kinds of evil.

But I would have preferred a broader variety of practical examples. In the second half of the book the author tries to deepen his one example by discussing the clause "come what may" at length, and by reiterating that sectarian thinking, which by definition rules out compromise, is incompatible with compromise. This is not very interesting, and it doesn't add much to what was said in the first half of the book. I think a more varied palette of historical examples could have said more about how moral consequences can be weighted, especially in the face of uncertain information.
… (mais)
thcson | Apr 30, 2017 |



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