
read (57), fiction (53), the blue notebook (52), NLIL (28), science fiction (21), history (18), economics (16), sci fi (14), law (12), theory (12), american fiction (11), african american fiction (10), queer (10), biography (10), classics (9), memoir (8), political science (8), SF (8), embarassing (7), sf (7), greek classics (6), american literature (6), law school (6), philosophy (6), finance (6), loeb (6), graphic novel (5), queer fiction (5), french literature (5), greek (5), SCOTUS (4), poetry (4), business (4), reference (4), cyberpunk (4), french thought (4), ficiton (4), essays (4), african american literature (4), hippie crap (3), latin (3), post structuralism (3), new york (3), new age (3), anarchism (3), politics (3), washington (3), german fiction (3), fantasy (3), terrorism (2), music (2), development economics (2), beltway chatter (2), africa (2), business tell alls (2), left history (2), criticism (2), 73 (2), international relations (2), annales (2), self help (2), sports (2), globalization (2), american history (2), supreme court (2), embarrasing (2), european history (2), frankfurt school (2), development (2), african american (2), german literature (2), wall street (2), art (2), science ficiton (2), german philosophy (2), horror (2), constitutions (1), street art (1), afghanistan (1), american constitution (1), irish history (1), roman (1), american indian movement (1), traditionalism (1), public art (1), micro finanace (1), stencil (1), micro finance (1), english (1), clinton white house (1), nlil (1), koolhaas (1), illustrated (1), free jazz (1), ireland (1), non ficiton (1), african politics (1), holmes (1), brazil (1), left politics (1), H.P. lovecraft (1), annales school (1), mid east (1), scottish literature (1), the blue note book (1), schizoanalysis (1), atlases (1), sixties literature (1), irish fiction (1), african american ficiton (1), black panther party (1), 44 (1), finanace (1), Middle East (1), scotus (1), beat literature (1), intellectual biography (1), marathon (1), ecnomomics (1), impossible to read (1), civil war (1), decadent literature (1), Lebanon (1), constitutional law (1), satanism (1), SCOTUS biographies (1), post september 11th (1), patriot act (1), IRA (1), mid east politics (1), poetry in prose (1), propaganda (1), the blue botebook (1), third world marxism (1), third world revolutionaries (1), bike racing (1), john brown (1), global governance (1), economists (1), torts (1), irish republican army (1), indian literature (1), US governement (1), jazz history (1), rem koolhaas (1), beat fiction (1), british literature (1), atlas (1), sports nutrition (1), aesthetics (1), the right (1), walking (1), cointelpro (1), american left history (1), anarchist history (1), us history (1), lovecraft (1), intro books (1), mumia (1), modern fiction (1), world back (1), rome (1), FBI (1), out jazz (1), current affairs (1), lula (1), 77 (1), legal tell alls (1), 29 (1), letters (1), courts (1), anti-racism (1), death penalty (1), jazz (1), decadence (1), 10 (1), english history (1), 25 (1), free market (1), 27 (1), contemporary fiction (1), 75 (1), marxism (1), 20 (1), 84 (1), south america (1), military (1), 18 (1), russian literature (1), transgressive (1), irish literature (1), 42 (1), erotica (1), 30 (1), women's literature (1), identity (1), iraq (1), religion (1), french (1), literature (1), classic (1), 1 (1), irish (1), recommended (1), signed (1), ethics (1), war (1), 47 (1), nonfiction (1), science (1), 76 (1), political theory (1), 52 (1), hugo winner (1), 51 (1), 50 (1), prisons (1), 2 (1), architecture (1), trashy (1), 17 (1), writing (1), sociology (1), futurism (1), middle east (1), political economy (1), 80 (1), 41 (1), latin classics (1), art criticism (1), international trade (1), pornography (1), book collecting (1), dictionary (1), read the blue notebook (1), 86 (1), bush (1), 74 (1), poltical fiction (1), 81 (1), not very good (1), contracts (1), 68 (1), legal studies (1), palestine (1), read 45 (1), china (1), 82 (1), 70 (1), 78 (1), cultural politics (1), 71 (1), woodward (1), 43 (1), nutrition (1), oil (1), labor (1), 79 (1), existenialism (1), statistics (1), cycling (1), tour de france (1), 12 (1), 24 (1), 22 (1), travel writing (1), buddhism (1), abolitionism (1), 31 (1), italian fiction (1), grafitti (1), books on books (1), design (1), 46 (1), eastern religion (1), modernist classic (1), maddeningly smart (1), theoretical physics (1), not inderstood (1), 69 (1), 16 (1), aids (1), graf (1), things that were cool in the early ninties (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
Aug 27, 2006
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
My books are split between New York and D.C. I am slowly entering the complete collection from an excel sheet, but since I don't have the isbn's handy for most of these, its time consuming.

A note about the tags:
NLIL means no longer in library, these are books that I have read, but haven't kept.
"The Blue Notebook" is a crummy little spiral bound notebook in which I have written down every book I've read since I was 17 years old. Nerdy, I know.
About Me
I am a thirty one year old first year at georgetown law school. I've had a long interest in books and book collecting. Including modern fiction, radical politics in America, and more recently economic and legal books and atlases.
Washington D.C.
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