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G. Ballard (1), drinking (1), summer (1), cults (1), immigration (1), absurdity (1), Rainer Maria Rilke (1), guilt (1), television (1), anarchism (1), incarceration (1), southern gothic (1), copies (1), abortion (1), LA (1), observations (1), food (1), aristocracy (1), improvisation (1), surfing (1), ancient Greece (1), walking (1), copia (1), Alan Turing (1), totalitarianism (1), dystopia (1), Melbourne (1), whaling (1), Nazi Germany (1), work (1), tangents (1), UK (1), 1968 (1), momentum (1), Jorge Luis Borges (1), wetware (1), dependencies (1), Buddhism (1), Huddersfield (1), Ada Lovelace (1), hinge (1), freedom (1), Houston (1), Katherine Mansfield (1), ecstasy (1), rave (1), police corruption (1), breathing (1), recording (1), continuity (1), litter (1), utopia (1), recuperation (1), crosswords (1), John Carpenter (1), Henry Darger (1), littoral (1), intentional communities (1), UFO [of sorts] (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
Jun 22, 2016
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
occasionally i get these urges to tabulate my cultural consumption; to what end, i'm not really sure. tsun-doku & h o a r d are *mine* - the latter indicating that they've actually been read; WRK are work's fwiw; ILLS're inter-library loans; radar is books i'm aware of, seeking to some extent but that i can't face adding to something called a wishlist.
About Me
sporadically inspired to tag / MORE THAN SOMEWHAT DUBIOUS OF STAR RATING SYSTEMS / slowly realising - after thirty-something years - that if i don't like a book, i'm loathe to start reading something else & i just effectively stop reading. hm.
airstrip one
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