
Jul 12, 2018
About Me
I love to read: I like movies and podcasts and even some tv shows, but I can (and will) block those things out around me if I have a book I want to read.
I am interested in many subjects and love to research them, but I must confess, I am addicted to historical romance. From Shakespeare (and through his work, earlier authors), down the centuries to the present style, (M. Balogh, E. James, M. Hunter and several others presenting the best examples of this style), I MUST have my "mind candy". I love the sci-fi wonderland our world has begun to be, but I still (and forevermore) love hardcopy, a real honest-to-goodness paper book. I don't leave my house without at least one and have not since I first began to read. I work to support my family, so my opportunity to read is severely limited: I truly cherish the few moments in the doctor's office or on lunch break that I have to immerse my mind in the fun or emotional drama of a good love story (happy endings, even of an ironic nature, preferred, please, thank you...). I am always searching for the most well written and emotionally mature work I can find in this candyland, so I am open to suggestions from others who have a sweet tooth like mine. Peace and prosperity to you all.
