
France (323), USA (100), borrowed from work (94), UK (42), Japan (35), favourite authors (33), borrowed from Mum (26), club lecture (20), borrowed from library (18), BD (18), summer readings 2009 (16), read in 2005 (15), Québec (15), summer readings 2010 (15), Paris (14), cooking (13), summer readings 2008 (13), Tahiti (13), les belles couv de Zulma (12), summer readings 2012 (12), summer readings 2011 (11), rentrée littéraire 2012 (11), summer readings 2013 (11), Iceland (10), borrowed from Florence Cl. (10), borrowed from P7 (10), bought in London (10), summer readings 2007 (9), rentrée littéraire septembre 2009 (9), borrowed from La Patate (9), rentrée littéraire 2011 (9), rentrée littéraire 2013 (9), Denmark (9), New Zealand (8), FF7 (8), rentrée littéraire septembre 2010 (8), summer readings 2015 (8), scpo readings (8), rentrée littéraire 2008 (7), Salon du livre de Paris 2009 (7), present from Mum (7), Sweden (7), FF5 (7), Quebec (7), borrowed from Sébastien P. (6), prix littéraire (6), FF3 (6), present from P7 (6), FF9 (6), Islande (5), FF4 (5), read in january 2006 (5), favourite books (5), Salon du livre de Paris 2011 (5), read in september 2005 (5), borrowed from Guiom (5), Salon du livre de Paris 2012 (5), read in 2006 (4), borrowed from Fanny B. (4), blog (4), Summer readings 2016 (4), Salon du livre de Paris 2007 (4), rentrée littéraire janvier 2009 (4), borrowed from Sylvie (4), Lisboa (4), mission Stendhal (4), rentrée littéraire 2007 (4), Italy (4), FF11 (4), bought in Noirmoutier (Trait d'union bookshop) (4), read in july 2005 (4), borrowed from Noémie D. (4), Spain (4), read in october 2005 (3), borrowed from work (BS) (3), present from Geoffroy (3), borrowed from work (SP) (3), Xmas present (3), borrowed from Cécile (3), Portugal (3), Italie (3), read in august 2005 (3), Iran (3), read in november 2005 (2), Germany (2), not read yet (2), Colombia (2), Finland (2), Photo (2), Le Temps des livres bookshop (2), FF2 (2), 26th birthday present (Cécile) (2), Salon du livre de Paris 2010 (2), Chicago (2), commande Librest (2), borrowed from Marianne MV (2), Australia (2), bought in Québec (2), FF1 (2), guide book (2), premier roman (2), travel (2), Salon du livre de Paris 2013 (2), Xmas present 2008 (papy and mamie) (2), adpf (2), present from Laurence B. (2), beat generation (2), bought in Montréal (2), prêté à Christophe R. (2), Chili (2), read in may 2006 (2), travel literature (2), FF8 (2), rentrée littéraire 2016 (2), 26th birthday present (2), FF10 (2), Canada (2), children's books (2), 36th birthday present (Mum) (2), read in february 2006 (2), to be re-read (2), Cookbook (2), chick lit (2), read in december 2005 (2), Cooking (2), borrowed from NP (2), India (2), bought in Wellington February 2012 (1), catalogue d'expo (1), borrowed from Valérie D. (1), prix Fémina 2010 (1), 31th birthday present (P7) (1), 30th birthday present (P7) (1), Peru (1), Xmas present 2012 (mum and dad) (1), poetry (1), borrowed from Vincent M. (1), borrowed from Phil (1), New York (1), borrowed from Céline LC (1), present from Bertille D. (1), bought in La Rochelle (2011) (1), librairie Trait d'union (Noirmoutier) (1), borrowed from Armelle (1), commande librest (1), Xmas present 2011 (Guiom et Arnould) (1), borrowed from Stéphan-Éloïse G. (1), édition (1), usa (1), borrowed from Marianne (1), prix Goncourt des lycéens 2015 (1), rentrée littéraire 2015 (1), teen lit (1), borrowed from Alexandra V. (1), 36th birthday present (Arnould) (1), Bought in Sydney november 2016 (1), prix Interallié 2015 (1), prix Femina étranger 2013 (1), prix du roman Fnac 2015 (1), BU IUT Charlemagne (1), prix des libraires BD Angoulême 2018 (1), borrowed from Alex (1), rentrée littéraire janvier 2019 (1), present (1), prix Renaudot 2015 (1), borrowed from Jacques FdF (1), borrowed from Laetitia F. (1), Prix Renaudot 2012 (1), Present from Cécile MP (1), to buy (1), prix du roman fnac 2013 (1), villa Kujuyama (1), Xmas present 2013 (Clo) (1), Xmas present 2013 (Arnould) (1), borrowed from Guillaume F. (1), present from Fanny (35th birthday) (1), Fauve d'Angoulème 2014 (1), read in Tahiti (1), borrowed from Alain C. (1), Nobel Price 2014 (1), Ireland (1), "Le Goût de..." (1), borrowed from L'Opoa Beach Hôtel (Raiatea) (1), cormic strips (1), rentrée littéraire 2010 (1), bought at I love my blender bookshop (1), borrowed from Mom and Dad (1), Salon du livre de Paris 2008 (1), read in Quebec (1), French Polynesia (1), borrowed from JP (1), 27th birthday present (mamie and papy) (1), bibliothèque idéale (1), Bd (1), challenge ABC 2008 (1), OuLiPo (1), borrowed from Klo (1), Argentina (1), spring semester 2001 (1), Mizzou (1), borrowed from Nathalie Ph. (1), Suisse (1), read once a year (1), Roumanie (1), borrowed from Béatrice (1), borrowed from Muriel (1), read in 2001 (1), borrowed from Rashid (1), Barcelona (1), Romania (1), (1), Russia (1), read in 2004 (1), Hawaii (1), Pérou (1), Mexico (1), borrowed from Sarah (1), maternité (1), read in june 2006 (1), book to buy (1), music (1), 30th birthday present (Phil) (1), read in Lausanne (1), Coffee table book (1), anthologie (1), borrowed from Céline (1), éducation (1), FF12 (1), Xmas present 2009 (papy and mamie) (1), FF6 (1), 30th birthday present (Laurence B.) (1), Prix Nobel de littérature (1), prix Femina 2008 (1), bought in Iceland (1), Belgium (1), nouvelles (1), borrowed from Clo (1), Xmas present 2009 (Phil) (1), essais (1), read in march 2006 (1), Popular Penguins (1), borrowed from the home we rent in L'Herbaudière (1), short stories (1), challenge ABC 2009 (1), read in NZ (1), Haiti (1), present from Florence Cl. (1), Xmas present 2009 (mum and dad) (1), bought in Brussels (1), borrowed from PdS (1), Cuba (1), Espagna (1), birthday present (1), Xmas present 2009 (mum) (1), classics (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de Etiquetas
May 29, 2006
Sobre Minha Biblioteca
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