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Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
Nov 23, 2006
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
Contains only those books that I actually own
no CDs,
no DVDs,
no items snipped from newspapers,
no bus tickets or letters to the milkman.
Note to self
A - for finding books (cover, collections, tags, series, subject)
B - Bibliography (lquilter memorial view)
C - Crit - ratings and reviews
D - data entry - date entered, tags, collection, ISBN
E - Editing - Publication, CK

Rating system
★★★★★ top ten books can re-read often
★★★★.5 Excellent. Thoroughly enjoyable made me think/gave me quotes. Could recommend widely.
★★★★ Would recommend - author to watch
★★★.5 Good, engaging - will look for more by same author
---VFM above
★★★ Enjoyable but no strong author voice
★★.5 Lightweight - mildy enjoyable but forgettable could have not read this and not missed it.
---Bad value below
★★ Dull plot adequately written/interesting plot idea wasted
★.5 Sloppily written and/or derivative plot
★ Could not finish
0.5 Trash - could not get past second chapter
unrated - too damn lazy
About Me
I can generally recall a book when seeing the cover so I will scan covers and edit with GIMP when LT doesn't contain anything similar. The picture to the right is one of my uploaded scans.
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Atlanta, GA
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