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"As the circle of knowledge grows, so does the circumference of question"

By Weird Haired Science Mothafucka (also known as Einstein)

I see it all the time!! Everywhere. Inept people who believe they are the bees’ knees. This is just liberal mumbo jumbo trying to trick me into thinking I ain't a stable genius!

I hate books like these. If Heinlein wrote dictums, so will I write my own when it comes to the Dunning-Kruger Effect:

- I’m incompetent and I know it.
- Never been bested - what's that make me.
- Leave me alone, I'm a legend in my own mind.
- Much easier to pretend to be competent than actually be competent.
- So idiots think they're smart, while smart people think they're idiots. No wonder the world looks this way.
- I thought about this often. Now I have a name for it (Dunning-Kruger Effect).
- I just always underestimate my abilities to avoid responsibility.
- I don't have pockets of incompetence. I am a pocket of incompetence.
- Incompetent people think they're amazing.
- Average people think they're not good enough.
- And competent people think that all other people are well informed just like them.
- Do I know a lot? No.
- Do I acknowledge that I'm incompetent at many things? Yes.
- Am I gonna do something about it? No.
- For the same reason that Dunning-Kruger think they're two genius to discover this, but they've only discover hot water.
- Nonsense. I am amazing!
- This is not true, you don't know me, I'm a really good driver.
- What if I'm both incompetent AND aware of it? That in itself is at least some competence since you (unlike someone with over inflated confidence) are aware of your limitations.
- Conscious incompetence.
- The thing is though, competency comes from common sense rather than intelligence. You can have a 200 IQ, but still be incompetent if you don't have those street smarts.
- Like I did know that I am incompetent and I know I'm not amazing. I feel attacked.
- I'm just gonna take a wild guess, and say.... Denial?
- I always think I'm the absolute worst in everything. Maybe I'm not human?
- My trophy says I was less terrible then everyone else. Or does that make me the worst at being terrible?
- So the next time you think you did good at something remember that you’re probably over estimating yourself and that you’re actually terrible?
- I guess, since if you're actually good you won't think you're good, you'll know it.
- If you really are good at something remember that there is always someone who is better then you, always.
- Man this is so wrong. I know all about psychology!
- I think I'm amazing at recognizing when I'm not amazing at something. Wait...
- I am so, SO unbelievably good at knowing I'm not good at stuff.
- I’m not good at living.
- I don't have this issue, people are better than me in every aspect. I know that maybe knowing that is my only advantage.
- I've found that I'm really good at evaluating my abilities. Probably one of the best, in fact.
- I'm gonna create an operating system! 3 minutes later opens scratch 3.0.
- That doesnt applay to me; I have an above-average abelity to percive my spelling skills.
- If I feel incompetent at everything does that mean I am okay at everything?
- It is hard to be objective and not use hyperbole and superlatives, good thing I'm in the top 5%.
- I am what you call an incompetent competent.
- Those scrabble tile values are way off.
- Fish is a bad tree climber, but it swims 5 times faster than you.
- I know enuff to know that theres more stuff to know enuff of.
- Can you be immune to this? XD Because I’m f*cking bad at everything even breathing.
- I'm always so over confident and I don't know anything.
- As was reading this book thinking I’m amazing at self-evaluation...... and then it hit me.
- I would give myself an A+.
- Is there such a thing as an opposite Dunning effect? Cos I think myself incompetent at everything I do!
- My answer to most of the beginnings questions IS "no" so, ...
- I know everything; if you knew everything, you'd know that.
- It’s funny because I think extremely lowly of myself.
- Knowledge is like a flame amidst darkness, the more it grows, the more darkness you realize encompasses you (In what way? If a flame is small the circumference is very small thus leading you to think there may not be much, but as it gets bigger so does the circumference which leads to you knowing the area of darkness which encompasses you is greater than initially thought.)
- We trust you with our plans and projects, and you come back with excuses and incompetence?
- Are you kidding me?! I'm the best! (*slips off banana peel than down a flight of stairs than shoots out of a window than falls and sinks in wet concrete*) That was just an example of what you should, eh, not do. Of course I could do better than that!" (climbs stairs again. Trips and falls) "I just had to make sure you know what to not do..............."

My Most Important Dictum: "We're dumber than we think we are."
antao | 1 outra resenha | Jun 28, 2019 |
Quite an interesting little book - details the 'Dunning-Kreuger' effect, as it is called. People tend to overestimate their competence at a task if they are bad at it, and underestimate it if they are competent. Well-documented and very interesting trend, and one that reveals some interesting insights into human nature.
HadriantheBlind | 1 outra resenha | Mar 30, 2013 |
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