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Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
Mar 7, 2007
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
I decided to use a star system as a measure of impact that each publication has generated upon me and of course, that impact could be an emotional response at the time of entry. I am an avid SF and Fantasy reader, that said, I probably will not enter most of that collection, only the volumes that I find truly remarkable and have affected me on a personal level--ie: Dhalgren, Left Hand of Darkness, Canticle for Leibowitz (In fact, while entering books, I have been weeding my collection...basically, if I would not place the book on LT, I got rid of it). I have enjoyed reviewing each book again and when I decide to write a review, I will translate it to the Pig Latin.

***June 14, 2007: Alas, after entering approximately 1/3 of my collection, I decided to use a cataloging program that better suits my needs, therefore, my library listed on LT is incomplete and will not be updated.
About Me

Two book related maxims worthy of noting:

"A good book is the best of friends, the same to-day and for ever"
Martin Tupper:Proverbial Philosophy

"A book is like a garden carried in the pocket"
Anonymous:Chinese Proverb

A consolation to uncomplimentary people:

"The World is naturally averse
To all the truth it sees or hears,
But swallows nonsense, and a lie
With greediness and gluttony."


Sit iucundus tibi dies!
New York City
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Livrarias: Books of Wonder (Downtown), Chartwell Booksellers, East Village Books & Records, East West Living, Kitchen Arts & Letters, Librería Caliope, Malaprop's Bookstore & Cafe, McNally Jackson - Nolita, The Oscar Wilde Bookshop, Three Lives & Company

Bibliotecas: New York Academy of Medicine Library

Outro: The New York Center for Independent Publishing (NYCIP)

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