
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
Mar 10, 2011
Real Name
Susan Haugland
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
My personal library or collection of books, pretty much consists of a lot of young adult supernatural, fantasy, sci-fi, dystopian, paranormal and urban romance novels. But, it also consists of historical novels, general fantasy, a small collection of biographies, some non-fiction, and some general fiction as well. As you can see, I pretty much read a great deal of everything, except romance where that's all the plot is and it becomes the main goal of the novel or Harlequin, which I personally feel should be burned, banned, and destroyed at all costs. Hey! Just my personal opinion. :)

With that out of the way, onto the next phase.

My public library is pretty cool, in the fact that if you can't find something you're looking for you can suggest that they order it and most of the time they actually do or they look into it. Also, the way it's set up, you're able to check out books from the library in the next town over (Sherman Public Library) through them and then you can return them through there as well and never have to leave the two. Yeah, it's got a pretty good selection of books and most of the staff there are willing to help assist you in any way if needed. :)
About Me
Just a girl living in a cynical world. Pretty much the underdog, but can be pretty ferocious when need be. I enjoy reading supernatural, suspense, a good amount of young adult, some romance (depends), mystery, historical, and other random books. Music is like breathing to me, it's a constant must in my life. General Hospital, I do not miss. That's what the dv-r is there for. The family and friends, they are important. But, my time to read, that's also valuable as well.
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