Chat about... The Tempest by William Shakespeare

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Chat about... The Tempest by William Shakespeare

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Set 9, 2012, 10:32 am

So what did you think of The Tempest by William Shakespeare?

Was it sublime? Was it ridiculous? Any (virtual) throwing of books at the wall? Or did you feel compelled to read everything the author has written?

Discuss it all here! Spoilers abound, enter at your own risk...

Set 12, 2012, 9:20 am

Is it just me or does little or nothing happen in this play? Where are the battles and murders that I expect from Shakespeare?

Set 17, 2012, 9:22 am

It is a five act play....which had me afraid as Shakespere normally has 4-5 scences an Act. In this though it was i think 10 scenes split over the five acts.....

I agree that nothing actualloy happend. Basically Pospero planned everything, and it all happened the way he wanted!

It was suggested that Shakesphere meant this as his last play, so is Pospero Shakesphere inserted into the play, hence why it goes his way so easily!

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