Real Name
Kathy Chatwood
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
I have read all my life and enjoyed it every day. The topics have varied, but now I really love mysteries. I am a big fan of the older authors such as Dashielle Hammet (sp), Georges Simenon, Raymond Chandler and even George Baxt. I do not like noir. I gave it a try, but we always know how it is going to end, even from the start. That may seem like a contradiction as some of these older authors have a dark streak to their writing. What can I say? I like certain authors and their stories regardless of how dark they may be!!!

I also like current mystery authors like Lawrence Block, James Lee Burke, Robert Barnes and Kerry Greenwood. I was very sad to hear about the deaths of Stuart Kaminsky and Robert Parker. I will miss their work as I know will many others.

Recently I have started reading some fantasy and vampire books. Some of them are very good writing. I also really like Jim Butcher and Simon Green. They are very talented and keep a reader engaged. I did not think I would like these works, but some authors have surprised me.

I like historical fiction; mainly English from just about any period of time way, way back to Medieval times but also enjoy Italian and French. I am a big fan of Shakespeare. My favorite is a Midsummer Night's Dream, and while I can appreciate the great talent in the work, my least favorite is Hamlet. A bit of angst is one thing, but really for hours and hours?

I used to concentrate on non-fiction history from Medieval thru the Tudors. Still enjoy when I can find a good book. History contains many mysteries; that is probably why I like it so much.

When I was much younger I enjoyed the classics; Greek and Roman. I also enjoyed Jane Austin and the Bronte sisters. I still go back and grab them off the shelves once in awhile.

There used to be lots and lots of books around my house, but I have given almost all away to library book sales. I still keep works by Walter Mosley and histories of great women rules such as Eleanor of Acquitaine, and particularly Elizabeth I.
About Me
I have recently retired, which just gives me lots more time to read!!! In the spring and summer I really enjoy gardening and I have neglected my yard quite a bit because of my work. I write grants to help people who don't have jobs get retraining. Or that is what I did in my career. And I hope to continue grant writing in retirement where I can be of help. It is rewarding and also fun!!!
Olympia, Washington

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